Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1900


Assuming the working directory is accessible, empty, and able to be written, how many file system objects does the following class create?

1: package mypkg; 
2: import*; 
3: public class Main { 
4:    public static void main(String... tooMany) throws IOException { 
5:       File f = new File("f.txt"); 
6:       Writer w = new FileWriter("w.txt"); 
7:       w.flush(); //from  ww w  . j  a va 2s.  c o  m
8:       new File("s.txt").mkdirs(); 
9:    } 
  • A. None
  • B. One
  • C. Two
  • D. Three



Line 5 creates a File object, but that does not create a file in the file system unless f.createNewFile() is called.

Line 6 also does not necessarily create a file, although the call to flush() will on line 7.

Note that this class does not properly close the file resource, potentially leading to a resource leak.

Line 8 creates a new File object, which is used to create a new directory using the mkdirs() method.

Recall from your studies that mkdirs() is similar to mkdir(), except that it creates any missing directories in the path.

Since directories can have periods (.) in their name, such as a directory called info.txt, this code compiles and runs without issue.

Since two file system objects, a file and a directory, are created, Option C is the correct answer.

