Java TimeUnit Usage formatMillisecs(long lMillisecs, final boolean bWantMSecs)

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format Millisecs


Creative Commons License


public static String formatMillisecs(long lMillisecs, final boolean bWantMSecs) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/* ****************************************************************************
 *   @author Lee Neuse (
 *   @since 1.0/*from w w  w.  j a v a2s.  co m*/
 *   ---------------------------- [License] ----------------------------------
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import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class Main {
    /** Number of milliseconds in 1 second. */
    public static final long MILLISECONDS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1L);

    public static String formatMillisecs(long lMillisecs, final boolean bWantMSecs) {
        if (lMillisecs <= 0L)
            return bWantMSecs ? "00:00.000" : "00:00";
        **  CODE
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //  Hours
        final int iHours = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(lMillisecs);

        if (iHours > 0) {
            lMillisecs -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(iHours);

            if (sb.length() > 0)
                sb.append(' ');

            sb.append(String.format("%,d:", iHours));
        //  Minutes
        final int iMinutes = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(lMillisecs);

        if (iMinutes > 0) {
            assert iMinutes < 60;

            lMillisecs -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(iMinutes);
            sb.append(String.format("%02d:", iMinutes));
        } else
        //  Seconds
        final int iSeconds = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(lMillisecs);

        if (iSeconds > 0) {
            assert iSeconds < 60;

            lMillisecs -= TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(iSeconds);
            sb.append(String.format("%02d", iSeconds));
        } else
        //  Milliseconds
        if (bWantMSecs) {
            assert lMillisecs < MILLISECONDS;

            if (lMillisecs > 0L)
                sb.append(String.format(".%03d", lMillisecs));

        return sb.toString();


  1. formatInterval(final long l)
  2. formatMillis(final long millis)
  3. formatMillis(final long millis)
  4. formatMillis(long millis)
  5. formatMillis(long millis)
  6. formatMillisIntoMinutesAndSeconds(long millis)
  7. formatMs(long millis)
  8. formatSeconds(int seconds)
  9. formatTime(long time)