Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get.


public JsonNode get(String paramString) 

Source Link


From source file:com.edp.service.product.BpmnJsonConverter.java

private void readShapeDI(JsonNode objectNode, double parentX, double parentY, Map<String, JsonNode> shapeMap,
        Map<String, JsonNode> sourceRefMap, BpmnModel bpmnModel) {
    if (objectNode.get(EDITOR_CHILD_SHAPES) != null) {
        for (JsonNode jsonChildNode : objectNode.get(EDITOR_CHILD_SHAPES)) {
            String stencilId = BpmnJsonConverterUtil.getStencilId(jsonChildNode);

            if (STENCIL_SEQUENCE_FLOW.equals(stencilId) == false) {
                GraphicInfo graphicInfo = new GraphicInfo();

                JsonNode boundsNode = jsonChildNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS);
                ObjectNode upperLeftNode = (ObjectNode) boundsNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_UPPER_LEFT);
                graphicInfo.setX(upperLeftNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).asDouble() + parentX);
                graphicInfo.setY(upperLeftNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).asDouble() + parentY);

                ObjectNode lowerRightNode = (ObjectNode) boundsNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_LOWER_RIGHT);
                graphicInfo.setWidth(/* w w w.  ja v  a 2 s.  co m*/
                        lowerRightNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).asDouble() - graphicInfo.getX() + parentX);
                        lowerRightNode.get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).asDouble() - graphicInfo.getY() + parentY);

                String childShapeId = jsonChildNode.get(EDITOR_SHAPE_ID).asText();
                bpmnModel.addGraphicInfo(BpmnJsonConverterUtil.getElementId(jsonChildNode), graphicInfo);

                shapeMap.put(childShapeId, jsonChildNode);

                ArrayNode outgoingNode = (ArrayNode) jsonChildNode.get("outgoing");

                if ((outgoingNode != null) && (outgoingNode.size() > 0)) {
                    for (JsonNode outgoingChildNode : outgoingNode) {
                        JsonNode resourceNode = outgoingChildNode.get(EDITOR_SHAPE_ID);

                        if (resourceNode != null) {
                            sourceRefMap.put(resourceNode.asText(), jsonChildNode);

                readShapeDI(jsonChildNode, graphicInfo.getX(), graphicInfo.getY(), shapeMap, sourceRefMap,

From source file:io.wcm.caravan.pipeline.impl.JsonPipelineImpl.java

public JsonPipeline merge(JsonPipeline secondarySource, String targetProperty) {

    Observable<JsonNode> zippedSource = dataSource.zipWith(secondarySource.getOutput(),
            (jsonFromPrimary, jsonFromSecondary) -> {
                log.debug("zipping object from secondary source into target property " + targetProperty);

                if (!(jsonFromPrimary.isObject())) {
                    throw new JsonPipelineOutputException(
                            "Only pipelines with JSON *Objects* can be used as a target for a merge operation, but response data for "
                                    + this.getDescriptor() + " contained "
                                    + jsonFromPrimary.getClass().getSimpleName());
                }//  www.  j a v a2s. co  m

                // start with cloning the the response of the primary pipeline
                ObjectNode mergedObject = jsonFromPrimary.deepCopy();

                // if a target property is specified, the JSON to be merged is inserted into this property
                if (isNotBlank(targetProperty)) {

                    if (!mergedObject.has(targetProperty)) {
                        // the target property does not exist yet, so we just can set the property
                        mergedObject.set(targetProperty, jsonFromSecondary);
                    } else {

                        // the target property already exists - let's hope we can merge!
                        JsonNode targetNode = mergedObject.get(targetProperty);

                        if (!targetNode.isObject()) {
                            throw new JsonPipelineOutputException(
                                    "When merging two pipelines into the same target property, both most contain JSON *Object* responses");

                        if (!(jsonFromSecondary.isObject())) {
                            throw new JsonPipelineOutputException(
                                    "Only pipelines with JSON *Object* responses can be merged into an existing target property");

