List of Free code MVC View


  • AnyGrid for ASP.NET MVC
    Which grid component should you use for your ASP.NET MVC project? How about all of them? AnyGrid makes it easy to switch between grid implementations, allowing a single action to, e.g., use two different grids for desktop and mobile views. It also supports DataAnnnotations.
  • Enhanced View Locations for MVC
    Enhanced View Locations for MVC allows ASP.NET MVC developers more control over organizing their view folders. The simple /views/{controller}/{view-name} + /views/{shared}/{view-name} scheme works great for smaller MVC projects. However, when building sites with many shared...
  • FreeMarker.Net - View Engine for ASP.NET MVC with FreeMarker
    FreeMarker.Net provides the View Engine for ASP.NET MVC. FreeMarker.Net make use of FreeMarker and compiled into .Net assembly with IKVM.
  • Model Scaffolding for ASP.NET MVC
    A fast and customizable way to add Model (with optional Controller and Views) to your ASP.NET MVC project. You can specify property types or can use conventions. Inspired by MvcScaffolding.
  • MvcEx - Multi-Tenant MVC Applications
    MvcEx provides a set of extensions to ASP.NET MVC 1.0 with the aim of making it easy to create multi-tenant applications. Actions can be created in multiple assemblies and MvcEx will build them into a single controller. Views are created to be override-able by modules
  • Ticketing System With ASP.NET MVC
    Ticketing System where visitors (without authentication) should be able to view most commented tickets, as well as to register and login in the system. Register
  • Wing Beats
    Wing Beats 0.9 is an internal little language (DSL) for creating XHTML. It is based on F# and includes an ASP.NET MVC view engine, but can also be used solely for it's capability of creating XHTML.

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