Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


From source file:org.flowable.app.rest.service.BaseSpringRestTestCase.java

protected void assertResultsPresentInPostDataResponseWithStatusCheck(String url, ObjectNode body,
        int expectedStatusCode, String... expectedResourceIds) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
    int numberOfResultsExpected = 0;
    if (expectedResourceIds != null) {
        numberOfResultsExpected = expectedResourceIds.length;
    }//from   www.  j  a v  a 2s  . c  o m

    // Do the actual call
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + url);
    post.setEntity(new StringEntity(body.toString()));
    CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(post, expectedStatusCode);

    if (expectedStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        // Check status and size
        JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());
        JsonNode dataNode = rootNode.get("data");
        assertEquals(numberOfResultsExpected, dataNode.size());

        // Check presence of ID's
        if (expectedResourceIds != null) {
            List<String> toBeFound = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(expectedResourceIds));
            Iterator<JsonNode> it = dataNode.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String id = it.next().get("id").textValue();
                    "Not all entries have been found in result, missing: " + StringUtils.join(toBeFound, ", "),


From source file:org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.FeedTemplate.java

private <T> T deserializePost(String postType, Class<T> type, ObjectNode node) {
    try {// w  w  w.jav a2s . c o m
        if (postType == null) {
            postType = determinePostType(node);

        // Must have separate postType field for polymorphic deserialization. If we key off of the "type" field, then it will
        // be null when trying to deserialize the type property.
        node.put("postType", postType); // used for polymorphic deserialization
        node.put("type", postType); // used to set Post's type property
        return objectMapper.reader(type).readValue(node.toString()); // TODO: EXTREMELY HACKY--TEMPORARY UNTIL I FIGURE OUT HOW JACKSON 2 DOES THIS
    } catch (IOException shouldntHappen) {
        throw new UncategorizedApiException("facebook", "Error deserializing " + postType + " post",

From source file:io.gs2.notification.Gs2NotificationClient.java

 * ????<br>/*  w  w  w. j av a2s . c om*/
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public CreateSubscribeResult createSubscribe(CreateSubscribeRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("type", request.getType()).put("endpoint",

    HttpPost post = createHttpPost(Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/notification/"
            + (request.getNotificationName() == null || request.getNotificationName().equals("") ? "null"
                    : request.getNotificationName())
            + "/subscribe", credential, ENDPOINT, CreateSubscribeRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            CreateSubscribeRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        post.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    return doRequest(post, CreateSubscribeResult.class);


From source file:com.stratio.ingestion.sink.mongodb.MongoSinkTest.java

public void basicTest() throws Exception {
    Transaction tx = channel.getTransaction();
    tx.begin();//  w ww  .j  av  a 2  s  .  c  om

    ObjectNode jsonBody = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    jsonBody.put("myString", "foo");
    jsonBody.put("myInt32", 32);

    Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
    headers.put("myString", "bar"); // Overwrites the value defined in JSON body
    headers.put("myInt64", "64");
    headers.put("myBoolean", "true");
    headers.put("myDouble", "1.0");
    headers.put("myNull", null);

    Date myDate = new Date();
    headers.put("myDate", Long.toString(myDate.getTime()));

    headers.put("myString2", "baz");

    Event event = EventBuilder.withBody(jsonBody.toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), headers);



    DBObject result = fongo.getDB("test").getCollection("test").findOne();

    //        System.out.println(result.toString());


From source file:com.glaf.dts.web.rest.MxQueryResource.java

@POST//  ww  w .  j ava2s.  com
public byte[] list(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
    Map<String, Object> params = RequestUtils.getParameterMap(request);
    QueryDefinitionQuery query = new QueryDefinitionQuery();
    Tools.populate(query, params);
    List<QueryDefinition> queries = queryDefinitionService.list(query);
    ObjectNode responseJSON = new ObjectMapper().createObjectNode();

