Java Tutorial Binary File


  1. Combine several file into one Stream with SequenceInputStream in Java
  2. Display file contents in hexadecimal in Java
  3. Read a Binary File in Java
  4. Read a byte from file using DataInputStream in Java
  5. Read a char from a file using DataInputStream in Java
  6. Read a float from a file using DataInputStream in Java
  7. Read a long from a file using DataInputStream in Java
  8. Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream in Java
  9. Read boolean from file using DataInputStream in Java
  10. Read byte from buffered Stream in Java
  11. Read bytes and display their hexadecimal values in Java
  12. Read double from a File in Java
  13. Read file upside down in Java
  14. Read from file with Buffered InputStream in Java
  15. Read int from a SequenceInputStream in Java
  16. Read int from buffered stream in Java
  17. Read object from a file in Java
  18. Read objects from file using ObjectInputStream in Java
  19. Read one byte from a file in Java
  20. Read short from file using DataInputStream in Java
  21. Read the file one buffer at a time in Java
  22. Read unsigned byte from file using DataInputStream in Java
  23. Skip n bytes while reading the file using FileInputStream in Java
  24. Test for end of file while reading a byte at a time in Java


  1. Determine number of bytes written to DataOutputStream in Java
  2. Flush output stream after writing bytes in Java
  3. Force Updates to a File to the Disk in Java
  4. Save and Read Object in Java
  5. Save different type of objects and read back in Java
  6. Save file from a URL in Java
  7. Save objects to a file in Java
  8. Save user object to a binary file with RandomAccessFile in Java
  9. Serialize an Object (JButton) in Java
  10. Serialize an object to an output stream in Java
  11. Serialize your own objects in Java
  12. Store objects in file in Java
  13. Write boolean to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  14. Write byte to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  15. Write byte to file using BufferedOutputStream in Java
  16. Write double to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  17. Write float to a file in Java
  18. Write float to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  19. Write int array to a file in Java
  20. Write int to a file in Java
  21. Write int to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  22. Write int to a file with buffer in Java
  23. Write integers to a binary file in Java
  24. Write integers using DataOutputStream in Java
  25. Write long to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  26. Write objects to file with ObjectOutputStream in Java
  27. Write one byte to a file in Java
  28. Write short to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  29. Write to file using Buffered Stream in Java
  30. Reverse a file with RandomAccessFile in Java
  31. Seek file pointer position in binary file with RandomAccessFile in Java

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Binary File
Byte Array
Create Copy Move Delete
Encode Decode
File Attribute
File Lock
File System
Jar File
NIO Buffer
Temporary File
Text File