HTML Tutorial - HTML Encoding

Reserved Characters List

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
" " " quotation mark
' ' ' apostrophe
& & & ampersand
< &#60; &lt; less-than
> &#62; &gt; greater-than

Table of ISO 8859-1 Symbols

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
&#160; &nbsp; non-breaking space
¡ &#161; &iexcl; inverted exclamation mark
¢ &#162; &cent; cent
£ &#163; &pound; pound
¤ &#164; &curren; currency
¥ &#165; &yen; yen
¦ &#166; &brvbar; broken vertical bar
§ &#167; &sect; section
¨ &#168; &uml; spacing diaeresis
© &#169; &copy; copyright
ª &#170; &ordf; feminine ordinal indicator
« &#171; &laquo; angle quotation mark (left)
¬ &#172; &not; negation
­ &#173; &shy; soft hyphen
® &#174; &reg; registered trademark
¯ &#175; &macr; spacing macron
° &#176; &deg; degree
± &#177; &plusmn; plus-or-minus
² &#178; &sup2; superscript 2
³ &#179; &sup3; superscript 3
´ &#180; &acute; spacing acute
µ &#181; &micro; micro
&#182; &para; paragraph
· &#183; &middot; middle dot
¸ &#184; &cedil; spacing cedilla
¹ &#185; &sup1; superscript 1
º &#186; &ordm; masculine ordinal indicator
» &#187; &raquo; angle quotation mark (right)
¼ &#188; &frac14; fraction 1/4
½ &#189; &frac12; fraction 1/2
¾ &#190; &frac34; fraction 3/4
¿ &#191; &iquest; inverted question mark
× &#215; &times; multiplication
÷ &#247; &divide; division

ISO 8859-1 Characters

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
À &#192; &Agrave; capital a, grave accent
Á &#193; &Aacute; capital a, acute accent
 &#194; &Acirc; capital a, circumflex accent
à &#195; &Atilde; capital a, tilde
Ä &#196; &Auml; capital a, umlaut mark
Å &#197; &Aring; capital a, ring
Æ &#198; &AElig; capital ae
Ç &#199; &Ccedil; capital c, cedilla
È &#200; &Egrave; capital e, grave accent
É &#201; &Eacute; capital e, acute accent
Ê &#202; &Ecirc; capital e, circumflex accent
Ë &#203; &Euml; capital e, umlaut mark
Ì &#204; &Igrave; capital i, grave accent
Í &#205; &Iacute; capital i, acute accent
Î &#206; &Icirc; capital i, circumflex accent
Ï &#207; &Iuml; capital i, umlaut mark
Ð &#208; &ETH; capital eth, Icelandic
Ñ &#209; &Ntilde; capital n, tilde
Ò &#210; &Ograve; capital o, grave accent
Ó &#211; &Oacute; capital o, acute accent
Ô &#212; &Ocirc; capital o, circumflex accent
Õ &#213; &Otilde; capital o, tilde
Ö &#214; &Ouml; capital o, umlaut mark
Ø &#216; &Oslash; capital o, slash
Ù &#217; &Ugrave; capital u, grave accent
Ú &#218; &Uacute; capital u, acute accent
Û &#219; &Ucirc; capital u, circumflex accent
Ü &#220; &Uuml; capital u, umlaut mark
Ý &#221; &Yacute; capital y, acute accent
Þ &#222; &THORN; capital THORN, Icelandic
ß &#223; &szlig; small sharp s, German
à &#224; &agrave; small a, grave accent
á &#225; &aacute; small a, acute accent
â &#226; &acirc; small a, circumflex accent
ã &#227; &atilde; small a, tilde
ä &#228; &auml; small a, umlaut mark
å &#229; &aring; small a, ring
æ &#230; &aelig; small ae
ç &#231; &ccedil; small c, cedilla
è &#232; &egrave; small e, grave accent
é &#233; &eacute; small e, acute accent
ê &#234; &ecirc; small e, circumflex accent
ë &#235; &euml; small e, umlaut mark
ì &#236; &igrave; small i, grave accent
í &#237; &iacute; small i, acute accent
î &#238; &icirc; small i, circumflex accent
ï &#239; &iuml; small i, umlaut mark
ð &#240; &eth; small eth, Icelandic
ñ &#241; &ntilde; small n, tilde
ò &#242; &ograve; small o, grave accent
ó &#243; &oacute; small o, acute accent
ô &#244; &ocirc; small o, circumflex accent
õ &#245; &otilde; small o, tilde
ö &#246; &ouml; small o, umlaut mark
ø &#248; &oslash; small o, slash
ù &#249; &ugrave; small u, grave accent
ú &#250; &uacute; small u, acute accent
û &#251; &ucirc; small u, circumflex accent
ü &#252; &uuml; small u, umlaut mark
ý &#253; &yacute; small y, acute accent
þ &#254; &thorn; small thorn, Icelandic
ÿ &#255; &yuml; small y, umlaut mark

