Dereferencing a Reference : Reference « Data Type « Perl

Dereferencing a Reference


    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

    # Set up the data types.
    my $scalarVar = "Tom was here.";
    my @arrayVar = qw (Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
    my %hashVar = ("Toronto" => "East", "Calgary" => "Central", "Vancouver" => 'West');

    # Create the references
    my $scalarRef = \$scalarVar;
    my $arrayRef = \@arrayVar;
    my $hashRef = \%hashVar;

    # Print out the references.
    print "$scalarRef \n";
    print "$arrayRef \n";
    print "$hashRef \n";


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22.Get the value from a reference
23.A reference is a scalar variable pointing-or refering to-something else
24.Reference Modification
25.Using $$ to get the value of the reference