Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1197


Which of the following lines of code can be inserted in the line below that would allow the class to compile?

package mypkg; 
public class Main { 
        public final int static getNumberOfLetters() { 
           // INSERT CODE HERE 
  • A. return 3.0;
  • B. return 5L;
  • C. return 10;
  • D. None of the above



The code does not compile, regardless of what is inserted into the line because the method signature is invalid.

The return type, int, should go before the method name and after any access, final, or static modifiers.

Option D is the correct answer.

If the method was fixed, by swapping the order of int and static in the method declaration.

Option C would be the correct answer.

Options A and B are still incorrect, though, since each uses a return type that cannot be implicitly converted to int.

