Rotate and Transoform in Text painting : Draw string « 2D Graphics « VB.Net Tutorial

Rotate and Transoform in Text painting
Imports System.Drawing.Text
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Windows.Forms

public class TransformRotateTextPaint
   public Shared Sub Main
        Application.Run(New Form1)
   End Sub
End class

public class Form1
  Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

  Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
        Me.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 20, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
        e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit

        DrawArrow(e.Graphics, "")

        e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(150, 50, MatrixOrder.Append)
        DrawArrow(e.Graphics, "Translate 150 horizontally and 50 vertically")

        e.Graphics.RotateTransform(45, MatrixOrder.Append)
        DrawArrow(e.Graphics, "Rotate 45 degrees")

        ' Reset the transformation.

        e.Graphics.RotateTransform(45, MatrixOrder.Append)
        DrawArrow(e.Graphics, "Rotate 45 degrees after reset")

        e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(150, 50, MatrixOrder.Append)
        DrawArrow(e.Graphics, "Translate 150 horizontally and 50 vertically after reset")
    End Sub

    ' Draw an arrow outline containing some text.
    Private Sub DrawArrow(ByVal gr As Graphics, ByVal txt As String)
        ' Draw the text.
        Dim layout_rectangle As New RectangleF(10, 20, 600, 20)
        Dim string_format As New StringFormat
        string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
        string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
        gr.DrawString(txt, Me.Font, Brushes.Black, _
            layout_rectangle, string_format)

    End Sub

  Public Sub New()
    Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
    Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 273)
    Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen

  End Sub

End Class

17.28.Draw string
17.28.1.Print string in 3DPrint string in 3D
17.28.2.Draw string with Brush and Font settingsDraw string with Brush and Font settings
17.28.3.Text outlineText outline
17.28.4.Text ShadowText Shadow
17.28.5.Text ContrastText Contrast
17.28.6.Rotate and Transoform in Text paintingRotate and Transoform in Text painting
17.28.7.Transform TextTransform Text
17.28.8.Use LinearGradientBrush to draw stringUse LinearGradientBrush to draw string
17.28.9.Transparent stringTransparent string