Interpolates given points by a bezier curve : Curve « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Interpolates given points by a bezier curve

 * Copyright (c) 2005 David Benson
 * See LICENSE file in distribution for licensing details of this source file

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;

 * Interpolates given points by a bezier curve. The first
 * and the last two points are interpolated by a quadratic
 * bezier curve; the other points by a cubic bezier curve.
 * Let p a list of given points and b the calculated bezier points,
 * then one get the whole curve by:
 * sharedPath.moveTo(p[0])
 * sharedPath.quadTo(b[0].x, b[0].getY(), p[1].x, p[1].getY());
 * for(int i = 2; i < p.length - 1; i++ ) {
 *    Point b0 = b[2*i-3];
 *    Point b1 = b[2*i-2];
 *    sharedPath.curveTo(b0.x, b0.getY(), b1.x, b1.getY(), p[i].x, p[i].getY());
 * }
 * sharedPath.quadTo(b[b.length-1].x, b[b.length-1].getY(), p[n - 1].x, p[n - 1].getY());
 * @author krueger
public class Bezier {

  private static final float AP = 0.5f;
  private Point2D[] bPoints;

   * Creates a new Bezier curve.
   * @param points
  public Bezier(Point2D[] points) {
    int n = points.length;
    if (n < 3) {
      // Cannot create bezier with less than 3 points
    bPoints = new Point[2 * (n - 2)];
    double paX, paY;
    double pbX = points[0].getX();
    double pbY = points[0].getY();
    double pcX = points[1].getX();
    double pcY = points[1].getY();
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) {
      paX = pbX;
      paY = pbY;
      pbX = pcX;
      pbY = pcY;
      pcX = points[i + 2].getX();
      pcY = points[i + 2].getY();
      double abX = pbX - paX;
      double abY = pbY - paY;
      double acX = pcX - paX;
      double acY = pcY - paY;
      double lac = Math.sqrt(acX * acX + acY * acY);
      acX = acX /lac;
      acY = acY /lac;

      double proj = abX * acX + abY * acY;
      proj = proj < 0 ? -proj : proj;
      double apX = proj * acX;
      double apY = proj * acY;

      double p1X = pbX - AP * apX;
      double p1Y = pbY - AP * apY;
      bPoints[2 * i] = new Point((int) p1X, (int) p1Y);

      acX = -acX;
      acY = -acY;
      double cbX = pbX - pcX;
      double cbY = pbY - pcY;
      proj = cbX * acX + cbY * acY;
      proj = proj < 0 ? -proj : proj;
      apX = proj * acX;
      apY = proj * acY;

      double p2X = pbX - AP * apX;
      double p2Y = pbY - AP * apY;
      bPoints[2 * i + 1] = new Point((int) p2X, (int) p2Y);

   * Returns the calculated bezier points.
   * @return the calculated bezier points
  public Point2D[] getPoints() {
    return bPoints;

   * Returns the number of bezier points.
   * @return number of bezier points
  public int getPointCount() {
    return bPoints.length;

   * Returns the bezier points at position i.
   * @param i
   * @return the bezier point at position i
  public Point2D getPoint(int i) {
    return bPoints[i];



Related examples in the same category

1.Move the curve control point and redraw the curve
2.Draw curve with mouseDraw curve with mouse
3.Curve with QuadCurve2DCurve with QuadCurve2D
4.A spline factory instance
5.Spline 2D
6.A class that models a Cubic-Bezier curve