Greek Letters in HTML

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Α &#913; &Alpha; Alpha
Β &#914; &Beta; Beta
Γ &#915; &Gamma; Gamma
Δ &#916; &Delta; Delta
Ε &#917; &Epsilon; Epsilon
Ζ &#918; &Zeta; Zeta
Η &#919; &Eta; Eta
Θ &#920; &Theta; Theta
Ι &#921; &Iota; Iota
Κ &#922; &Kappa; Kappa
Λ &#923; &Lambda; Lambda
Μ &#924; &Mu; Mu
Ν &#925; &Nu; Nu
Ξ &#926; &Xi; Xi
Ο &#927; &Omicron; Omicron
Π &#928; &Pi; Pi
Ρ &#929; &Rho; Rho
undefined Sigmaf
Σ &#931; &Sigma; Sigma
Τ &#932; &Tau; Tau
Υ &#933; &Upsilon; Upsilon
Φ &#934; &Phi; Phi
Χ &#935; &Chi; Chi
Ψ &#936; &Psi; Psi
Ω &#937; &Omega; Omega
α &#945; &alpha; alpha
β &#946; &beta; beta
γ &#947; &gamma; gamma
δ &#948; &delta; delta
ε &#949; &epsilon; epsilon
ζ &#950; &zeta; zeta
η &#951; &eta; eta
θ &#952; &theta; theta
ι &#953; &iota; iota
κ &#954; &kappa; kappa
λ &#955; &lambda; lambda
μ &#956; &mu; mu
ν &#957; &nu; nu
ξ &#958; &xi; xi
ο &#959; &omicron; omicron
π &#960; &pi; pi
ρ &#961; &rho; rho
ς &#962; &sigmaf; sigmaf
σ &#963; &sigma; sigma
τ &#964; &tau; tau
υ &#965; &upsilon; upsilon
φ &#966; &phi; phi
χ &#967; &chi; chi
ψ &#968; &psi; psi
ω &#969; &omega; omega
ϑ &#977; &thetasym; theta symbol
ϒ &#978; &upsih; upsilon symbol
ϖ &#982; &piv; pi symbol