    ArrayNode arrayJSON = new ObjectMapper().createArrayNode();

    for (QueryDefinition q : queries) {
        ObjectNode json = q.toObjectNode();

    responseJSON.set("data", arrayJSON);
    responseJSON.set("rows", arrayJSON);
    responseJSON.put("total", queries.size());
    responseJSON.put("totalCount", queries.size());
    responseJSON.put("totalRecords", queries.size());

    try {
        return responseJSON.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return responseJSON.toString().getBytes();

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.harvest.logstash.utils.TestLogstashConfigUtils.java

public void test_logstashConfigUtils() throws IOException {
    LogstashHarvesterConfigBean globals = BeanTemplateUtils.build(LogstashHarvesterConfigBean.class).done()
            .get(); //(all defaults)

    // 1) Errored sources - things that break the formatting
    StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
    String testName;//from   w w w . jav a  2 s. c  o  m
    // 1.1) {} mismatch 1
    testName = "error_1_1a";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith("{} Mismatch (})")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    testName = "error_1_1b";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith("{} Mismatch (})")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    testName = "error_1_1c";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith("{} Mismatch (})")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 1.2) {} mismatch 2

    testName = "error_1_2a";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith("{} Mismatch ({)")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 1.3) multiple input/filter blocks
    // 1.3a) input
    testName = "error_1_3a";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Multiple input or filter blocks: input")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    // 1.3b) filter
    testName = "error_1_3b";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Multiple input or filter blocks: filter")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 1.4) unrecognized blocks
    // a output - special case
    testName = "error_1_4a";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString()
            .equals("Not allowed output blocks - these are appended automatically by the logstash harvester")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    // b
    testName = "error_1_4b";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Unrecognized processing block: something_random")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 1.5) fields/sub-elements that are not permitted
    // a ... sincedb_path
    testName = "error_1_5a";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Not allowed sincedb_path in input.* block")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    // b ... filter as sub-path of input
    testName = "error_1_5b";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Not allowed sub-elements of input called 'filter' (1)")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    // c ... filter as sub-path of sub-element of input
    testName = "error_1_5c";
    if (null != LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName);
    } else if (!errors.toString().equals("Not allowed sub-elements of input called 'filter' (2)")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 2) Valid formatted source
    ObjectNode retVal;
    String output;
    String inputName; // (for re-using config files across text)
    testName = "success_2_1";
    if (null == (retVal = LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    } else if (!retVal.toString().equals(
            "{ \"input\" : { \"file\" : [ { \"path\" : { } , \"start_position\" : { } , \"type\" : { } , \"codec.multiline\" : { }}]} , \"filter\" : { \"csv\" : [ { \"columns\" : { }}] , \"drop\" : [ { }] , \"mutate\" : [ { \"convert\" : { }} , { \"add_fields\" : { }} , { \"rename\" : { }}] , \"date\" : [ { \"timezone\" : { } , \"match\" : { }}] , \"geoip\" : [ { \"source\" : { } , \"fields\" : { }}]}}"
                    .replace(" ", ""))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + retVal.toString());

    // 2.2
    testName = "success_2_2";
    if (null == (retVal = LogstashConfigUtils.parseLogstashConfig(getTestFile(testName), errors))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());
    if (null == JsonUtils.getProperty("filter.geoip.fields", retVal)) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + retVal);

