A program that sorts an array. : sort « Array « Perl

A program that sorts an array.


# read the array from standard input one item at a time 
print ("Enter the array to sort, one item at a time.\n"); 
print ("Enter an empty line to quit.\n"); 
$count = 1; 
$inputline = <STDIN>; 
chop ($inputline); 
while ($inputline ne "") { 
    @array[$count-1] = $inputline; 
    $inputline = <STDIN>; 
    chop ($inputline); 
# now sort the array 
$count = 1; 
while ($count < @array) { 
   $x = 1; 
   while ($x < @array) { 
       if ($array[$x - 1] gt $array[$x]) { 
          @array[$x-1,$x] = @array[$x,$x-1]; 

print ("@array\n"); 


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1.The sort command sorts an array
2.Sort in action
3.ASCII and Numeric Sort Using Subroutine
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9.Sort an integer array
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12.Using sort function in print statement
13.Numeric sort
14.Using <=> operator in array sort function
15.Print function with sort and customized sorting function
16.Print function with sort and customized sorting function in a descending order