Scales image by mixing pixels to the scaled image. - Java 2D Graphics

Java examples for 2D Graphics:BufferedImage Scale


Scales image by mixing pixels to the scaled image.

Demo Code

import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;

public class Main{
    /**//from   w w w . j a  v a 2 s .c o  m
     * Scales image by mixing pixels to the scaled image. Works best with down scaling.
     * @return Returns scaled image
    private static Image pixelMixing(Image original, int newWidth,
            int newHeight) {
        int[] rawInput = new int[original.getHeight() * original.getWidth()];
        original.getRGB(rawInput, 0, original.getWidth(), 0, 0,
                original.getWidth(), original.getHeight());

        int[] rawOutput = new int[newWidth * newHeight];

        int oWidth = original.getWidth();
        int[] oX16 = new int[newWidth + 1];
        for (int newX = 0; newX <= newWidth; newX++) {
            oX16[newX] = ((newX * oWidth) << 4) / newWidth;

        int[] oXStartWidth = new int[newWidth];
        int[] oXEndWidth = new int[newWidth];
        for (int newX = 0; newX < newWidth; newX++) {
            oXStartWidth[newX] = 16 - (oX16[newX] % 16);
            oXEndWidth[newX] = oX16[newX + 1] % 16;

        int oHeight = original.getHeight();
        int[] oY16 = new int[newHeight + 1];
        for (int newY = 0; newY <= newHeight; newY++) {
            oY16[newY] = ((newY * oHeight) << 4) / newHeight;

        int oX16Start, oX16End, oY16Start, oY16End;
        int oYStartHeight, oYEndHeight;
        int oXStart, oXEnd, oYStart, oYEnd;
        int outArea, outColorArea, outAlpha, outRed, outGreen, outBlue;
        int areaHeight, areaWidth, area;
        int argb, a, r, g, b;
        for (int newY = 0; newY < newHeight; newY++) {
            oY16Start = oY16[newY];
            oY16End = oY16[newY + 1];
            oYStart = oY16Start >>> 4;
            oYEnd = oY16End >>> 4;
            oYStartHeight = 16 - (oY16Start % 16);
            oYEndHeight = oY16End % 16;
            for (int newX = 0; newX < newWidth; newX++) {
                oX16Start = oX16[newX];
                oX16End = oX16[newX + 1];
                oXStart = oX16Start >>> 4;
                oXEnd = oX16End >>> 4;
                outArea = 0;
                outColorArea = 0;
                outAlpha = 0;
                outRed = 0;
                outGreen = 0;
                outBlue = 0;
                for (int j = oYStart; j <= oYEnd; j++) {
                    areaHeight = 16;
                    if (oYStart == oYEnd) {
                        areaHeight = oY16End - oY16Start;
                    } else if (j == oYStart) {
                        areaHeight = oYStartHeight;
                    } else if (j == oYEnd) {
                        areaHeight = oYEndHeight;
                    if (areaHeight == 0) {
                    for (int i = oXStart; i <= oXEnd; i++) {
                        areaWidth = 16;
                        if (oXStart == oXEnd) {
                            areaWidth = oX16End - oX16Start;
                        } else if (i == oXStart) {
                            areaWidth = oXStartWidth[newX];
                        } else if (i == oXEnd) {
                            areaWidth = oXEndWidth[newX];
                        if (areaWidth == 0) {

                        area = areaWidth * areaHeight;
                        outArea += area;
                        argb = rawInput[i + j * original.getWidth()];
                        a = (argb >>> 24);
                        if (a == 0) {
                        area = a * area;
                        outColorArea += area;
                        r = (argb & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16;
                        g = (argb & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8;
                        b = argb & 0x000000ff;
                        outRed += area * r;
                        outGreen += area * g;
                        outBlue += area * b;
                if (outColorArea > 0) {
                    outAlpha = outColorArea / outArea;
                    outRed = outRed / outColorArea;
                    outGreen = outGreen / outColorArea;
                    outBlue = outBlue / outColorArea;
                rawOutput[newX + newY * newWidth] = (outAlpha << 24)
                        | (outRed << 16) | (outGreen << 8) | outBlue;
        return Image.createRGBImage(rawOutput, newWidth, newHeight, true);

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