Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1902


Which statement best describes the following two methods?

public String m1() throws IOException { 
   final BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( 
         new FileReader("")); 
   final String name = r.readLine(); 
   r.flush(); /*from w w w . ja v a 2  m*/
   return name; 

public String m2() throws IOException { 
   try(final BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( 
         new FileReader(""))) { 
      final String name = r.readLine(); 
      return name; 
  • A. Both methods compile and are equivalent to each other.
  • B. Neither method compiles.
  • C. Only one of the methods compiles.
  • D. The methods compile, but one method may lead to a resource leak.



The flush() method is defined on classes that inherit Writer and OutputStream, not Reader and InputStream.

The r.flush() in both methods does not compile, making Option B the correct answer and Option C incorrect.

The methods are not equivalent even if they did compile, since m2() ensures the resource is closed properly by using a try-with-resources statement, making Option A incorrect for two reasons.

Option D would be correct if the calls to flush() were removed.

