HTML Tutorial - HTML Script

The script element can include scripting in your pages, either defined inline in the document or referenced to an external file.

The most commonly used type of script is JavaScript.

You use one script element for each script.

The script element has local attributes: type, src, defer, async, charset.

A start and end tag for script element are required; self-closing tags are not permitted, even when referencing an external JavaScript library

The type attribute is optional in HTML5. The async and defer attributes have been added in HTML5.

  • type - Specifies the type of the script that is references or defined. This attribute can be omitted for JavaScript scripts.
  • src - Specifies the URL for an external script file.
  • defer - Specifies how the script will be executed. These attributes can only be used in conjunction with the src attribute.
  • async - Specifies how the script will be executed. These attributes can only be used in conjunction with the src attribute.
  • charset - Specifies the character encoding of an external script file. This attribute can only be used in conjunction with the src attribute.

Inline Script

An inline script is included the JavaScript statements in the HTML page.

    document.write("This is from  the   script");
   <p>This is a test.</p>
   <a href="">Visit</a>

By default, scripts are executed as soon as they are encountered in the page. You usually use the script element inside the head element, but you may use it anywhere in an HTML document.

External Script

You can separate scripts into separate files and load them using the script element.

Suppose we have a file called simple.js, its contents are shown in the following code.

document.write("This is from  the   external script");

The file contains a single statement. Then we can use the src attribute in the script element to reference this file.

A script element must be empty if it uses the src attribute. You can't use the same script element to define an inline script and an external script.

The following code shows how to use an external script.

   <script src="simple.js"></script>
    <p>This is a test.</p>
    <a href="">Visit</a>

The value for the src attribute is the URL of the script file that you want to load. The simple.js file is in the same directory as the HTML file.

An end tag for the script element is needed, even though the element has no content. If you use a self-closing tag when referencing an external script, the browsers will ignore the element and not load the file.

Defer Script

You can control the execution of a script by using the async and defer attributes.

The defer attribute tells the browser not to execute the script until the page has been loaded and parsed.

To understand the benefit of the defer attribute, let's look at the problem that it solves.

Suppose simple2.js script file has a single statement listed as follows.

document.getElementById("myID").innerText = "myValue";

When this script runs, it will find an element with an id attribute value of myID and change the inner text of that element to myValue.

The following HTML document references the script file using a script element.

   <script src="simple2.js"></script>
   <p id='myID'>This is a test.</p>

The default behavior for a browser when it encounters a script element is to stop processing the HTML document, load the script file, and execute its contents.

This means that the browser loads and executes the statement in simple2.js before it has parsed the rest of the HTML, and discovered the p element.

The script doesn't find the element it is looking for, and so no changes are applied.

After the script completes, the browser continues parsing the HTML, and finds the p element.

To solve this problem, put the script element at the end of the document.

  <p id='myID'>This is a test.</p>
  <a href="">Visit</a>
  <script src="simple2.js"></script>

defer attribute

In HTML5 you can achieve the same effect by using the defer attribute. When a browser encounters a script with the defer attribute, it holds off loading and executing the script until all of the elements in the HTML document have been parsed.

   <script defer src="simple2.js"></script>
   <p id='myID'>This is a test.</p>
   <a href=""></a>

You can use the defer attribute on external script files only. It doesn't work for inline scripts.

Asynchronous Script

The default browser behavior when it encounters a script element is to stop processing the page while it loads and executes the script.

Each script element is executed synchronously in the order in which they are defined, nothing else happens when the script is loading and running.

You can improve performance by using the async attribute. For example, a self-contained script, which does not interact with the elements in the HTML document, can be executed asynchronously.

When you use the async attribute, the browser loads and executes the script asynchronously while it continues to parse the other elements in the HTML, including other script elements.

The following code shows the async attribute applied to a script element.

   <script async  src="simple2.js"></script>
    <p>This is a test.</p>
    <a href=""></a>


The scripts with async attribute might not be executed in the order in which they are defined.

This makes the async feature unsuitable for scripts that depend on functions or values defined by other scripts.

noscript Element

The noscript element allows you to display content to users who have disabled JavaScript or who are using a browser that doesn't support it.

The noscript element displays content and explains that they can't use your site or page unless they enable JavaScript.

The following code shows the noscript element set up to display a simple message.

<script defer src="simple2.js"></script>
    <h1>Javascript is required!</h1>
    <p>You  cannot use  this page  without Javascript</p>
   <p>This is a test.</p>
   <a href="">Visit</a>

The remainder of the page is processed as normal, and the content elements are still displayed.

You can add multiple noscript elements to a page.

You can also redirect the user's browser to a different URL if it doesn't support JavaScript by placing a meta element inside the noscript element.

<script defer src="simple2.js"></script>
   <meta http-equiv="refresh"  content="0;"/>
   <p>This is a test.</p>
   <a href=""></a>

This will redirect the user to the site when a browser that doesn't support JavaScript, or that has JavaScript disabled.