Java Utililty Methods Time Different

List of utility methods to do Time Different


The list of methods to do Time Different are organized into topic(s).


doublecalculateExecutionTimeDiff(String startDate, String endDate)
calculate Execution Time Diff
Date start = null;
Date end = null;
startDate = startDate.replace(" ", " ");
endDate = endDate.replace(" ", " ");
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
try {
    start = formatter.parse(startDate);
    end = formatter.parse(endDate);
DatecreateDate(String strDate, int[] timeDiff, boolean plusDiff)
Returns a date with a string of yyyy-MM-ssThh:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-ssThh:mm.
try {
    int year = Integer.parseInt(strDate.substring(0, 4));
    if (strDate.charAt(4) != '-') {
        throw new ParseException("Invalid Date Format", 0);
    int month = Integer.parseInt(strDate.substring(5, 7)) - 1;
    if (strDate.charAt(7) != '-') {
        throw new ParseException("Invalid Date Format", 0);
intdiffTime(String sTime, String fTime, String Dateformat1)
diff Time
SimpleDateFormat myFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(Dateformat1);
java.util.Date stime = myFormatter.parse(sTime);
java.util.Date ftime = myFormatter.parse(fTime);
int second = (int) ((ftime.getTime() - stime.getTime()) / 1000);
return second;
DategetDiffDateTime(int diff)
get Diff Date Time
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.setTime(new Date());
c.add(Calendar.DATE, diff);
return c.getTime();
longgetDifferent(final Date timeFrom, final Date timeTo)
Gets the different.
final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
final Date date = format.parse(timeFrom.toString());
final Date date2 = format.parse(timeTo.toString());
final long difference = (date2.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000 / 60;
return difference;
longgetDiffTime(Date beforeTime, Date afterTime)
get Diff Time
try {
    String beforeTimeStr = FORMAT_HMS.format(beforeTime);
    String afterTimeStr = FORMAT_HMS.format(afterTime);
    Date bTime = parseTime(beforeTimeStr);
    Date aTime = parseTime(afterTimeStr);
    long diff = aTime.getTime() - bTime.getTime();
    return diff;
} catch (Exception e) {
StringgetDiffTime(long startTime)
get Diff Time
return NUMBER_FORMAT.format((System.nanoTime() - startTime) * 0.000001) + " ms";
int[]getDiffTime(String strDate, int idx)
Returns the difference portion of a date string.
String strDiff = strDate.substring(idx + 1, strDate.length() - 1);
int[] diffArray = new int[2];
int colonIdx = strDiff.indexOf(':');
if (colonIdx == -1) {
    throw new ParseException("Invalid Date Format", 0);
try {
    diffArray[0] = Integer.parseInt(strDiff.substring(0, colonIdx));
StringgetFormattedTimeWithDiff(DateFormat dateFormat, long finishTime, long startTime)
Formats time in ms and appends difference (finishTime - startTime) as returned by formatTimeDiff().
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (0 != finishTime) {
    buf.append(dateFormat.format(new Date(finishTime)));
    if (0 != startTime) {
        buf.append(" (" + formatTimeDiff(finishTime, startTime) + ")");
return buf.toString();
longgetTimeDiff(String start, String end, String format, int timeDiff)
get time diff between start and end using format
try {
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
    Date d1 = dateFormat.parse(start);
    Date d2 = dateFormat.parse(end);
    return ((d1.getTime() - d2.getTime()) / timeDiff);
} catch (ParseException e) {
    throw new IOException("can't parse date, start:" + start + " end:" + end);