List of Free code Security network


  • i2p.syndie
    Syndie is an open source system for operating distributed forums, offering a secure and consistent interface to various anonymous and non anonymous content networks.
  • netifera
    Open Source Network Security Platform.
  • SmartGrid Simulation
    A large and complex MSc Java project (awarded a mark of 80%) that simulates the interactions between Households and Aggregators in a SmartGrid network (including the associated security concerns). I was responsible for all of the code below (namely.
    CS880 project for secure data networking.
  • unlockathome gpl
    This application disables the lock pattern only while your device is connected to a (defined) secure located wifi network , useful for example if you have one at home. For best performance enable the preference "white network always on", so wifi always.
  • volverine
    Volverine is concept of secure p2p network created by jzadrag and developed during JavartLabs events held every thursday in Javart headquarter (Post?pu 21a, 02 676 Warsaw, Poland).

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Security network