Use as to specify the alias name : Select clause « Query Select « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> CREATE TABLE employees (
  2    au_id    CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
  3    au_fname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  4    au_lname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  5    phone    VARCHAR(12) NULL    ,
  6    address  VARCHAR(20) NULL    ,
  7    city     VARCHAR(15) NULL    ,
  8    state    CHAR(2)     NULL    ,
  9    zip      CHAR(5)     NULL
 10  );

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A01','S','B','111-111-1111','75 St','Boston','NY','11111');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A02','W','H','222-222-2222','2922 Rd','Boston','CO','22222');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A03','H','H','333-333-3333','3800 Ave, #14F','San Francisco','CA','33333');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A04','K','H','444-444-4444','3800 Ave, #14F','San Francisco','CA','44444');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A05','C','K','555-555-5555','114 St','New York','NY','55555');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A06',' ','K','666-666-666','390 Mall','Palo Alto','CA','66666');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES('A07','P','O','777-777-7777','1442 St','Sarasota','FL','77777');

1 row created.

SQL> SELECT au_fname AS "First name",
  2         au_lname AS "Last name",
  3         city AS "City",
  4         state,
  5         zip AS "Postal code"
  6  FROM employees;

First name      Last name       City            ST Posta
--------------- --------------- --------------- -- -----
S               B               Boston          NY 11111
W               H               Boston          CO 22222
H               H               San Francisco   CA 33333
K               H               San Francisco   CA 44444
C               K               New York        NY 55555
                K               Palo Alto       CA 66666
P               O               Sarasota        FL 77777

7 rows selected.

SQL> drop table employees;

Table dropped.

2.2.Select clause
2.2.1.Performing Single Table SELECT Statements
2.2.2.Select employee first and last and sort by last name
2.2.3.List single column from a table
2.2.4.Use as to specify the alias name
2.2.5.Use function in select clause
2.2.6.Use more than one aggregate functions in a select statement
2.2.7.where clause
2.2.8.Compare with number
2.2.9.Concatenate string
2.2.10.Select from a Subquery
2.2.11.Select constant as a column
2.2.12.Negate a column value
2.2.13.Math calculation in select statement
2.2.14.Search for String Across Columns
2.2.15.Don't Perform the Same Calculation Over and Over
2.2.16.NO_INDEX function in select statement