Android Open Source - Android-API Item

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Java Source Code

package com.clearblade.platform.api;
// ww  w  .  j  a v a  2s. com
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.DataTask;
import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.PlatformCallback;
import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.PlatformResponse;
import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.RequestEngine;
import com.clearblade.platform.api.internal.RequestProperties;

 * This class consists exclusively of instance methods that operate on ClearBlade Items.
 * <p>
 * ClearBlade Items are objects that create, modify, and delete data in the Cloud Platform.
 * A typical example would be:
 * <pre> 
 * Item item = new Item("CollectionId");
 * item.set("property", "value");
 * new DataCallback(){
 *     @Override
 *     public void done(Item[] items){
 *       //your logic here
 *     }
 *     public void error(ClearBladeException exception){
 *       //error logic here
 *     }
 * });
 * for (Entry<String, String> pairs : itemArray[0].entrySet()) {
 *     Log.v(TAG, pairs.getKey + ":" + pairs.getValue());
 * }
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @author  Clyde Byrd
 * @author  Aaron Allsbrook
 * @see Collection
 * @see Query
 * @see ClearBladeException
 * @since   1.0
public class Item {
  protected JsonObject json;      // All properties are stored in this variable
  private JsonObject changes;      // All changes made to json variable are recorded here.
  private final String collectionId;   // collection the item belongs to.
  private RequestEngine request;    // API caller

   * Constructs a new Item Object that can be used to interact with the ClearBlade Cloud
   * @param collectionType collection that this Item will be saved in.
  public Item(String collectionId) {
    this.json = new JsonObject();
    this.collectionId = collectionId;
    //long _created = new Date().getTime();
    //this.json.addProperty("_created", _created);
    //this.json.addProperty("_lastModified", _created);
    this.changes = new JsonObject();
    this.request = new RequestEngine();
   * Prototype to run items through the messaging
   * @param collectionId
  public void populateFromMessaging(String value) {

   * Constructs a new Item Object that can be used to interact with the ClearBlade Cloud
   * <p>Used only for internal use.</p>
   * @protected
   * @param collectionType collection that this Item will be saved in.
  protected Item(String json, String collectionId) {

    this.json = convertJsonToJsonObject(json);
    this.collectionId = collectionId;
    JsonElement itemId = this.json.get("item_id");
    JsonElement created = this.json.get("_created");

    if(itemId == null){
      this.json.addProperty("item_id", "");

    if(created == null){
      //long _created = new Date().getTime();
      //this.json.addProperty("_created", _created);
      //this.json.addProperty("_lastModified", _created);
    this.changes = new JsonObject();
    this.request = new RequestEngine();

  protected Item (JsonObject json, String collectionId){
    this.collectionId = collectionId;
    this.json = json;
    JsonElement itemId = this.json.get("item_id");
    //JsonElement created = this.json.get("_created");

    if(itemId == null){
      this.json.addProperty("item_id", "");

    //if(created == null){
    //  long _created = new Date().getTime();
    //  this.json.addProperty("_created", _created);
    //  this.json.addProperty("_lastModified", _created);
    this.changes = new JsonObject();
    this.request = new RequestEngine();

   * method used to clear the changes object.
   * <p>It should be used after the changes have been saved to the database</p>
   * @private
  private void clearChanges() {
    for (Entry<String, JsonElement> pairs : this.changes.entrySet()) {

   * Method used to convert a JSON Array of length one, in string format in to a JsonObject
   * @param json - JSON Array in string format
   * @return JsonObject will be most up to date JsonObject for this Item
   * @throws ClearBladeException will be thrown if the Item was not found
  private JsonObject convertJsonArrayToJsonObject(String json) throws ClearBladeException {
    // parse JSON in to Json Element
    JsonElement toJsonElement = new JsonParser().parse(json);
    // Get store JsonElement as JsonArray
    JsonArray array = toJsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
    // If the array size is 0, then no item was found; Throw ClearBladeExcepetion
    if(array.size() == 0){
      throw new ClearBladeException("Item Was Not Found");
    return array.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
   * Method used to convert a JSON object in string format in to a JsonObject
   * @param json - JSON Object in string format
   * @return JsonObject will be most up to date JsonObject for this Item
   * @throws ClearBladeException will be thrown if the Item was not found

  private JsonObject convertJsonToJsonObject(String json) {
    // parse json string in to JsonElement
    try {
      JsonElement toObject = new JsonParser().parse(json);
      return toObject.getAsJsonObject();
    }catch(JsonSyntaxException mfe){
      return null;
    }catch(IllegalStateException ise){
      return null;

   * Deletes an Item from the collection it belongs to in the Cloud asynchronously.
   * @throws ClearBladeException will be thrown if the Item was not found or API call failed
  public void destroy (DataCallback callback)  {
    Query query= new Query(collectionId);
    query.equalTo("item_id", this.getString("item_id"));

   * Returns a Set that contains all the keys-value pairs of the Item
   * @return Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> contains all key-value pairs of the Item
   * @see Set
  public Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet() {

    HashMap<String, String> entry = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for (Entry<String, JsonElement> pairs : this.json.entrySet()) {
      entry.put(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue().getAsString());
    return entry.entrySet();

   * If the object given is a reference to this Item it will return true,
   * false otherwise.
   * returns isEqual - 
  public boolean equals(Object object) {
    return object == this;
     * returns An array in the Item under the property as a typeOfT array.
     * If property not found null is returned
     * <strong>*Only retrieve types like Integer, Double,Boolean,String, and Long*</strong>
     * @param property A key in the Item
     * @param typeOfT The type of Array you want returned
     * @return Object[] An array that was stored under Property 
  public Object[] getArray(String property, Type typeOfT) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      String arrayToDecode = this.getString(property);
      return new Gson().fromJson(arrayToDecode, typeOfT);  
    return null;

