Get User Input from a Slider : Slider « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="WPF" Height="200" Width="300">
        <TextBlock Margin="5" Text="0" FontSize="20" 
                   HorizontalAlignment="Center" Name="txtSliderValue" />
        <Slider LargeChange="10" Margin="5" Maximum="1000" Minimum="0" 
                Name="slider1" TickPlacement="TopLeft" 
                Ticks="100, 200, 400, 800" Value="0"
                ValueChanged="slider_ValueChanged" />
        <Button Name="btnGetSliderValue1" Width="100" 
                Click="GetSliderValue_Click">Get Slider 1 Value</Button>
        <Slider IsSnapToTickEnabled="True" Margin="5" Maximum="1000" 
                Minimum="0" Name="slider2" TickFrequency="25" 
                TickPlacement="BottomRight" Value="1000" 
                ValueChanged="slider_ValueChanged" />
        <Button Name="btnGetSliderValue2" Width="100" 
                Click="GetSliderValue_Click">Get Slider 2 Value</Button>
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace WpfApplication1
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()
        private void GetSliderValue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button button = e.OriginalSource as Button;
            string message = "Unknown slider.";

            if (button == btnGetSliderValue1)
                message = "Slider1 value = " + slider1.Value;
            else if (button == btnGetSliderValue2)
                message = "Slider2 value = " + slider2.Value;

            MessageBox.Show(message, Title);
        private void slider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            Slider slider = e.OriginalSource as Slider;

            if (slider != null)
                txtSliderValue.Text = slider.Value.ToString();
WPF Get User Input From A Slider

24.26.1.Normal Slider (Max=100, Val=10)Normal Slider (Max=100, Val=10)
24.26.2.A Delay of 0 and Interval of 1 make this a fast slider.A Delay of 0 and Interval of 1 make this a fast slider.
24.26.3.Vertical/Horizontal SliderVertical/Horizontal Slider
24.26.4.TickPlacement and TickFrequency for SliderTickPlacement and TickFrequency for Slider
24.26.5.Set Minimun/Maximum value for SliderSet Minimun/Maximum value for Slider
24.26.6.Add a slider control and a border control to the content of the StackPanel, and add a canvas to the border control.Add a slider control and a border control to the content of the StackPanel, and add a canvas to the border control.
24.26.7.Slider AttributesSlider Attributes
24.26.8.Get User Input from a SliderGet User Input from a Slider
24.26.9.Slider value changed eventSlider value changed event