C# Tutorial DateTime


  1. Add DateTime and TimeSpan in CSharp
  2. Add DateTime and specified number of days in CSharp
  3. Add DateTime and specified number of milliseconds in CSharp
  4. Add DateTime and specified number of months in CSharp
  5. Add DateTime and the specified number of hours in CSharp
  6. Add DateTime and the specified number of minutes in CSharp
  7. Add DateTime and the specified number of seconds in CSharp
  8. Add DateTime and the specified number of ticks in CSharp
  9. Add DateTime and the specified number of years in CSharp
  10. Add time interval to DateTime with + in CSharp


  1. Check if DateTime is based on local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither in CSharp
  2. Check if DateTime is within the daylight saving time range for the current time zone in CSharp
  3. Check if specified year is a leap year in CSharp
  4. Get 12-hour clock hour value from DateTime in CSharp
  5. Get Day value from HijriCalendar in CSharp
  6. Get Millisecond property from DateTime in CSharp
  7. Get a DateTime for the current date and time expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in CSharp
  8. Get a DateTime that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the local time in CSharp
  9. Get largest possible value of DateTime in CSharp
  10. Get the date component of DateTime in CSharp
  11. Get the day of the month represented by DateTime in CSharp
  12. Get the day of the week represented by DateTime in CSharp
  13. Get the day of the year represented by DateTime in CSharp
  14. Get the hour component of the date represented by DateTime in CSharp
  15. Get the minute component of the date represented by DateTime in CSharp
  16. Get the month component of the date represented by DateTime in CSharp
  17. Get the number of days in the specified month and year in CSharp
  18. Get the number of ticks that represent the date and time of DateTime in CSharp
  19. Get the seconds component of the date represented by DateTime in CSharp
  20. Get the smallest possible value of DateTime in CSharp
  21. Get the time of day for DateTime in CSharp
  22. Get the year component of the date represented by DateTime in CSharp
  23. Get today ' s date in CSharp
  24. Use DateTime.MinValue in comparison in CSharp


  1. Compare DateTime and returns an integer that indicates the sequence in CSharp
  2. Compare DateTime with comparison operator in CSharp
  3. Compare DateTime with < = (less than and equal) in CSharp
  4. Compare object to DateTime and returns an integer that indicates the sequence in CSharp
  5. Compare this instance to another DateTime for equal in CSharp
  6. Compare two DateTime and returns an integer that indicates the sequence in CSharp
  7. Compare two DateTime for equal in CSharp
  8. Compare two DateTime instances for equal in CSharp
  9. Compare two DateTime with = in CSharp
  10. Compare two DateTime with < (less than) in CSharp
  11. Compare two of DateTime with != not equals in CSharp


  1. Create DateTime from file time in CSharp
  2. Create DateTime from file time in equivalent UTC time in CSharp
  3. Create DateTime from number of ticks at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time in CSharp
  4. Create DateTime from specified year, month, and day in CSharp
  5. Create DateTime from specified year, month, day, hour, minute, and second in CSharp
  6. Create DateTime from string supported by the standard date and time format specifiers in CSharp
  7. Create DateTime from year, month, and day for the specified calendar in CSharp
  8. Create DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, and second for the specified calendar in CSharp
  9. Create DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond for the specified calendar in CSharp
  10. Create DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond in CSharp
  11. Create DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time in CSharp
  12. Create DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time for specified calendar in CSharp
  13. Create DateTime structure from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time in CSharp
  14. Create DateTime to a specified number of ticks in CSharp
  15. Create a DateTime from OLE Automation Date in CSharp


  1. Subtract DateTime from Now in CSharp
  2. Subtract date and time from DateTime in CSharp
  3. Subtract date and time from date and time and returns a time interval in CSharp
  4. Subtract duration from DateTime in CSharp
  5. Subtract time interval from DateTime in CSharp

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