   * returns a boolean in the Item under the property given.
   * If property is not found it will return false;
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value the value of the property
  public boolean getBoolean(String property){
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      return this.json.get(property).getAsBoolean();
    return false;
   * returns a double in the Item under the property given.
   * If property is not found it will return 0.0;
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value the value of the property
  public double getDouble(String property) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      return this.json.get(property).getAsDouble();
    return 0.0;

   * returns the ItemId for the Item
   * If ItemId is not set, it will return null;
   * @return itemId the Id of the Item
  public String getId() {
      return this.getString("item_id");
    return null;

   * returns an int in the Item under the property given.
   * If property is not found it will return 0;
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value the value of the property
  public int getInt(String property) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      return this.json.get(property).getAsInt();
    return 0;

   * returns a long in the Item under the property given.
   * If property is not found it will return 0;
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value the value of the property
  public long getLong(String property) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      return this.json.get(property).getAsLong();
    return 0;

   * returns a String in the Item under the property given.
   * If property is not found it will return null;
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value the value of the property
  public String getString(String property) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      return this.json.get(property).getAsString();
    return null;

   * returns a boolean that is true if the property is set in the Item, false otherwise
   * @param property key to look for value
   * @return value true if property is set, false otherwise
  public boolean hasProperty(String property) {
    return this.json.get(property) != null;

   * Retrieves and loads the value of the Item specified by the ItemId given from the Cloud Synchronously
   * <strong>Use only if you plan to do your own threading</strong>
   * @param itemId the Id of the Item to retrieve from the ClearBlade Cloud
   * @throws ClearBladeException will be thrown if no Item is found or if the API call failed
  public void load (String itemId, final DataCallback callback ) throws ClearBladeException {
    // create the query string to look for the object
//    PlatformResponse<String> result = request.execute();
//    if(result.getError()) {
//      throw new ClearBladeException("Call to Load failed:"+result.getData());
//    } else {
//      this.json = convertJsonArrayToJsonObject(result.getData());
//    }
    DataTask asyncFetch = new DataTask(new PlatformCallback(this, callback){
      public void done(String response) {
        _item.json = convertJsonToJsonObject(response);
        Item[] ret = {_item}; 

      public void error(ClearBladeException exception) {
  public void loadSync(String itemId) throws ClearBladeException{
    PlatformResponse<String> result = request.execute();
    if(result.getError()) {
      throw new ClearBladeException("Call to Load failed:"+result.getData());
    } else {
      this.json = convertJsonArrayToJsonObject(result.getData());
  private void loadSetup(String itemId){
    JsonObject queryString = new JsonObject();
    queryString.addProperty("item_id", itemId);
    RequestProperties headers = new RequestProperties.Builder().method("GET").endPoint("api/v/1/data/" + collectionId).qs(queryString).build();

   * If Item has not been saved to the Cloud, it will save it, otherwise it
   * will modify the Item in the cloud.
   * It loads the value of the Item from the Cloud with the most up-to-date
   * Item. After creation of an Item it will have a ItemId.
   * This function operates Synchronously.
   * <strong>Use only if you plan to do your own threading</strong>
   * @throws ClearBladeException will be thrown if no Item is found or if the API call failed
  public void save(final DataCallback callback)  {
    DataTask asyncFetch = new DataTask(new PlatformCallback(this, callback){

      public void done(String response) {
        _item.json = convertJsonToJsonObject(response);
        Item[] ret = {_item}; 

      public void error(ClearBladeException exception) {
  public Item[] saveSync() throws ClearBladeException{
    PlatformResponse<String> result = request.execute();
    if(result.getError()) {
      throw new ClearBladeException("Call to Load failed:"+result.getData());
    } else {
      this.json = convertJsonArrayToJsonObject(result.getData());
    Item[] ret = {this};
    return ret; 
  private void saveSetup(){
    RequestProperties headers = null;
    if(this.getString("item_id") == null ) {
      headers = new RequestProperties.Builder().method("POST").endPoint("api/v/1/data/" + collectionId).body(this.json).build();
    } else {
      // Create Payload object
      JsonObject payload = new JsonObject();
      payload.addProperty("$set", this.changes.toString());
      JsonObject query = new JsonObject();
      query.addProperty("item_id", this.getString("item_id"));
      payload.addProperty("query", query.toString());
      headers = new RequestProperties.Builder().method("PUT").endPoint("api/v/1/data/" + collectionId).body(payload).build();


   * Sets the given boolean as the value for the given Property
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, boolean value){
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, value);
    this.json.addProperty(property, value);

   * Sets the given double as the value for the given Property
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, double value) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, value);
    this.json.addProperty(property, value);

   * Sets the given int as the value for the given Property
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, int value){
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, value);
    this.json.addProperty(property, value);

   * Sets the given long as the value for the given Property
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, long value) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, value);
    this.json.addProperty(property, value);

   * Sets the given Object Array as the value for the given Property
   * <strong>*Only Store types like Integer, Double,Boolean,String, and Long*</strong>
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, Object[] value) {
    // Write the array as json
    String arrayVal = new Gson().toJson(value);

    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, arrayVal);

    // store it
    this.json.addProperty(property, arrayVal);

   * Sets the given String as the value for the given Property
   * @param property name to store value under
   * @param value The value to store
  public void set(String property, String value) {
    if(this.hasProperty(property)) {
      this.changes.addProperty(property, value);
    this.json.addProperty(property, value);
   * returns the Item as a JSON string
  public String toString() {
    return this.json.toString();

   * Removes the given property and it's value from the Item
   * @param property name to store value under
  public void unset(String property) {

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