Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode get.


public JsonNode get(String paramString) 

Source Link


From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

private static boolean isBuildingCoOwner(ObjectNode building, String userId) {

    JsonNode cws = null;/*from w ww. j av a  2s  .c o m*/

    if (building != null && (cws = building.get("co_owners")) != null) {
        Iterator<JsonNode> it = cws.elements();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (it.next().textValue().equals(userId)) {
                return true;

    return false;

From source file:com.almende.eve.agent.google.GoogleCalendarAgent.java

 * Refresh the access token using the refresh token the tokens in provided
 * authorization object will be updated//www  .  j a v a2  s  .co m
 * @param auth
 * @throws Exception
private void refreshAuthorization(final Authorization auth) throws Exception {
    final String refresh_token = (auth != null) ? auth.getRefreshToken() : null;
    if (refresh_token == null) {
        throw new Exception("No refresh token available");

    final Config config = getAgentHost().getConfig();
    final String client_id = config.get("google", "client_id");
    final String client_secret = config.get("google", "client_secret");

    // retrieve new access_token using the refresh_token
    final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    params.put("client_id", client_id);
    params.put("client_secret", client_secret);
    params.put("refresh_token", refresh_token);
    params.put("grant_type", "refresh_token");
    final String resp = HttpUtil.postForm(OAUTH_URI + "/token", params);
    final ObjectNode json = JOM.getInstance().readValue(resp, ObjectNode.class);
    if (!json.has("access_token")) {
        // TODO: give more specific error message
        throw new Exception("Retrieving new access token failed");

    // update authorization
    if (json.has("access_token")) {
    if (json.has("expires_in")) {
        final Integer expires_in = json.get("expires_in").asInt();
        final DateTime expires_at = calculateExpiresAt(expires_in);

From source file:com.unboundid.scim2.server.utils.SchemaChecker.java

 * Remove any read-only attributes and/or sub-attributes that are present in
 * the provided SCIM resource. This should be performed on new and
 * replacement SCIM resources before schema checking since read-only
 * attributes should be ignored by the service provider on create with POST
 * and modify with PUT operations./*from   w w w .j av a2  s.c o  m*/
 * @param objectNode The SCIM resource to remove read-only attributes from.
 *                   This method will not alter the provided resource.
 * @return The new SCIM resource with the read-only attributes (if any)
 *         removed.
public ObjectNode removeReadOnlyAttributes(final ObjectNode objectNode) {
    ObjectNode copyNode = objectNode.deepCopy();
    for (SchemaResource schemaExtension : resourceType.getSchemaExtensions().keySet()) {
        JsonNode extension = copyNode.get(schemaExtension.getId());
        if (extension != null && extension.isObject()) {
            removeReadOnlyAttributes(schemaExtension.getAttributes(), (ObjectNode) extension);
    removeReadOnlyAttributes(commonAndCoreAttributes, copyNode);
    return copyNode;

From source file:com.delphix.delphix.DelphixEngine.java

 * Provision a VDB either a semantic point or a snapshot with the name of the new VDB being optional
 *//*ww w . jav  a2  s  .co m*/
public String provisionVDB(String containerRef, String snapshotRef, String containerName, String repositoryRef,
        String mountBase) throws IOException, DelphixEngineException {
    String defaultParams = "";
    if (snapshotRef.equals(CONTENT_LATEST_POINT) || snapshotRef.equals(CONTENT_LATEST_SNAPSHOT)) {
        defaultParams = getProvisionDefaultsContainer(containerRef, snapshotRef);
    } else {
        defaultParams = getProvisionDefaultsSnapshot(snapshotRef);
    // Strip out null values from provision parameters
    defaultParams = defaultParams.replaceAll("(\"[^\"]+\":null,?|,?\"[^\"]+\":null)", "");
    JsonNode params = MAPPER.readTree(defaultParams);