                        mergeAllPropertiesInto((ObjectNode) jsonFromSecondary, (ObjectNode) targetNode);
                } else {

                    // if no target property is specified, all properties of the secondary pipeline are copied into the merged object
                    if (!(jsonFromSecondary.isObject())) {
                        throw new JsonPipelineOutputException(
                                "Only pipelines with JSON *Object* responses can be merged without specify a target property");

                    mergeAllPropertiesInto((ObjectNode) jsonFromSecondary, mergedObject);

                return mergedObject;

    String targetSuffix = isNotBlank(targetProperty) ? " INTO " + targetProperty : "";
    String transformationDesc = "MERGE(" + secondarySource.getDescriptor() + targetSuffix + ")";

    JsonPipelineImpl mergedPipeline = cloneWith(zippedSource, transformationDesc);
    return mergedPipeline;

From source file:org.wrml.runtime.format.text.html.WrmldocFormatter.java

protected ArrayNode buildReferencesArrayNode(final ObjectMapper objectMapper,
        final Map<URI, ObjectNode> schemaNodes, final Map<URI, LinkRelation> linkRelationCache,
        final Resource resource, final Prototype defaultPrototype) {

    final Context context = getContext();
    final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = context.getSchemaLoader();
    final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader = context.getSyntaxLoader();

    final URI defaultSchemaUri = (defaultPrototype != null) ? defaultPrototype.getSchemaUri() : null;
    final String defaultSchemaName = (defaultPrototype != null)
            ? defaultPrototype.getUniqueName().getLocalName()
            : null;/*w  w w  .  ja  v  a 2  s  .c om*/

    final ArrayNode referencesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode();

    final ConcurrentHashMap<URI, LinkTemplate> referenceTemplates = resource.getReferenceTemplates();
    final Set<URI> referenceRelationUris = referenceTemplates.keySet();

    if (referenceTemplates != null && !referenceTemplates.isEmpty()) {

        String selfResponseSchemaName = null;

        List<String> resourceParameterList = null;
        final UriTemplate uriTemplate = resource.getUriTemplate();
        final String[] parameterNames = uriTemplate.getParameterNames();
        if (parameterNames != null && parameterNames.length > 0) {

            resourceParameterList = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) {
                final String parameterName = parameterNames[i];

                URI keyedSchemaUri = null;

                if (defaultPrototype != null) {
                    final Set<String> allKeySlotNames = defaultPrototype.getAllKeySlotNames();
                    if (allKeySlotNames != null && allKeySlotNames.contains(parameterName)) {
                        keyedSchemaUri = defaultSchemaUri;

                if (keyedSchemaUri == null) {

                    final Set<URI> referenceLinkRelationUris = resource
                    if (referenceLinkRelationUris != null && !referenceLinkRelationUris.isEmpty()) {
                        for (URI linkRelationUri : referenceLinkRelationUris) {
                            final LinkTemplate referenceTemplate = referenceTemplates.get(linkRelationUri);
                            final URI responseSchemaUri = referenceTemplate.getResponseSchemaUri();
                            final Prototype responseSchemaPrototype = schemaLoader
                            if (responseSchemaPrototype != null) {
                                final Set<String> allKeySlotNames = responseSchemaPrototype
                                if (allKeySlotNames != null && allKeySlotNames.contains(parameterName)) {
                                    keyedSchemaUri = responseSchemaUri;

                String parameterTypeString = "?";

                if (keyedSchemaUri != null) {

                    final Prototype keyedPrototype = schemaLoader.getPrototype(keyedSchemaUri);
                    final ProtoSlot keyProtoSlot = keyedPrototype.getProtoSlot(parameterName);
                    if (keyProtoSlot instanceof PropertyProtoSlot) {
                        final PropertyProtoSlot keyPropertyProtoSlot = (PropertyProtoSlot) keyProtoSlot;
                        final ValueType parameterValueType = keyPropertyProtoSlot.getValueType();
                        final Type parameterHeapType = keyPropertyProtoSlot.getHeapValueType();
                        switch (parameterValueType) {
                        case Text: {
                            if (!String.class.equals(parameterHeapType)) {
                                final Class<?> syntaxClass = (Class<?>) parameterHeapType;
                                parameterTypeString = syntaxClass.getSimpleName();
                            } else {
                                parameterTypeString = parameterValueType.name();