Other Entities

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Π&#338; &OElig; capital ligature OE
œ &#339; &oelig; small ligature oe
Š &#352; &Scaron; capital S with caron
š &#353; &scaron; small S with caron
Ÿ &#376; &Yuml; capital Y with diaeres
ƒ &#402; &fnof; f with hook
ˆ &#710; &circ; modifier letter circumflex accent
˜ &#732; &tilde; small tilde
&#8194; &ensp; en space
&#8195; &emsp; em space
&#8201; &thinsp; thin space
&#8204; &zwnj; zero width non-joiner
&#8205; &zwj; zero width joiner
&#8206; &lrm; left-to-right mark
&#8207; &rlm; right-to-left mark
&#8211; &ndash; en dash
&#8212; &mdash; em dash
&#8216; &lsquo; left single quotation mark
&#8217; &rsquo; right single quotation mark
&#8218; &sbquo; single low-9 quotation mark
&#8220; &ldquo; left double quotation mark
&#8221; &rdquo; right double quotation mark
&#8222; &bdquo; double low-9 quotation mark
&#8224; &dagger; dagger
&#8225; &Dagger; double dagger
&#8226; &bull; bullet
&#8230; &hellip; horizontal ellipsis
&#8240; &permil; per mille
&#8242; &prime; minutes
&#8243; &Prime; seconds
&#8249; &lsaquo; single left angle quotation
&#8250; &rsaquo; single right angle quotation
&#8254; &oline; overline
&#8364; &euro; euro
&#8482; or &#153; &trade; trademark
&#8592; &larr; left arrow
&#8593; &uarr; up arrow
&#8594; &rarr; right arrow
&#8595; &darr; down arrow
&#8596; &harr; left right arrow
&#8629; &crarr; carriage return arrow
&#8968; &lceil; left ceiling
&#8969; &rceil; right ceiling
&#8970; &lfloor; left floor
&#8971; &rfloor; right floor
&#9674; &loz; lozenge
&#9824; &spades; spade
&#9827; &clubs; club
&#9829; &hearts; heart
&#9830; &diams; diamond


The following table displays the differences between the character sets.

