List of Free code OpenGL


  • GLCore - OpenGL 3.0 And Up Core Bindings for .NET Languages
    GLCore - OpenGL 3.0 And Up Core Bindings for .NET Languages .NET bindings for only OpenGL 3.0 core profile and up.
  • GMare
    GMare (Game Maker Alternative Room Editor) is a third party room editor for YoYo Game's Game Maker (Supports versions 5 to 8). Offering more robust tools and options to make room editing less cumbersome. GMare is developed in C#, using .NET 2.0, and OpenGL.
  • ManagedOpenGL
    PInvoke OpenGL in managed code. Generate classes from official spec at
  • NetGL
    Idea is to create a .Net library allows to use OpenGL in managed code. It is in early state, but shaders are working and no garbage collections occur.
  • Silvermoon
    .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Control library with OpenGL controls to build WP7 like apps on WM6.x devices. The apps are completely stylable with style dictionaries to change the UI e.g. from WP7 to anroid or iOS or even any imaginable style.

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