    //2.3)   - check that the sincedb is added correctly, plus the sourceKey manipulation
    // (USE success_2_1 for this)
    testName = "inputs_2_3";
    inputName = "success_2_3";
    if (null == (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, true))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": errored: " + errors);
    } else {
        String outputToTest = output.replaceAll("[\r\n]", "").replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
        String testAgainst = "input { file { sincedb_path => \"_XXX_DOTSINCEDB_XXX_\" path => \"/root/odin-poc-data/proxy_logs/may_known_cnc.csv\" start_position => beginning type => \"proxy_logs\" codec => multiline { pattern => \"^%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM}-%{MONTHDAY}%{DATA:summary}\" negate => true what => \"previous\" } add_field => [ \"[@metadata][sourceKey]\", \"inputs_2_3\"] }}filter { if [@metadata][sourceKey] == \"inputs_2_3\" { if [type] == \"proxy_logs\" { csv { columns => [\"Device_Name\",\"SimpleDate\",\"Event_#Date\",\"Source_IP\",\"Source_Port\",\"Destination_IP\",\"Destination_Port\",\"Protocol\",\"Vendor_Alert\",\"MSS_Action\",\"Logging_Device_IP\",\"Application\",\"Bytes_Received\",\"Bytes_Sent\",\"Dest._Country\",\"Message\",\"Message_Type\",\"MSS_Log_Source_IP\",\"MSS_Log_Source_Type\",\"MSS_Log_Source_UUID\",\"network_protocol_id\",\"OS_Type\",\"PIX_Main-Code\",\"PIX_Sub-Code\",\"Port\",\"Product_ID\",\"Product\",\"Rule\",\"Rule_Identifier\",\"Sensor_Name\",\"Class\",\"Translate_Destination_IP\",\"Translate_Destination_Port\",\"Translate_Source_IP\"] } if [Device_Name] == \"Device Name\" { drop {} } mutate { convert => [ \"Bytes_Received\", \"integer\" ] convert => [ \"Bytes_Sent\", \"integer\" ] } date { timezone => \"Europe/London\" match => [ \"Event_Date\" , \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\" ] } geoip { source => \"Destination_IP\" fields => [\"timezone\",\"location\",\"latitude\",\"longitude\"] } } mutate { update => [ \"[@metadata][sourceKey]\", \"inputs_2_3\"] } }}";
        testAgainst = testAgainst.replaceAll("[\n\r]", "\\\\n").replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
        assertEquals(testAgainst, outputToTest);

    // 3) Valid formatted source, access to restricted types

    // 3.1) input 
    // a) restricted - admin
    // (USE success_2_1 for this)
    testName = "inputs_3_1a";
    inputName = "success_2_1";
    if (null != (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, false))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": Should have errored: " + output);
    } else if (!errors.toString()
            .startsWith("Security error, non-admin not allowed input type file, allowed options: ")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // b) restricted - non admin
    // (USE success_2_1 for this)
    testName = "inputs_3_1b";
    inputName = "success_2_1";
    if (null == (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, true))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // c) unrestricted - non admin
    testName = "inputs_3_1c";
    inputName = "inputs_3_1c";
    if (null == (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, true))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // d) no input at all
    testName = "inputs_3_1d";
    inputName = "inputs_3_1d";
    if (null != (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, false))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": Should have errored: " + output);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith(
            "Invalid input format, should be 'input { INPUT_TYPE { ... } }' (only one INPUT_TYPE) and also contain a filter, no \"s around them.")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // 3.2) filter
    // a) restricted - admin
    testName = "filters_3_2a";
    inputName = "filters_3_2a";
    if (null != (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, false))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": Should have errored: " + output);
    } else if (!errors.toString()
            .startsWith("Security error, non-admin not allowed filter type elasticsearch, allowed options: ")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // b) restricted - non admin
    // (USE filters_3_2a for this)
    testName = "filters_3_2a";
    inputName = "filters_3_2a";
    if (null == (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, true))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // c) unrestricted - non admin
    // (implicitly tested via 3.1bc)

    // d) no filter at all
    testName = "filters_3_2d";
    inputName = "filters_3_2d";
    if (null != (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, false))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": Should have errored: " + output);
    } else if (!errors.toString().startsWith(
            "Invalid input format, should be 'input { INPUT_TYPE { ... } }' (only one INPUT_TYPE) and also contain a filter, no \"s around them.")) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());