                        case SingleSelect: {
                            final Class<?> choicesEnumClass = (Class<?>) parameterHeapType;

                            if (choicesEnumClass.isEnum()) {
                                parameterTypeString = choicesEnumClass.getSimpleName();
                            } else {
                                // ?
                                parameterTypeString = parameterValueType.name();

                        default: {
                            parameterTypeString = parameterValueType.name();


                resourceParameterList.add(parameterTypeString + " " + parameterName);

        for (final Method method : Method.values()) {
            for (final URI linkRelationUri : referenceRelationUris) {

                final LinkTemplate referenceTemplate = referenceTemplates.get(linkRelationUri);
                final LinkRelation linkRelation = getLinkRelation(linkRelationCache, linkRelationUri);

                if (method != linkRelation.getMethod()) {

                final ObjectNode referenceNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

                referenceNode.put(PropertyName.method.name(), method.getProtocolGivenName());
                referenceNode.put(PropertyName.rel.name(), syntaxLoader.formatSyntaxValue(linkRelationUri));

                final String relationTitle = linkRelation.getTitle();
                referenceNode.put(PropertyName.relationTitle.name(), relationTitle);

                final URI responseSchemaUri = referenceTemplate.getResponseSchemaUri();
                String responseSchemaName = null;
                if (responseSchemaUri != null) {
                    final ObjectNode responseSchemaNode = getSchemaNode(objectMapper, schemaNodes,
                            responseSchemaUri, schemaLoader);
                    referenceNode.put(PropertyName.responseSchema.name(), responseSchemaNode);

                    responseSchemaName = responseSchemaNode

                final URI requestSchemaUri = referenceTemplate.getRequestSchemaUri();

                String requestSchemaName = null;
                if (requestSchemaUri != null) {
                    final ObjectNode requestSchemaNode = getSchemaNode(objectMapper, schemaNodes,
                            requestSchemaUri, schemaLoader);
                    referenceNode.put(PropertyName.requestSchema.name(), requestSchemaNode);

                    requestSchemaName = requestSchemaNode

                final StringBuilder signatureBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                if (responseSchemaName != null) {
                } else {

                signatureBuilder.append(" ");

                String functionName = relationTitle;

                if (SystemLinkRelation.self.getUri().equals(linkRelationUri)) {
                    functionName = "get" + responseSchemaName;
                    selfResponseSchemaName = responseSchemaName;
                } else if (SystemLinkRelation.save.getUri().equals(linkRelationUri)) {
                    functionName = "save" + responseSchemaName;
                } else if (SystemLinkRelation.delete.getUri().equals(linkRelationUri)) {
                    functionName = "delete";
                    if (defaultSchemaName != null) {
                        functionName += defaultSchemaName;
                    } else if (selfResponseSchemaName != null) {
                        functionName += selfResponseSchemaName;

                signatureBuilder.append(functionName).append(" ( ");

                String parameterString = null;
                if (resourceParameterList != null) {
                    final StringBuilder parameterStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    final int parameterCount = resourceParameterList.size();
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
                        final String parameter = resourceParameterList.get(i);
                        if (i < parameterCount - 1) {
                            parameterStringBuilder.append(" , ");

                    parameterString = parameterStringBuilder.toString();

                if (requestSchemaName != null) {
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(parameterString)) {
                        signatureBuilder.append(" , ");


                    signatureBuilder.append(" ");

                    final String parameterName = Character.toLowerCase(requestSchemaName.charAt(0))
                            + requestSchemaName.substring(1);

                signatureBuilder.append(" ) ");

                final String signature = signatureBuilder.toString();
                referenceNode.put(PropertyName.signature.name(), signature);



    return referencesNode;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.services.TestIkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.java

public void test_createDeleteLibraryBean()
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, JsonProcessingException, IOException, ParseException {
    final String temp_dir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator;

