Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get.


public JsonNode get(String paramString) 

Source Link


From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.InsertionRequest.java

 * Parses an insertion request from a json object. Unrecognized elements are
 * ignored./*ww  w.  ja v  a2s . c  o  m*/
public static InsertionRequest fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    InsertionRequest req = new InsertionRequest();
    JsonNode x = node.get("projection");
    if (x != null) {
        req.returnFields = Projection.fromJson(x);
    return req;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.query.NaryValueRelationalExpression.java

 * Parses an n-ary relational expression from the given json object
 *//*from  w  ww  .j av  a  2s  .c  o  m*/
public static NaryValueRelationalExpression fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    if (node.size() == 3) {
        JsonNode x = node.get("op");
        if (x != null) {
            NaryRelationalOperator op = NaryRelationalOperator.fromString(x.asText());
            if (op != null) {
                x = node.get("field");
                if (x != null) {
                    Path field = new Path(x.asText());
                    x = node.get("values");
                    if (x instanceof ArrayNode) {
                        ArrayList<Value> values = new ArrayList<>(((ArrayNode) x).size());
                        for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = ((ArrayNode) x).elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
                        return new NaryValueRelationalExpression(field, op, values);
    throw Error.get(QueryConstants.ERR_INVALID_COMPARISON_EXPRESSION, node.toString());

From source file:com.attribyte.essem.StatsParser.java

 * Parses a stats response./*from   w w w .  j a  v a2 s  . c  o m*/
 * @param esObject The ES response object.
 * @return The parsed stats.
public static Stats parseStats(ObjectNode esObject, RateUnit rateUnit) {

    //This assumes the "extended stats" aggregation.

    JsonNode aggregations = esObject.get("aggregations");
    if (aggregations != null) {
        JsonNode stats = aggregations.get("stats");
        if (stats != null) {
            Stats newStats = new Stats(getIntField(stats, "count", 0), getDoubleField(stats, "min", 0.0),
                    getDoubleField(stats, "max", 0.0), getDoubleField(stats, "avg", 0.0),
                    getDoubleField(stats, "sum", 0.0), getDoubleField(stats, "sum_of_squares", 0.0),
                    getDoubleField(stats, "variance", 0.0), getDoubleField(stats, "std_deviation", 0.0));

            return rateUnit != null ? newStats.scale(rateUnit.mult) : newStats;
        } else {
            return Stats.EMPTY_STATS;
    } else {
        return Stats.EMPTY_STATS;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.query.UnsetExpression.java

 * Parses an unset expression using the given json object
 *//*from ww  w  . j a v a  2 s.  c o m*/
public static UnsetExpression fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    if (node.size() == 1) {
        JsonNode val = node.get(UpdateOperator._unset.toString());
        if (val != null) {
            List<Path> fields = new ArrayList<>();
            if (val instanceof ArrayNode) {
                for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = ((ArrayNode) val).elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
                    fields.add(new Path(itr.next().asText()));
            } else if (val.isValueNode()) {
                fields.add(new Path(val.asText()));
            return new UnsetExpression(fields);
    throw Error.get(QueryConstants.ERR_INVALID_UNSET_EXPRESSION, node.toString());

From source file:com.attribyte.essem.StoredGraphParser.java

 * Parses a stored graph response.// ww  w  . j av  a 2s  . co m
 * @param esObject The ES response object.
 * @return The list of graphs.
public static List<StoredGraph> parseGraphs(ObjectNode esObject) throws IOException {
    List<StoredGraph> graphList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(16);
    JsonNode hitsObj = esObject.get("hits");
    if (hitsObj != null) {
        JsonNode hitsArr = hitsObj.get("hits");
        if (hitsArr != null) {
            for (JsonNode hitObj : hitsArr) {
                JsonNode fieldsObj = hitObj.get("fields");
                if (fieldsObj != null) {
    return graphList;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.SaveRequest.java

 * Parses a save request from a JSON object
 *//*from  w ww.j av  a 2 s  .  co m*/
public static SaveRequest fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    SaveRequest req = new SaveRequest();
    JsonNode x = node.get("projection");
    if (x != null) {
        req.returnFields = Projection.fromJson(x);
    x = node.get("upsert");
    if (x != null) {
        req.upsert = x.asBoolean();
    return req;

From source file:org.onosproject.codec.impl.IntentCodec.java

 * Extracts base intent specific attributes from a JSON object
 * and adds them to a builder./*from w w  w .j a v  a 2  s  . co m*/
 * @param json root JSON object
 * @param context code context
 * @param builder builder to use for storing the attributes
public static void intentAttributes(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context, Intent.Builder builder) {
    String appId = nullIsIllegal(json.get(IntentCodec.APP_ID),
            IntentCodec.APP_ID + IntentCodec.MISSING_MEMBER_MESSAGE).asText();
    CoreService service = context.getService(CoreService.class);

    JsonNode priorityJson = json.get(IntentCodec.PRIORITY);
    if (priorityJson != null) {

From source file:com.almende.salig.Client.java

private static Message createMessage(ObjectNode input) {
    final Message message = new Message();
    message.setLicense("app1@kinect/" + input.get("type").asText() + "/string");
    message.setSerial(input.get("type").asText() + "Detector");
    return message;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.DataError.java

 * Parses a Json object node and returns the DataError corresponding to it.
 * It is up to the client to make sure that the object node is a DataError
 * representation. Any unrecognized elements are ignored.
 *///from w w  w  . j  a va2  s.co  m
public static DataError fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    DataError error = new DataError();
    JsonNode x = node.get("data");
    if (x != null) {
        error.entityData = x;
    x = node.get("errors");
    if (x instanceof ArrayNode) {
        error.errors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = ((ArrayNode) x).elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
    return error;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.UpdateRequest.java

 * Parses an update request from a Json object
 *///  www.java2 s .  c o m
public static UpdateRequest fromJson(ObjectNode node) {
    UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest();
    JsonNode x = node.get("query");
    if (x != null) {
        req.query = QueryExpression.fromJson(x);
    x = node.get("update");
    if (x != null) {
        req.updateExpression = UpdateExpression.fromJson(x);
    x = node.get("projection");
    if (x != null) {
        req.returnFields = Projection.fromJson(x);
    return req;