JCheckBox « Swing « Java Tutorial

14.11.1.Creating JCheckBox Components
14.11.2.Using JCheckBoxUsing JCheckBox
14.11.4.Listening to JCheckBox Events with an ActionListenerListening to JCheckBox Events with an ActionListener
14.11.5.Listening to JCheckBox Events with an ItemListenerListening to JCheckBox Events with an ItemListener
14.11.6.Listening to JCheckBox Events with a ChangeListener: listen to armed, pressed, selected, or released stateListening to JCheckBox Events with a ChangeListener: listen to armed, pressed, selected, or released state
14.11.7.Check if a JCheckBox is selected in its item change listener
14.11.8.Event firing sequence: ActionListener, ItemListener and ChangeListenerEvent firing sequence: ActionListener, ItemListener and ChangeListener
14.11.9.Adding an Icon to the Label of a JCheckBox Component

14.11.10.Getting and Setting the State of a JCheckbox Component
14.11.11.Display an icon when the cursor is moved over the checkbox. This is called the rollover icon.
14.11.12.Customizing JCheckBox Check Mark IconCustomizing JCheckBox Check Mark Icon
14.11.13.Customizing JCheckBox Look and Feel
14.11.14.CheckBox List