    // Set new VDB name if it is passed
    if (!containerName.isEmpty()) {
        ObjectNode containerNode = (ObjectNode) params.get("container");
        containerNode.put("name", containerName);
        ObjectNode sourceConfigNode = (ObjectNode) params.get("sourceConfig");
        sourceConfigNode.put("databaseName", containerName);
        sourceConfigNode.put("uniqueName", containerName);
        ObjectNode instanceNode = (ObjectNode) sourceConfigNode.get("instance");
        instanceNode.put("instanceName", containerName);

    // Set target repository
    if (!repositoryRef.isEmpty() && !repositoryRef.equals("default")) {
        ObjectNode sourceConfig = (ObjectNode) params.get("sourceConfig");
        sourceConfig.put("repository", repositoryRef);
        DelphixRepository repository = getRepository(repositoryRef);
        // Handle provisioning to RAC
        if (repository.getRAC()) {
            sourceConfig.put("type", "OracleRACConfig");
            if (sourceConfig.has("instance")) {
            ArrayNode instances = sourceConfig.putArray("instances");
            ArrayList<DelphixClusterNode> clusterNodes = listClusterNodes();
            int i = 1;
            for (DelphixClusterNode node : clusterNodes) {
                ObjectNode instance = MAPPER.createObjectNode();
                instance.put("type", "OracleRACInstance");
                instance.put("instanceNumber", i);
                ObjectNode containerNode = (ObjectNode) params.get("container");
                instance.put("instanceName", containerNode.get("name").asText() + i);
                instance.put("node", node.getReference());

    // Set the base mount point
    if (!mountBase.isEmpty()) {
        ObjectNode sourceConfig = (ObjectNode) params.get("source");
        sourceConfig.put("mountBase", mountBase);

    JsonNode result;
    ObjectNode sourceNode = (ObjectNode) params.get("source");

    // Hack for RAC support
    if (sourceNode.has("redoLogSizeInMB")) {
    try {
        result = enginePOST(PATH_PROVISION, params.toString());
    } catch (DelphixEngineException e) {
        // Handle the case where some of the fields in the defaults are read
        // only by removing those fields
        if (e.getMessage().contains("This field is read-only")) {
            JsonNode errors = MAPPER.readTree(e.getMessage());
            List<String> list1 = IteratorUtils.toList(errors.fieldNames());
            for (String field1 : list1) {
                List<String> list2 = IteratorUtils.toList(errors.get(field1).fieldNames());
                for (String field2 : list2) {
                    // Field1 is the outer field and field2 is the inner
                    // field
                    ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) params.get(field1);
                    // Remove the inner field
            result = enginePOST(PATH_PROVISION, params.toString());
        } else {
            throw e;
    return result.get(FIELD_JOB).asText();


From source file:org.lendingclub.mercator.newrelic.NewRelicScanner.java

private void scanAlertPolicies() {

    Instant startTime = Instant.now();

    ObjectNode alertPolicies = getNewRelicClient().getAlertPolicies();
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(getProjector().getNeoRxClient(), "neorx client must be set");

    String cypher = "WITH {json} as data " + "UNWIND data.policies as policy "
            + "MERGE ( s:NewRelicAlertPolicy { nr_policyId: toString(policy.id), nr_accountId:{accountId} } ) "
            + "ON CREATE SET s.name = policy.name, s.policyCreatedTs = policy.created_at, s.policyUpdatedTs = policy.updated_at, "
            + "s.createTs = timestamp(), s.updateTs = timestamp() "
            + "ON MATCH SET s.policyUpdatedTs = policy.updated_at, s.updateTs = timestamp() ";

    getProjector().getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "json", alertPolicies, "accountId",
    Instant endTime = Instant.now();

    logger.info("Updating neo4j with the latest information about {} NewRelic alert policies took {} secs",
            alertPolicies.get("policies").size(), Duration.between(startTime, endTime).getSeconds());

From source file:com.almende.eve.agent.google.GoogleCalendarAgent.java

 * Update an existing event.//from ww w. j a  v a2s  .co m
 * @param event
 *            JSON structure containing the calendar event (event must have
 *            an id)
 * @param calendarId
 *            Optional calendar id. the primary calendar is used by default
 * @return updatedEvent JSON structure with the updated event
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
public ObjectNode updateEvent(@Name("event") final ObjectNode event,
        @Optional @Name("calendarId") String calendarId) throws Exception {
    // initialize optional parameters
    if (calendarId == null) {
        calendarId = getState().get("email", String.class);

