By value or by reference : Structure « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On

Public Class YourClass
   Public Name As String
   Public GPA As Double
End Class

Public Structure YourStructure
   Public Name As String
   Public GPA As Double
End Structure

Public Class Test
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim valueByRef As New YourClass()
      Dim valueByValue As New YourStructure()

      valueByRef.Name = "Jill"
      valueByRef.GPA = 92.3
      valueByValue.Name = "Jill"
      valueByValue.GPA = 92.3

      Dim ref2 As YourClass = valueByRef
      Dim value2 As YourStructure = valueByValue

      ref2.GPA += 2
      value2.GPA += 2

      Console.WriteLine("{0}'s GPA is: {1}", valueByRef.Name, valueByRef.GPA)
      Console.WriteLine("{0}'s GPA is: {1}", valueByValue.Name, valueByValue.GPA)
   End Sub
End Class
Jill's GPA is: 94.3
Jill's GPA is: 92.3

6.46.2.Define and use Structure
6.46.3.Define and use structure with modifier
6.46.4.Define Structure
6.46.5.By value or by reference
6.46.6.Use Structure as Function parameter
6.46.7.Use With and Structure
6.46.8.Class Vs Structure in ByValue and ByRef
6.46.9.structure implements interface