Define Structure : Structure « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System

     Public Structure Location
         Private x As Integer
         Private y As Integer

         Public Sub New(ByVal xCoordinate As Integer, ByVal yCoordinate As Integer)
             x = xCoordinate
             y = yCoordinate
         End Sub

         Public Property XValue( ) As Integer
                 Return x
             End Get
             Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                 x = Value
             End Set
         End Property

         Public Property YValue( ) As Integer
                 Return y
             End Get
             Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                 y = Value
             End Set
         End Property

         Public Overrides Function ToString( ) As String
             Return [String].Format("{0}, {1}", x, y)
         End Function
     End Structure

     Class Tester
         Public Shared Sub myFunc(ByVal loc As Location)
             loc.XValue = 50
             loc.YValue = 100
             Console.WriteLine("Loc1 location: {0}", loc)
         End Sub 

         Shared Sub Main( )
             Dim loc1 As New Location(200, 300)

             Console.WriteLine("Loc1 location: {0}", loc1)

             Dim loc2 As New Location( )
             Console.WriteLine("Loc2 location: {0}", loc2)


             Console.WriteLine("Loc1 location: {0}", loc1)
         End Sub 

     End Class
Loc1 location: 200, 300
Loc2 location: 0, 0
Loc1 location: 50, 100
Loc1 location: 200, 300

6.46.2.Define and use Structure
6.46.3.Define and use structure with modifier
6.46.4.Define Structure
6.46.5.By value or by reference
6.46.6.Use Structure as Function parameter
6.46.7.Use With and Structure
6.46.8.Class Vs Structure in ByValue and ByRef
6.46.9.structure implements interface