Add button to frame : Frame « Tkinker « Python Tutorial

Add button to frame
from Tkinter import *
def onclick():

root = Tk()
text = Text(root)
text.insert(INSERT, "Here, I start the text ...") 
button = Button(text, text="I am a button", command=onclick)
text.window_create(INSERT, window=button)
text.insert(END, "... and here, I finish it.")

18.14.1.Demonstrates creating a windowDemonstrates creating a window
18.14.2.Frame with three buttonsFrame with three buttons
18.14.3.Set size of main windowSet size of main window
18.14.4.Add button to frameAdd button to frame
18.14.5.Bind mouse action to a methodBind mouse action to a method
18.14.6.Two top level windowsTwo top level windows
18.14.7.Destroy a frameDestroy a frame
18.14.8.Set window title for main frameSet window title for main frame