Demonstrates binding an event with an event handler : Event « Tkinker « Python Tutorial

Demonstrates binding an event with an event handler
from Tkinter import *

class Application(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.bttn_clicks = 0

    def create_widget(self):
        self.bttn = Button(self)
        self.bttn["text"]= "Total Clicks: 0"
        self.bttn["command"] = self.update_count

    def update_count(self):
        self.bttn_clicks += 1
        self.bttn["text"] = "Total Clicks: " + str(self.bttn_clicks)
root = Tk()
root.title("Click Counter")
app = Application(root)

18.12.1.Display all attributes of an eventDisplay all attributes of an event
18.12.2.Print a description of an event, based on its attributesPrint a description of an event, based on its attributes
18.12.3.Variable length parameters for event methodVariable length parameters for event method
18.12.4.Demonstrates binding an event with an event handlerDemonstrates binding an event with an event handler
18.12.5.Call sys.exit command from ButtonCall sys.exit command from Button
18.12.6.Call root.quit from buttonCall root.quit from button