Android Open Source - Android-API Clear Blade

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Java Source Code

package com.clearblade.platform.api;
//  ww  w  . j  av  a2s.  com
import java.util.HashMap;

import android.util.Log;

import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.Util;

 * This class consists exclusively of static methods that manage API configurations, initialization, and API information
 * <p>This class consists of static methods that:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>Manage configurations for the ClearBlade API</li>
 *  <li>Provide SDK and API information</li>
 *  <li>Initialize the ClearBlade Library for use</li>
 * </ul>
 * <strong>*You must call initialize(String systemKey, String systemSecret) or its other variants to initialize the API*</strong>
 * </p>
 * @author  Clyde Byrd III, Aaron Allsbrook, Michael Sprague
 * @since   1.0
public class ClearBlade {
  private static final String TAG = "ClearBlade";     
  private final static String apiVersion = "0.0.1";
  private final static String sdkVersion = "0.0.1";
  private static int callTimeOut;              // http Requests will be aborted after this amount of milliseconds
  private static boolean logging;                // if the user wants internal logs to show. 
  private static String masterSecret;              // App's Admin Password; has access to Everything
  private static String uri;                // Default URL to send Api requests to
  private static String messageUrl;            // Default URL to connect to the message broker with
  private static User user;                // Current User of the application. Not implemented Yet
  private static boolean initError = false;
  private static boolean allowUntrusted=false;      // if the platform has https enabled but no publically signed certificate
   * Returns the version of the API that is currently in use.
   * @return The API version
  public static String getApiVersion() {
    return apiVersion;

   * Returns the Application Authorization String. It is used to verify the Application with the Backend
   * *This method will be need to be changed; It will only use OAuth, while the appKey and appSecret are now headers.*
   * @protected 
   * @return The authentication for the app
   * @see Base64
//  protected static String getAuthentication() {
//    String auth = null;
//    try{
//      if (masterSecret != null) { 
//        //If master Secret is not null; use it; 0 means defaults (check android.util.Base64 for more details) 
//        auth = Base64.encodeToString(("Basic " + appKey + ":" + masterSecret).getBytes("UTF-8"), 0);
//      } else {
//        auth = Base64.encodeToString(("Basic " + appKey + ":" + appSecret).getBytes("UTF-8"), 0);
//      }
//    } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
//      logger(TAG, "Error encoding Authentication: " + e.getMessage(), true);
//    }
//    return auth;
//  }
   * Returns the milliseconds that the API will wait for a connection to the backend
   * until API requests are aborted.
   * @return milliseconds 
  public static int getCallTimeOut() {
    return callTimeOut;

   * Returns the current user of the Application
   * @return Current user object
  public static User getCurrentUser() {
    return user;
   * Returns the version of the SDK  in use
   * @return SDK version
  public static String getSdkVersion() {
    return sdkVersion;

   * Returns the uri of the backend that will be used for API calls
   * @return uri of the Backend
  public static String getUri() {
    return uri;
   * Sets uri of the backend platform that will be used for API calls
   * Typically scenarios are
  public static void setUri(String platformURI){
    uri = platformURI;
   * Sets the url of the message broker that will be used in messaging applications
   * Defaults to 'tcp://'
   * @param messageURL the string that will be set as the url
  public static void setMessageUrl(String messageURL) {
    messageUrl = messageURL;
   * Gets the url of the message broker that was set upon initialization
   * @return URL of message broker
  public static String getMessageUrl() {
    return messageUrl;

   * Allows for passing requests to an untrusted server.  This method
   * is not recommended for any scenario other than development
  public static void setAllowUntrusted(boolean allowUntrustedCertificates){
    allowUntrusted = allowUntrustedCertificates;
   * Allows for passing requests to an untrusted server. 
   * @return boolean value for using untrusted backend servers
  public static boolean getAllowUntrusted(){
    return allowUntrusted;
   * Initializes the API for the given system as an anonymous user. (If the system
   * has user authentication required set to true, this will fail - See the initialize
   * method mentioned below)
   * Must be called prior to any API calls
   * Throws IllegalArgumentException if myAppKey or myAppSecret is null 
   * @param myAppKey The key used to identify the Application in use
   * @param myAppSecret The secret used to verify the Application in use
   * throws IllegalArgumentException
  public static void initialize(String systemKey, String systemSecret, InitCallback callback) {

    if(user != null){
      user = null;
    if (systemKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("systemKey must be a non-empty Strings");
    if(systemSecret == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("systemSecret can not be null");