    ICrudService<JsonNode> v1_share_db = this._service_context.getCoreManagementDbService()
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ICrudService.class, Optional.of("social.share")).get();

    final DBCollection dbc = v1_share_db.getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(DBCollection.class, Optional.empty())
            .get();/*from  w  w w .  j a  v  a  2 s.  c  om*/


    IManagementCrudService<SharedLibraryBean> library_db = this._service_context.getCoreManagementDbService()


    final ObjectMapper mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty());

    final ObjectNode v1_share_1 = (ObjectNode) mapper
    final DBObject v1_share_1_dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(v1_share_1.toString());
    v1_share_1_dbo.put("_id", new ObjectId(v1_share_1.get("_id").asText()));

    final String fileref_share = IOUtils
            .toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test_v1_sync_sample_share_fileref.json"), "UTF-8")
            .replace("XXX_TEMPDIR_XXX", temp_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\"));

    final ObjectNode v1_share_1b = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(fileref_share);
    final DBObject v1_share_1b_dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(v1_share_1b.toString());
    v1_share_1b_dbo.put("_id", new ObjectId(v1_share_1b.get("_id").asText()));

    assertEquals(0L, (long) v1_share_db.countObjects().get());
    assertEquals(2L, (long) v1_share_db.countObjects().get());

    final ObjectNode v1_share_2 = (ObjectNode) mapper
    v1_share_2.set("_id", new TextNode("655d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe"));
    final SharedLibraryBean share2 = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.getLibraryBeanFromV1Share(v1_share_2);
    assertEquals(1L, (long) library_db.countObjects().get());

    // Create directory
    FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(temp_dir + "/library/"));
    FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc"));
    assertFalse(new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc").exists());
    FileUtils.write(new File(temp_dir + "/v1_library.jar"), "test12345");

    final GridFS share_fs = Mockito.mock(GridFS.class);
    final GridFSDBFile share_file = Mockito.mock(GridFSDBFile.class, new Answer<Void>() {
        public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            if (invocation.getMethod().getName().equals("writeTo")) {
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = (ByteArrayOutputStream) invocation.getArguments()[0];
                if (null != baos) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

    // Create

    Date modified_test = null;
        final ManagementFuture<Supplier<Object>> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.createLibraryBean(
                v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), library_db, _service_context.getStorageService(), true,
                v1_share_db, share_fs, _service_context);

        assertEquals("v1_" + v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), res.get().get().toString());

        // Wrote DB entry

        modified_test = library_db.getObjectById(res.get().get().toString()).get().get().modified();

        // Created file:
        final File f = new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc/library.jar");
        assertEquals("test123", FileUtils.readFileToString(f));

    // Create - use file reference
        final ManagementFuture<Supplier<Object>> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.createLibraryBean(
                v1_share_1b.get("_id").asText(), library_db, _service_context.getStorageService(), true,
                v1_share_db, share_fs, _service_context);

        assertEquals("v1_" + v1_share_1b.get("_id").asText(), res.get().get().toString());

        // Wrote DB entry

        modified_test = library_db.getObjectById(res.get().get().toString()).get().get().modified();

        // Created file:
        final File f = new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc/v1_library.jar");
        assertEquals("test12345", FileUtils.readFileToString(f));

    // Create duplicate

        final ManagementFuture<Supplier<Object>> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.createLibraryBean(
                v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), library_db, _service_context.getStorageService(), true,
                v1_share_db, share_fs, _service_context);

        try {
            fail("Should have thrown dup error");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } // good