    // convert from Eve to Google event

    // read id from event
    final String id = event.get("id").asText();
    if (id == null) {
        throw new Exception("Parameter 'id' missing in event");

    // built url
    final String url = CALENDAR_URI + calendarId + "/events/" + id;

    // perform POST request
    final ObjectMapper mapper = JOM.getInstance();
    final String body = mapper.writeValueAsString(event);
    final Map<String, String> headers = getAuthorizationHeaders();
    headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
    final String resp = HttpUtil.put(url, body, headers);
    final ObjectNode updatedEvent = mapper.readValue(resp, ObjectNode.class);

    // check for errors
    if (updatedEvent.has("error")) {
        final ObjectNode error = (ObjectNode) updatedEvent.get("error");
        throw new JSONRPCException(error);

    // convert from Google to Eve event

    return updatedEvent;

From source file:com.attribyte.essem.DefaultResponseGenerator.java

public boolean generateGraph(GraphQuery graphQuery, Response esResponse, EnumSet<Option> options,
        RateUnit rateUnit, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    ObjectNode jsonObject = mapper.readTree(parserFactory.createParser(esResponse.getBody().toByteArray()));

    ObjectNode responseObject = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
    List<String> fields = ImmutableList.copyOf(graphQuery.searchRequest.fields);
    ObjectNode targetMeta = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
    ArrayNode targetGraphs = responseObject.putArray("graphs");

    if (graphQuery.range.expression != null) {
        targetMeta.put("range", graphQuery.range.expression);
    }//  w w  w  . j av  a  2  s  .  c o m

    if (graphQuery.range.startTimestamp > 0L) {
        targetMeta.put("rangeStartTimestamp", graphQuery.range.startTimestamp);

    if (graphQuery.range.endTimestamp > 0L) {
        targetMeta.put("rangeEndTimestamp", graphQuery.range.endTimestamp);

    JsonNode aggregations = jsonObject.get("aggregations");
    if (aggregations != null && aggregations.isObject()) {
        ArrayNode metaFields = targetMeta.putArray("fields");
        for (String field : fields) {

        if (graphQuery.downsampleInterval != null) {
            targetMeta.put("downsampledTo", graphQuery.downsampleInterval);

        if (graphQuery.downsampleFunction != null) {
            targetMeta.put("downsampledWith", graphQuery.downsampleFunction);

        String error = parseGraphAggregation(aggregations, fields, rateUnit, targetMeta, targetGraphs);
        if (error == null) {
            generateGraph(responseObject, response);
            return true;
        } else {
            response.sendError(500, error);
            return false;
    } else {
        ArrayNode metaFields = targetMeta.putArray("fields");
        for (String field : fields) {
            if (!graphIgnoreProperties.contains(field)) {
        parseGraph(jsonObject, fields, rateUnit, targetMeta, targetGraphs);
        generateGraph(responseObject, response);
        return true;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.services.TestIkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.java

public void test_updateV1SourceStatus()
        throws JsonProcessingException, IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ParseException {
    ICrudService<JsonNode> v1_share_db = this._service_context.getCoreManagementDbService()
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ICrudService.class, Optional.of("social.share")).get();

    final DBCollection dbc = v1_share_db.getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(DBCollection.class, Optional.empty())
            .get();//from  w w  w .j  a  v  a  2  s . com


    IManagementCrudService<SharedLibraryBean> library_db = this._service_context.getCoreManagementDbService()


    final ObjectMapper mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty());

    final ObjectNode v1_share_1 = (ObjectNode) mapper
    final DBObject v1_share_1_dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(v1_share_1.toString());
    v1_share_1_dbo.put("_id", new ObjectId(v1_share_1.get("_id").asText()));

    assertEquals(0L, (long) v1_share_db.countObjects().get());
    assertEquals(1L, (long) v1_share_db.countObjects().get());

    final SharedLibraryBean share1 = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.getLibraryBeanFromV1Share(v1_share_1);

    assertEquals(0L, (long) library_db.countObjects().get());
    assertEquals(1L, (long) library_db.countObjects().get());

