Java Utililty Methods xor

List of utility methods to do xor


The list of methods to do xor are organized into topic(s).


longxor(long x, long y)
return x ^ y;
shortxor(short b1, short b2)
return (short) (b1 ^ b2);
Stringxor(String key, String input)
Simple XOR encryption
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
    output.append((char) (input.charAt(i) ^ key.charAt(i % key.length())));
return output.toString();
Txor(T l1, T l2)
boolean xor = l1 == null ^ l2 == null;
if (xor) {
    return l1 == null ? l2 : l1;
return null;
voidxor32(byte[] a, short aOffset, byte[] b, short bOffset, byte[] result, short offset)
result[offset] = (byte) (a[aOffset] ^ b[bOffset]);
result[(short) (offset + 1)] = (byte) (a[(short) (aOffset + 1)] ^ b[(short) (bOffset + 1)]);
result[(short) (offset + 2)] = (byte) (a[(short) (aOffset + 2)] ^ b[(short) (bOffset + 2)]);
result[(short) (offset + 3)] = (byte) (a[(short) (aOffset + 3)] ^ b[(short) (bOffset + 3)]);
longxorFolding(final long hash, final int shift)
xor Folding
final long mask = (1L << shift) - 1L;
if (shift < 16) {
    return ((hash >> shift) ^ hash) & mask;
} else {
    return (hash >> shift) ^ (hash & mask);
voidxorInPlace(byte[] source, int sourceOffset, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset, int size)
xor In Place
xor(destination, destinationOffset, source, sourceOffset, destination, destinationOffset, size);
voidxorInt64OverBytesLE(long val, byte[] data, int ofs)
xor Int Over Bytes LE
int tmp = (int) val;
data[ofs] ^= tmp;
data[ofs + 1] ^= tmp >>> 8;
data[ofs + 2] ^= tmp >>> 16;
data[ofs + 3] ^= tmp >>> 24;
tmp = (int) (val >>> 32);
data[ofs + 4] ^= tmp;
data[ofs + 5] ^= tmp >>> 8;
voidXORInto(byte[] dest, byte[] src)
Utility function to XOR two byte arrays
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
    dest[i] ^= src[i];
voidxorLong(byte[] aBuffer, int aOffset, long aValue)
xor Long
aBuffer[aOffset] ^= (byte) aValue;
aBuffer[aOffset + 1] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 8);
aBuffer[aOffset + 2] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 16);
aBuffer[aOffset + 3] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 24);
aBuffer[aOffset + 4] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 32);
aBuffer[aOffset + 5] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 40);
aBuffer[aOffset + 6] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 48);
aBuffer[aOffset + 7] ^= (byte) (aValue >>> 56);