    masterSecret = null;
    uri =  "";
    messageUrl = "tcp://";
    logging = false;
    callTimeOut = 30000;
    user = new User(null);
   * Initializes API with given system credentials and options.
   * Upon Success/Failure, appropriate callback methods are triggered
   * Must be called prior to any API calls.
   * Available init options:
   *   email - String to register or log-in as specific user (required if password is given) Default - null<br>
   *   password - password String for given user (required if email is given) Default - null<br>
   *   platformURL - Custom URL for the platform Default -<br>
   *   messagingURL - Custom Messaging URL Default - tcp://<br>
   *   registerUser - Boolean to tell if you'd like to attempt registering the given user Default - false<br>
   *   logging - Boolean to enable ClearBlade Internal API logging Default - false<br>
   *   callTimeout - Int number of milliseconds for call timeouts Default - 30000 (30 seconds)<br>
   *  allowUntrusted - Boolean to connect to a platform server without a signed SSL certificate Default - false
   * Throws IllegalArgumentException if systemKey or systemSecret is null 
   * @param systemKey The key used to identify the System in use
   * @param systemSecret The secret used to verify the System in use
   * @param initOptions HashMap of initialization options
   * @param callback InitCallback for when initialization is done (success of failure)
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  public static void initialize(String systemKey, String systemSecret, HashMap<String,Object> initOptions, InitCallback callback){
    if (systemKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("systemKey must be a non-empty Strings");
    if(systemSecret == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("systemSecret can not be null");
    //validate options
    validateOptions(initOptions, callback);
    //init platform url
    String platURL = (String) initOptions.get("platformURL");
    if(platURL != null){
      uri = platURL;
      uri = "";
    //init messaging url
    String messURL = (String) initOptions.get("messagingURL");
    if(messURL != null){
      messageUrl = messURL;
      messageUrl = "tcp://";
    //init logging
    Boolean log = (Boolean) initOptions.get("logging");
    if(log != null){
    //init call timeout
    Integer timeout = (Integer) initOptions.get("callTimeout");
    if(timeout != null && timeout > 0){
    //init registerUser
    Boolean registerUser = (Boolean) initOptions.get("registerUser");
    if(registerUser == null){
      registerUser = false;
    //init untrusted
    Boolean allowUntrusted = (Boolean) initOptions.get("allowUntrusted");
    if(allowUntrusted != null){
    String email = (String) initOptions.get("email");
    final String password = (String) initOptions.get("password");
    user = new User(email);
    if(!initError && email != null && !registerUser.booleanValue()){
      //no init error, an email was given, and don't register user
      //just auth with given user info
      user.authWithCurrentUser(password, callback);
    }else if(!initError && registerUser.booleanValue()){
      //no errors, and register new user
      user.registerUser(password, callback);
    }else if(!initError && email == null){
      //email is null, so try to auth as anon user

   * Returns a boolean that specifies if the API will show internal Logs
   * @return logging boolean
  public static boolean isLogging() {
    return logging;

   * Sets the time in milliseconds that an http Request will wait for a 
   * connection with the backend until it is aborted.
   * @param timeOut milliseconds until http request is aborted
  public static void setCallTimeOut(int timeOut) {
    callTimeOut = timeOut;

   * If value is true, internal API logs will be displayed throughout the use of the 
   * API else no internal logs displayed
   * @param value determines API logging
  public static void setLogging(boolean value) {
    logging = value;

   * <p>Sets the masterSecret of the Application.
   * If masterSecret is set it will be used instead
   * of the appSecret. It gives complete access to APP resources
   * </p>
   * <strong>Never use the masterSecret in production code.</strong>
   * @param myMasterSecret - The Applications Admin secret
  public static void setMasterSecret(String myMasterSecret) {
    masterSecret = myMasterSecret;
  public static void setInitError(boolean value){
    initError = value;
  private static void validateOptions(HashMap<String, Object> options,
      InitCallback callback) {
    initError = false;
    String email = (String) options.get("email");
    String password = (String) options.get("password");
    Boolean shouldRegister = (Boolean) options.get("registerUser");
    if(email == null && password != null){
      initError = true;
      callback.error(new ClearBladeException("Must provide both an email and password to authenticate. You only provided a password"));
    }else if(email != null && password == null){
      initError = true;
      callback.error(new ClearBladeException("Must provide both an email and password to authenticate. You only provided an email"));
    }else if(shouldRegister != null && shouldRegister.booleanValue() && email == null){
      initError = true;
      callback.error(new ClearBladeException("Cannot register anonymous user"));

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