Java Utililty Methods URL is Absolute

List of utility methods to do URL is Absolute


The list of methods to do URL is Absolute are organized into topic(s).


StringgetAbsoluteUrl(String base_url, String rel_url)
get Absolute Url
URL base = new URL(base_url);
URL abs = new URL(base, rel_url);
return abs.toString();
URLgetAbsoluteURL(String baseUrl, String url)
get Absolute URL
try {
    return new URL(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    try {
        return new URL(appendPath(baseUrl, url));
    } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
        throw e;
StringgetAbsoluteURL(String baseURLString, String relURlString)
get Absolute URL
try {
    URL baseURL = new URL(baseURLString);
    String url = baseURL.getProtocol() + "://" + baseURL.getHost() + ":" + baseURL.getPort()
            + toRelativeURL(relURlString);
    return url;
} catch (IOException e) {
    return "";
StringgetAbsoluteURL(String relativeURL, String baseURL)
get Absolute URL
if (relativeURL.equals("")) {
    return "";
} else {
    URL url;
    try {
        url = new URL(relativeURL);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
URLgetAbsoluteURL(String url, URL base)
interprets url w.r.t base and returns the corresponding absolute URL (only if url is indeed a relative URL ; returns the original url otherwise)
URL res = null;
if (url.startsWith("http:") || url.startsWith("file:") || url.startsWith("ftp:")) {
    try {
        res = new URL(url);
        return res;
    } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
        System.err.println("Error:Utils.getAbsoluteURL():malformed URL: " + url);
URLgetAbsoluteUrl(URL baseUrl, String relativeUrl)
get Absolute Url
if (isAbsolute(relativeUrl)) {
    return new URL(relativeUrl);
return new URL(baseUrl, relativeUrl);
StringgetAbsoluteUrlFromFile(final String file)
Converts a file String to a valid URL String.
Example: index.html converts to file://C:/path/to/file/index.html.
if (file == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must not be null");
final URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(file);
if (url == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("url from file=" + file + " is null");
return url.toString();
StringgetAbsoluteUrlPathFromFile(String file)
Removes file name from URL string
String url = getAbsoluteUrlFromFile(file);
return url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
booleanisAbsolute(String uri)
is Absolute
if (isWindowsDrive(uri)) {
    return true;
} else if (hasScheme(uri)) {
    uri = chopScheme(uri);
if (startsWith(uri, LINUX_FILE_SEP) || startsWith(uri, WIN_FILE_SEP) || isWindowsDrive(uri)) {
    return true;
return false;
booleanisAbsolute(String uri)
is Absolute
int colon = uri.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 1)
    return false;
return true;