32 space
33!!!!exclamation mark
34""""quotation mark
35####number sign
36$$$$dollar sign
37%%%%percent sign
40((((left parenthesis
41))))right parenthesis
43++++plus sign
46....full stop
480000digit zero
491111digit one
502222digit two
513333digit three
524444digit four
535555digit five
546666digit six
557777digit seven
568888digit eight
579999digit nine
60<<<<less-than sign
61====equals sign
62>>>>greater-than sign
63????question mark
64@@@@commercial at
65AAAACapital letter A
66BBBBCapital letter B
67CCCCCapital letter C
68DDDDCapital letter D
69EEEECapital letter E
70FFFFCapital letter F
71GGGGCapital letter G
72HHHHCapital letter H
73IIIICapital letter I
74JJJJCapital letter J
75KKKKCapital letter K
76LLLLCapital letter L
77MMMMCapital letter M
78NNNNCapital letter N
79OOOOCapital letter O
80PPPPCapital letter P
81QQQQCapital letter Q
82RRRRCapital letter R
83SSSSCapital letter S
84TTTTCapital letter T
85UUUUCapital letter U
86VVVVCapital letter V
87WWWWCapital letter W
88XXXXCapital letter X
89YYYYCapital letter Y
90ZZZZCapital letter Z
91[[[[left square bracket
92\\\\reverse solidus
93]]]]right square bracket
94^^^^circumflex accent
95____low line
96````grave accent
97aaaaLowercase a
98bbbbLowercase b
99ccccLowercase c
100ddddLowercase d
101eeeeLowercase e
102ffffLowercase f
103ggggLowercase g
104hhhhLowercase h
105iiiiLowercase i
106jjjjLowercase j
107kkkkLowercase k
108llllLowercase l
109mmmmLowercase m
110nnnnLowercase n
111ooooLowercase o
112ppppLowercase p
113qqqqLowercase q
114rrrrLowercase r
115ssssLowercase s
116ttttLowercase t
117uuuuLowercase u
118vvvvLowercase v
119wwwwLowercase w
120xxxxLowercase x
121yyyyLowercase y
122zzzzLowercase z
123{{{{left curly bracket
124||||vertical line
125}}}}right curly bracket
128   euro sign
129 NOT USED
130   single low-9 quotation mark
131 ƒ  Lowercase f with hook
132   double low-9 quotation mark
133   horizontal ellipsis
134   dagger
135   double dagger
136 ˆ  modifier letter circumflex accent
137   per mille sign
138 Š  Capital letter S with caron
139   single left-pointing angle quotation mark
140 Œ  Capital ligature OE
141 NOT USED
142 Ž  Capital letter Z with caron
143 NOT USED
144 NOT USED
145   left single quotation mark
146   right single quotation mark
147   left double quotation mark
148   right double quotation mark
149   bullet
150   en dash
151   em dash
152 ˜  small tilde
153   trade mark sign
154 š  Lowercase s with caron
155   single right-pointing angle quotation mark
156 œ  Latin small ligature oe
157 NOT USED
158 ž  Lowercase z with caron
159 Ÿ  Capital letter Y with diaeresis
160    no-break space
161 ¡¡¡inverted exclamation mark
162 ¢¢¢cent sign
163 £££pound sign
164 ¤¤¤currency sign
165 ¥¥¥yen sign
166 ¦¦¦broken bar
167 §§§section sign
168 ¨¨¨diaeresis
169 ©©©copyright sign
170 ªªªfeminine ordinal indicator
171 «««left-pointing double angle quotation mark
172 ¬¬¬not sign
173 ­­­soft hyphen
174 ®®®registered sign
175 ¯¯¯macron
176 °°°degree sign
177 ±±±plus-minus sign
178 ²²²superscript two
179 ³³³superscript three
180 ´´´acute accent
181 µµµmicro sign
182 pilcrow sign
183 ···middle dot
184 ¸¸¸cedilla
185 ¹¹¹superscript one
186 ºººmasculine ordinal indicator
187 »»»right-pointing double angle quotation mark
188 ¼¼¼vulgar fraction one quarter
189 ½½½vulgar fraction one half
190 ¾¾¾vulgar fraction three quarters
191 ¿¿¿inverted question mark
192 ÀÀÀCapital letter A with grave
193 ÁÁÁCapital letter A with acute
194 ÂÂÂCapital letter A with circumflex
195 ÃÃÃCapital letter A with tilde
196 ÄÄÄCapital letter A with diaeresis
197 ÅÅÅCapital letter A with ring above
198 ÆÆ#198;Capital letter AE
199 ÇÇÇCapital letter C with cedilla
200 ÈÈÈCapital letter E with grave
201 ÉÉÉCapital letter E with acute
202 ÊÊÊCapital letter E with circumflex
203 ËËËCapital letter E with diaeresis
204 ÌÌÌCapital letter I with grave
205 ÍÍÍCapital letter I with acute
206 ÎÎÎCapital letter I with circumflex
207 ÏÏÏCapital letter I with diaeresis
208 ÐÐÐCapital letter Eth
209 ÑÑÑCapital letter N with tilde
210 ÒÒÒCapital letter O with grave
211 ÓÓÓCapital letter O with acute
212 ÔÔÔCapital letter O with circumflex
213 ÕÕÕCapital letter O with tilde
214 ÖÖÖCapital letter O with diaeresis
215 ×××multiplication sign
216 ØØØCapital letter O with stroke
217 ÙÙÙCapital letter U with grave
218 ÚÚÚCapital letter U with acute
219 ÛÛÛCapital letter U with circumflex
220 ÜÜÜCapital letter U with diaeresis
221 ÝÝÝCapital letter Y with acute
222 ÞÞÞCapital letter Thorn
223 ßßßLowercase sharp s
224 àààLowercase a with grave
225 áááLowercase a with acute
226 âââLowercase a with circumflex
227 ãããLowercase a with tilde
228 äääLowercase a with diaeresis
229 åååLowercase a with ring above
230 æææLowercase ae
231 çççLowercase c with cedilla
232 èèèLowercase e with grave
233 éééLowercase e with acute
234 êêêLowercase e with circumflex
235 ëëëLowercase e with diaeresis
236 ìììLowercase i with grave
237 íííLowercase i with acute
238 îîîLowercase i with circumflex
239 ïïïLowercase i with diaeresis
240 ðððLowercase eth
241 ñññLowercase n with tilde
242 òòòLowercase o with grave
243 óóóLowercase o with acute
244 ôôôLowercase o with circumflex
245 õõõLowercase o with tilde
246 öööLowercase o with diaeresis
247 ÷÷÷division sign
248 øøøLowercase o with stroke
249 ùùùLowercase u with grave
250 úúúLowercase u with acute
251 ûûûLowercase with circumflex
252 üüüLowercase u with diaeresis
253 ýýýLowercase y with acute
254 þþþLowercase thorn
255 ÿÿÿLowercase y with diaeresis