Sort in action : sort « Array « Perl

Sort in action


use warnings;
use strict;
my @unsorted = qw(Co Cl Co Cr Co);
print "Unsorted: @unsorted\n";
my @sorted = sort @unsorted;
print "Sorted: @sorted\n";


Related examples in the same category

1.The sort command sorts an array
2.A program that sorts an array.
3.ASCII and Numeric Sort Using Subroutine
4.Using an Inline Function to Sort a Numeric List
5.Character and Number Sorts
7.Pass user-defined function to sort function
8.Sort a string array
9.Sort an integer array
10.Using cmp in array sort customized function
11.The sort function sorts and returns a sorted array.
12.Using sort function in print statement
13.Numeric sort
14.Using <=> operator in array sort function
15.Print function with sort and customized sorting function
16.Print function with sort and customized sorting function in a descending order