    // No error - create
        final ManagementFuture<?> test_1 = FutureUtils.createManagementFuture(
                CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Arrays.asList(ErrorUtils.buildSuccessMessage("", "", "", ""))) // (single non error)                                       

        final CompletableFuture<Boolean> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.updateV1ShareErrorStatus_top(
                "555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe", test_1, library_db, v1_share_db, true);

        assertEquals(false, res.get());

        ObjectNode unchanged = (ObjectNode) v1_share_db.getRawService()
                .getObjectById(new ObjectId("555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe")).get().get();

        assertEquals(v1_share_1.without("_id").toString(), unchanged.without("_id").toString());

    // DB call throws exception
        final CompletableFuture<?> error_out = new CompletableFuture<>();
        error_out.completeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("test"));

        final ManagementFuture<?> test_1 = FutureUtils.createManagementFuture(error_out);

        final CompletableFuture<Boolean> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.updateV1ShareErrorStatus_top(
                "555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe", test_1, library_db, v1_share_db, true);

        assertEquals(true, res.get());

        JsonNode changed = v1_share_db.getRawService().getObjectById(new ObjectId("555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe"))

                .contains("] (unknown) ((unknown)): ERROR: [java.lang.RuntimeException: test"));
        // This shouldn't yet pe present
        assertFalse("Description error time travels: " + changed.get("description").asText(),
                changed.get("description").asText().contains("] (test) (unknown): ERROR: test"));

    // db call throws exception, object doesn't exist (code coverage!)
        final CompletableFuture<?> error_out = new CompletableFuture<>();
        error_out.completeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("test"));

        final ManagementFuture<?> test_1 = FutureUtils.createManagementFuture(error_out);

        final CompletableFuture<Boolean> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.updateV1ShareErrorStatus_top(
                "555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbf", test_1, library_db, v1_share_db, true);

        assertEquals(false, res.get());

    // User errors (+update not create)
        final ManagementFuture<?> test_1 = FutureUtils.createManagementFuture(
                CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Unit.unit()), CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
                        Arrays.asList(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage("test", "test", "test", "test"))) // (single non error)                                       

        final CompletableFuture<Boolean> res = IkanowV1SyncService_LibraryJars.updateV1ShareErrorStatus_top(
                "555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe", test_1, library_db, v1_share_db, false);

        assertEquals(true, res.get());

        JsonNode changed = v1_share_db.getRawService().getObjectById(new ObjectId("555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe"))

        SharedLibraryBean v2_version = library_db.getObjectById("v1_555d44e3347d336b3e8c4cbe").get().get();
        assertTrue("v2 lib bean needed updating: " + v2_version.modified(),
                new Date().getTime() - v2_version.modified().getTime() < 5000L);

        // Still has the old error
        assertTrue("Description missing errors: " + changed.get("description").asText(),
                        .contains("] (unknown) ((unknown)): ERROR: [java.lang.RuntimeException: test"));
        // Now has the new error
        assertTrue("Description missing errors: " + changed.get("description").asText(),
                changed.get("description").asText().contains("] test (test): ERROR: test"));


From source file:org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.HostConnection.java

private <T> void handleTcpResponse(ObjectNode jsonResponse) {

    if (!jsonResponse.has(ApiMethod.ID_NODE)) {
        // It's a notification, notify observers
        String notificationName = jsonResponse.get(ApiNotification.METHOD_NODE).asText();
        ObjectNode params = (ObjectNode) jsonResponse.get(ApiNotification.PARAMS_NODE);

