Analyze table with user defined column type : analyze « SQL PLUS Session Environment « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> create or replace type address_type as object
  2    ( city    varchar2(30),
  3      street  varchar2(30),
  4      state   varchar2(2),
  5      zip     number
  6    )
  7  /

Type created.

SQL> create or replace type person_type as object
  2    ( name             varchar2(30),
  3      dob              date,
  4      home_address     address_type,
  5      work_address     address_type
  6    )
  7  /

Type created.

SQL> create table people of person_type
  2  /

Table created.

SQL> insert into people values ( 'Tom', '15-mar-1965',
  2    address_type( 'R', '1 Street', 'Va', '45678' ),
  3    address_type( 'A', '1 Way', 'Ca', '23456' ) );

1 row created.

SQL> /

1 row created.

SQL> analyze table people compute statistics;

Table analyzed.

SQL> drop table people;

Table dropped.

SQL> drop type person_type;

Type dropped.

SQL> drop type address_type;

Type dropped.


29.33.1.analyze table compute statistics
29.33.2.analyze compute statistics on table with index
29.33.3.Analyze table with user defined column type
29.33.4.analyze table compute statistics for table for all indexes for all indexed columns
29.33.5.analyze and autotrace full outer join and union
29.33.6.analyze and autotrace single column key and multi-column key
29.33.7.analyze and autotrace table with primary key
29.33.8.analyze index t_idx validate structure
29.33.9.analyze table TABLENAME compute statistics;
29.33.10.analyze table after creating index
29.33.11.analyze table estimate statistics
29.33.12.analyze table students compute statistics
29.33.13.analyze table t compute statistics for table for columns id;
29.33.14.analyze table t compute statistics for table, for all indexes, for all indexed columns