Java Utililty Methods XHTML Process

List of utility methods to do XHTML Process


The list of methods to do XHTML Process are organized into topic(s).


booleanhasHTMLFocusOrBlurMethod(Node node)
has HTML Focus Or Blur Method
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement))
    return false;
return (node instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) || (node instanceof HTMLInputElement)
        || (node instanceof HTMLSelectElement) || (node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement);
booleanisHTMLOptionOfSelectMultiple(Node option)
is HTML Option Of Select Multiple
if (!(option instanceof HTMLOptionElement))
    return false; 
Node parent = option.getParentNode();
return isHTMLSelectMultiple(parent);
booleanisHTMLSelectMultiple(Node node)
is HTML Select Multiple
if (!(node instanceof HTMLSelectElement))
    return false;
Element elem = (Element) node;
return elem.hasAttribute("multiple");
booleanisHTMLTextAreaOrInputTextBox(Node node)
is HTML Text Area Or Input Text Box
if (node instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)
    return true;
else if (isHTMLInputTextBox(node))
    return true;
    return false;