        if (notificationName.equals(Player.OnPause.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Player.OnPause apiNotification = new Player.OnPause(params);
            for (final PlayerNotificationsObserver observer : playerNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = playerNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    @Override//ww  w. j  a  va2 s. c  om
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(Player.OnPlay.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Player.OnPlay apiNotification = new Player.OnPlay(params);
            for (final PlayerNotificationsObserver observer : playerNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = playerNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(Player.OnSeek.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Player.OnSeek apiNotification = new Player.OnSeek(params);
            for (final PlayerNotificationsObserver observer : playerNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = playerNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(Player.OnSpeedChanged.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Player.OnSpeedChanged apiNotification = new Player.OnSpeedChanged(params);
            for (final PlayerNotificationsObserver observer : playerNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = playerNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(Player.OnStop.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Player.OnStop apiNotification = new Player.OnStop(params);
            for (final PlayerNotificationsObserver observer : playerNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = playerNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(System.OnQuit.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final System.OnQuit apiNotification = new System.OnQuit(params);
            for (final SystemNotificationsObserver observer : systemNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = systemNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(System.OnRestart.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final System.OnRestart apiNotification = new System.OnRestart(params);
            for (final SystemNotificationsObserver observer : systemNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = systemNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(System.OnSleep.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final System.OnSleep apiNotification = new System.OnSleep(params);
            for (final SystemNotificationsObserver observer : systemNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = systemNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        } else if (notificationName.equals(Input.OnInputRequested.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) {
            final Input.OnInputRequested apiNotification = new Input.OnInputRequested(params);
            for (final InputNotificationsObserver observer : inputNotificationsObservers.keySet()) {
                Handler handler = inputNotificationsObservers.get(observer);
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

        LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Got a notification: " + jsonResponse.get("method").textValue());
    } else {
        String methodId = jsonResponse.get(ApiMethod.ID_NODE).asText();

        if (jsonResponse.has(ApiMethod.ERROR_NODE)) {
            // Error response
            callErrorCallback(methodId, new ApiException(ApiException.API_ERROR, jsonResponse));
        } else {
            // Sucess response
            final MethodCallInfo<?> methodCallInfo = clientCallbacks.get(methodId);
            //            LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Sending response to method: " + methodCallInfo.method.getMethodName());

            if (methodCallInfo != null) {
                try {
                    final T result = (T) methodCallInfo.method.resultFromJson(jsonResponse);
                    final ApiCallback<T> callback = (ApiCallback<T>) methodCallInfo.callback;

                    if ((methodCallInfo.handler != null) && (callback != null)) {
                        methodCallInfo.handler.post(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {

                    // We've replied, remove the client from the list
                    synchronized (clientCallbacks) {
                } catch (ApiException e) {
                    callErrorCallback(methodId, e);

From source file:org.wrml.runtime.format.application.schema.json.JsonSchema.java

private void parseExtensions(final ObjectNode rootNode, final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader) {
    // v3 uses the extends keyword
    if (rootNode.has(PropertyType.Extends.getName())) {
        final JsonNode extendsJsonNode = rootNode.get(PropertyType.Extends.getName());

        if (extendsJsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
            final ArrayNode extendsArrayNode = (ArrayNode) extendsJsonNode;
            final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = extendsArrayNode.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode baseSchemaUriNode = elements.next();
                final String baseSchemaUriString = baseSchemaUriNode.asText();
                if (baseSchemaUriString != null && !baseSchemaUriString.isEmpty()) {
                    final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriString, URI.class);
                    if (baseSchemaUri != null) {
                    }/*from w  ww  .j av a 2  s .  c om*/
        } else if (extendsJsonNode instanceof TextNode) {
            final String baseSchemaUriString = extendsJsonNode.asText();
            if (baseSchemaUriString != null && !baseSchemaUriString.isEmpty()) {
                final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriString, URI.class);
                if (baseSchemaUri != null) {


    // v4 uses the allOf keyword
    if (rootNode.has(PropertyType.AllOf.getName())) {
        final JsonNode allOfJsonNode = rootNode.get(PropertyType.AllOf.getName());

        // This element type MUST be an array
        if (allOfJsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
            final ArrayNode allOfArrayNode = (ArrayNode) allOfJsonNode;
            final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = allOfArrayNode.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode schemaNode = elements.next();
                final JsonNode baseSchemaUriNode = schemaNode.get(PropertyType.$Ref.getName());
                if (baseSchemaUriNode != null) {
                    final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriNode.asText(),
                    if (baseSchemaUri != null) {