List of Free code Azure


  • azure sdk for java
    Windows Azure SDK for Java.
  • azure sdk for java samples
    Code samples for articles on
  • azure web
    Windows Azure Java web application support.
  • AzureJava Sample
    Java application sample for Windows Azure.
  • legacy jclouds
    jclouds is an open source library that helps you get started in the cloud and reuse your java development skills. Our api allows you to freedom to use portable abstractions or cloud specific features. We support many clouds including Amazon, VMWare, Azure, and Rackspace.
  • terraform
    Terraform is a flexible tool that makes it easy to define, create, and manage environments. Terraform integrates with existing cloud providers. Today, Amazon EC2, VMWare vSphere, Windows Azure, and Rackspace Next Gen Cloud Servers are supported. With Terraform it's easy to spin up a collection of virtual machines in their own virtual network. Available under the Apache 2.0 license.

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