    // Update

        v1_share_1_dbo.put("modified", new Date());

        final GridFSDBFile share_file2 = Mockito.mock(GridFSDBFile.class, new Answer<Void>() {
            public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                if (invocation.getMethod().getName().equals("writeTo")) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = (ByteArrayOutputStream) invocation.getArguments()[0];
                    if (null != baos) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                return null;

        final ManagementFuture<Supplier<Object>> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.createLibraryBean(
                v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), library_db, _service_context.getStorageService(), false,
                v1_share_db, share_fs, _service_context);

        assertEquals("v1_" + v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), res.get().get().toString());

        // Wrote DB entry

        // Created file:
        final File f = new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc/library.jar");
        assertEquals("test1234", FileUtils.readFileToString(f));

        final Date modified_2 = library_db.getObjectById(res.get().get().toString()).get().get().modified();

        assertTrue("Mod time should change " + modified_test + " < " + modified_2,
                modified_2.getTime() > modified_test.getTime());

    // Delete

        IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.deleteLibraryBean(v1_share_1.get("_id").asText(), library_db,

        assertFalse(library_db.getObjectById("v1_" + v1_share_1.get("_id").asText()).get().isPresent());

        final File f = new File(temp_dir + "/library/misc/library.jar");

        IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.deleteLibraryBean(v1_share_2.get("_id").asText(), library_db,

From source file:com.unboundid.scim2.server.utils.SchemaChecker.java

 * Internal method to check a SCIM resource.
 * @param prefix The issue prefix./*  w ww. j a v  a  2s.co m*/
 * @param objectNode The partial resource.
 * @param results The schema check results.
 * @param currentObjectNode The current resource.
 * @param isReplace Whether this is a replace.
 * @throws ScimException If an error occurs.
private void checkResource(final String prefix, final ObjectNode objectNode, final Results results,
        final ObjectNode currentObjectNode, final boolean isReplace) throws ScimException {
    // Iterate through the schemas
    JsonNode schemas = objectNode.get(SchemaUtils.SCHEMAS_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION.getName());
    if (schemas != null && schemas.isArray()) {
        boolean coreFound = false;
        for (JsonNode schema : schemas) {
            if (!schema.isTextual()) {
                // Go to the next one if the schema URI is not valid. We will report
                // this issue later when we check the values for the schemas
                // attribute.

            // Get the extension namespace object node.
            JsonNode extensionNode = objectNode.remove(schema.textValue());
            if (extensionNode == null) {
                // Extension listed in schemas but no namespace in resource. Treat it
                // as an empty namesapce to check for required attributes.
                extensionNode = JsonUtils.getJsonNodeFactory().objectNode();
            if (!extensionNode.isObject()) {
                // Go to the next one if the extension namespace is not valid
                results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Extended attributes namespace " + schema.textValue()
                        + " must be a JSON object");

            // Find the schema definition.
            Map.Entry<SchemaResource, Boolean> extensionDefinition = null;
            if (schema.textValue().equals(resourceType.getCoreSchema().getId())) {
                // Skip the core schema.
                coreFound = true;
            } else {
                for (Map.Entry<SchemaResource, Boolean> schemaExtension : resourceType.getSchemaExtensions()
                        .entrySet()) {
                    if (schema.textValue().equals(schemaExtension.getKey().getId())) {
                        extensionDefinition = schemaExtension;

            if (extensionDefinition == null) {
                // Bail if we can't find the schema definition. We will report this
                // issue later when we check the values for the schemas attribute.

            checkObjectNode(prefix, Path.root(schema.textValue()), extensionDefinition.getKey().getAttributes(),
                    (ObjectNode) extensionNode, results, currentObjectNode, isReplace, false, isReplace);

        if (!coreFound) {
            // Make sure core schemas was included.
            results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Value for attribute schemas must " + " contain schema URI "
                    + resourceType.getCoreSchema().getId()
                    + " because it is the core schema for this resource type");

