Java Tutorial Text File


  1. Append string to a text file with buffer in Java
  2. Append String to a file with FileWriter in Java


  1. Compare the contents of two Readers to determine if they are equal or not in Java


  1. Convert ByteArrayInputStream to String in Java
  2. Convert InputStream to String in Java
  3. Convert InputStream to String with specified encoding in Java
  4. Count int in a file in Java
  5. Create StringReader from a string and read char by char in Java
  6. Create a word counting utility with FileReader in Java
  7. Dump a String to a text file with encoding in Java
  8. Import a file of exported preference data in Java
  9. Load a text file contents as a String in Java
  10. Load text from a file using buffer in Java
  11. Read File char by char with BufferedInputStream in Java
  12. Read File into String Using BufferedInputStream in Java
  13. Read ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data in Java
  14. Read UTF-8 Encoded Data in Java
  15. Read UTF and int and double from a file in Java
  16. Read a file int by int in Java
  17. Read a text file line by line with BufferReader in Java
  18. Read and return the entire contents of a File to string in Java
  19. Read and return the entire contents of the supplied Reader in Java
  20. Read double and UTF from DataInputStream with BufferedInputStream backended in Java
  21. Read file character by character in Java
  22. Read from a text file char by char in Java
  23. Read text file line by line in Java
  24. Read the contents of a file to a string with Reader in Java
  25. Use a FileReader to display a text file in Java
  26. Compare text file line by line in Java
  27. Get Unbuffered IO support from java.nio.file.Files in Java
  28. Read a text file line by line using the LineNumberReader in Java
  29. Read all of the lines of a file returned as a list of string with java.nio.file.Files in Java
  30. Read text file with Buffere and set default charset by using java.nio.file.Files in Java


  1. Save string to a file FileChannel in Java
  2. Save string to a file and read it into byte array in Java
  3. Save to a text File with PrintStream in Java
  4. Use a PrintWriter to write two Chinese characters and read them back in Java
  5. Write ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data in Java
  6. Write String as bytes to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  7. Write String as characters to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  8. Write UTF-8 Encoded Data in Java
  9. Write UTF String, integer and double with DataOutputStream in Java
  10. Write char to a file using DataOutputStream in Java
  11. Write double, UTF string to a file in Java
  12. Write double and UTF string using DataOutputStream with BufferedOutputStream backended in Java
  13. Write string to a file line by line in Java
  14. Add buffer to FileWriter by wrapping FileWriter with BufferedWriter in Java
  15. Replace the first 3 characters with some text in Java
  16. Write String to a file with PrintWriter in Java
  17. Write character to a file using FileWriter in Java
  18. Write lines of text to file using a PrintWriter in Java
  19. Write string array to a file with FileWriter in Java

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Binary File
Byte Array
Create Copy Move Delete
Encode Decode
File Attribute
File Lock
File System
Jar File
NIO Buffer
Temporary File
Text File