    // e) filter w/ regex that has { } in it
    // (USE filters_3_2e for this)
    testName = "filters_3_2e";
    inputName = "filters_3_2e";
    if (null == (output = LogstashConfigUtils.validateLogstashInput(globals, testName, getTestFile(inputName),
            errors, true))) {
        fail("**** FAIL " + testName + ": " + errors.toString());


From source file:io.gs2.notification.Gs2NotificationClient.java

 * ???<br>/* w w  w . ja v a2s.  co m*/
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public UpdateNotificationResult updateNotification(UpdateNotificationRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
    if (request.getDescription() != null)
        body.put("description", request.getDescription());
    HttpPut put = createHttpPut(Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/notification/"
            + (request.getNotificationName() == null || request.getNotificationName().equals("") ? "null"
                    : request.getNotificationName())
            + "", credential, ENDPOINT, UpdateNotificationRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            UpdateNotificationRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        put.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    return doRequest(put, UpdateNotificationResult.class);


From source file:org.agorava.facebook.impl.FeedServiceImpl.java

private <T> T deserializePost(String postType, Class<T> type, ObjectNode node) {
    try {/*  w ww  . j  av  a2 s  .  c  o m*/
        if (postType == null) {
            postType = determinePostType(node);

        // Must have separate postType field for polymorphic deserialization. If we key off of the "type" field,
        // then it will
        // be null when trying to deserialize the type property.
        node.put("postType", postType); // used for polymorphic deserialization
        node.put("type", postType); // used to set Post's type property
        return objectMapper.reader(type).readValue(node.toString()); // TODO: EXTREMELY HACKY--TEMPORARY UNTIL I FIGURE
    } catch (IOException shouldntHappen) {
        throw new AgoravaException("Error deserializing " + postType + " post", shouldntHappen);

From source file:controllers.CommentController.java

public Result deleteComment(Long serviceId, Long versionId, Long commentId) {
    System.out.println("DELETE COMMENT");

    ObjectNode response = Json.newObject();

    try {//w  ww  . j av  a 2  s .  co  m
        deleteCommentById(serviceId, versionId, commentId);

        response.put("success", true);
        response.put("total_comment", commentRepository.countComments(serviceId, versionId));
    } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
        System.out.println("Comment not deleted");
        return badRequest(failJson("Comment not deleted"));

    return ok(response.toString());

From source file:org.activiti.app.service.editor.ModelServiceImpl.java

public ModelRepresentation importNewVersion(String modelId, String fileName, InputStream modelStream) {
    Model processModel = getModel(modelId);
    User currentUser = SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserObject();

    if (fileName != null && (fileName.endsWith(".bpmn") || fileName.endsWith(".bpmn20.xml"))) {
        try {/*from www .ja  va 2 s  .  c  o  m*/
            XMLInputFactory xif = XmlUtil.createSafeXmlInputFactory();
            InputStreamReader xmlIn = new InputStreamReader(modelStream, "UTF-8");
            XMLStreamReader xtr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(xmlIn);
            BpmnModel bpmnModel = bpmnXMLConverter.convertToBpmnModel(xtr);
            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(bpmnModel.getProcesses())) {
                throw new BadRequestException("No process found in definition " + fileName);

            if (bpmnModel.getLocationMap().size() == 0) {
                throw new BadRequestException(
                        "No required BPMN DI information found in definition " + fileName);

            ObjectNode modelNode = bpmnJsonConverter.convertToJson(bpmnModel);

            AbstractModel savedModel = saveModel(modelId, processModel.getName(), processModel.getKey(),
                    processModel.getDescription(), modelNode.toString(), true,
                    "Version import via REST service", currentUser);
            return new ModelRepresentation(savedModel);

        } catch (BadRequestException e) {
            throw e;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BadRequestException(
                    "Import failed for " + fileName + ", error message " + e.getMessage());
    } else {
        throw new BadRequestException(
                "Invalid file name, only .bpmn and .bpmn20.xml files are supported not " + fileName);