        // Make sure all required extension schemas were included.
        for (Map.Entry<SchemaResource, Boolean> schemaExtension : resourceType.getSchemaExtensions()
                .entrySet()) {
            if (schemaExtension.getValue()) {
                boolean found = false;
                for (JsonNode schema : schemas) {
                    if (schema.textValue().equals(schemaExtension.getKey().getId())) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Value for attribute schemas "
                            + "must contain schema URI " + schemaExtension.getKey().getId()
                            + " because it is a required schema extension for this " + "resource type");

    // All defined schema extensions should be removed.
    // Remove any additional extended attribute namespaces not included in
    // the schemas attribute.
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> i = objectNode.fields();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        String fieldName = i.next().getKey();
        if (SchemaUtils.isUrn(fieldName)) {
            results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Extended attributes namespace " + fieldName
                    + " must be included in the schemas attribute");

    // Check common and core schema
    checkObjectNode(prefix, Path.root(), commonAndCoreAttributes, objectNode, results, currentObjectNode,
            isReplace, false, isReplace);

From source file:com.github.reinert.jjschema.JsonSchemaGenerator.java

 * Merges two schemas.//www  .j a  v a 2s  .  co  m
 * @param parent                   A parent schema considering inheritance
 * @param child                    A child schema considering inheritance
 * @param overwriteChildProperties A boolean to check whether properties (from parent or child) must have higher priority
 * @return The tow schemas merged
protected ObjectNode mergeSchema(ObjectNode parent, ObjectNode child, boolean overwriteChildProperties) {
    Iterator<String> namesIterator = child.fieldNames();

    if (overwriteChildProperties) {
        while (namesIterator.hasNext()) {
            String propertyName = namesIterator.next();
            overwriteProperty(parent, child, propertyName);

    } else {

        while (namesIterator.hasNext()) {
            String propertyName = namesIterator.next();
            if (!TAG_PROPERTIES.equals(propertyName)) {
                overwriteProperty(parent, child, propertyName);

        ObjectNode properties = (ObjectNode) child.get(TAG_PROPERTIES);
        if (properties != null) {
            if (parent.get(TAG_PROPERTIES) == null) {

            Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = properties.fields();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = it.next();
                String pName = entry.getKey();
                ObjectNode pSchema = (ObjectNode) entry.getValue();
                ObjectNode actualSchema = (ObjectNode) parent.get(TAG_PROPERTIES).get(pName);
                if (actualSchema != null) {
                    mergeSchema(pSchema, actualSchema, false);
                ((ObjectNode) parent.get(TAG_PROPERTIES)).put(pName, pSchema);

    return parent;

From source file:org.lendingclub.mercator.newrelic.NewRelicScanner.java

 * Scans all the servers ( reporting and non-reporting ) in NewRelic.
 * //from   ww  w .  java  2  s.  c om
private void scanServers() {

    Instant startTime = Instant.now();

    ObjectNode servers = getNewRelicClient().getServers();
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(getProjector().getNeoRxClient(), "neorx client must be set");

    String cypher = "WITH {json} as data " + "UNWIND data.servers as server "
            + "MERGE ( s:NewRelicServer { nr_serverId: toString(server.id), nr_accountId:{accountId} } ) "
            + "ON CREATE SET s.name = server.name, s.host = server.host, s.healthStatus = server.health_status, s.reporting = server.reporting, "
            + "s.lastReportedAt = server.last_reported_at, s.createTs = timestamp(), s.updateTs = timestamp() "
            + "ON MATCH SET s.name = server.name, s.host = server.host, s.healthStatus = server.health_status, s.reporting = server.reporting, "
            + "s.lastReportedAt = server.last_reported_at, s.updateTs = timestamp()";

    getProjector().getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "json", servers, "accountId",
    Instant endTime = Instant.now();

    logger.info("Updating neo4j with the latest information about {} NewRelic Servers took {} secs",
            servers.get("servers").size(), Duration.between(startTime, endTime).getSeconds());

From source file:org.wrml.runtime.format.application.schema.json.JsonSchema.java

private void parseProperties() {

    final ObjectNode propertiesNode = (ObjectNode) Definitions.PropertyType.Properties.getValueNode(_RootNode);

    if (propertiesNode != null) {

        final Iterator<String> propertyNames = propertiesNode.fieldNames();
        while (propertyNames.hasNext()) {
            final String name = propertyNames.next();

            final ObjectNode propertyNode = (ObjectNode) propertiesNode.get(name);

            Property property;/*from   w  w w.j  a  v a  2s . c o m*/
            try {
                property = new Property(this, name, propertyNode);
            } catch (final IOException e) {

            // Add to the required set if noted
            Object value = property.getValue(PropertyType.Required);
            if (value != null && (Boolean) value) {

            _Properties.put(name, property);


From source file:com.almende.eve.monitor.ResultMonitorFactory.java

@Override/*from   w w  w . ja  va2 s. c  om*/
public final void registerPush(@Name("pushId") final String id, @Name("config") final ObjectNode pushParams,
        @Sender final String senderUrl) {
    final String pushKey = "_push_" + senderUrl + "_" + id;
    pushParams.put("url", senderUrl);
    pushParams.put("pushId", id);

    if (myAgent.getState().containsKey(pushKey)) {
        LOG.warning("reregistration of existing push, canceling old version.");
        try {
            unregisterPush(id, senderUrl);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.warning("Failed to unregister push:" + e);
    final ObjectNode result = JOM.createObjectNode();
    result.put("config", pushParams);

    final ObjectNode params = JOM.createObjectNode();
    params.put("pushKey", pushKey);

    LOG.info("Register Push:" + pushKey);
    if (pushParams.has("interval")) {
        final int interval = pushParams.get("interval").intValue();
        final JSONRequest request = new JSONRequest("monitor.doPush", params);
        result.put("taskId", myAgent.getScheduler().createTask(request, interval, true, false));
    String event = "";
    if (pushParams.has("event")) {
        // Event param overrules
        event = pushParams.get("event").textValue();
    if (pushParams.has("onChange") && pushParams.get("onChange").booleanValue()) {
        event = "change";
        try {
            final CallTuple res = NamespaceUtil.get(myAgent, pushParams.get("method").textValue());

            final AnnotatedMethod method = res.getMethod();
            final EventTriggered annotation = method.getAnnotation(EventTriggered.class);
            if (annotation != null) {
                // If no Event param, get it from annotation, else
                // use default.
                event = annotation.value();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
    if (!event.equals("")) {
        try {
            result.put("subscriptionId", myAgent.getEventsFactory().subscribe(myAgent.getFirstUrl(), event,
                    "monitor.doPush", params));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to register push Event", e);

    myAgent.getState().put(pushKey, result.toString());

From source file:org.apache.asterix.test.common.TestExecutor.java

public InputStream executeAnyAQLAsync(String statement, boolean defer, OutputFormat fmt, URI uri,
        Map<String, Object> variableCtx) throws Exception {
    // Create a method instance.
    HttpUriRequest request = RequestBuilder.post(uri)
            .addParameter("mode", defer ? "asynchronous-deferred" : "asynchronous")
            .setEntity(new StringEntity(statement, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).setHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType())
            .build();// ww  w.ja v  a2s  .c  o  m

    String handleVar = getHandleVariable(statement);

    HttpResponse response = executeAndCheckHttpRequest(request);
    InputStream resultStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
    String resultStr = IOUtils.toString(resultStream, "UTF-8");
    ObjectNode resultJson = new ObjectMapper().readValue(resultStr, ObjectNode.class);
    final JsonNode jsonHandle = resultJson.get("handle");
    final String strHandle = jsonHandle.asText();

    if (handleVar != null) {
        variableCtx.put(handleVar, strHandle);
        return resultStream;
    return null;