Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


From source file:org.activiti.rest.service.api.runtime.ExecutionResourceTest.java

 * Test messaging a single execution with variables.
 *///  w  w w.  ja v a  2 s  .c  om
@Deployment(resources = {
        "org/activiti/rest/service/api/runtime/ExecutionResourceTest.process-with-message-event.bpmn20.xml" })
public void testMessageEventExecutionWithvariables() throws Exception {
    Execution signalExecution = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("processOne");

    ArrayNode variables = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
    ObjectNode requestNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
    requestNode.put("action", "messageEventReceived");
    requestNode.put("messageName", "paymentMessage");
    requestNode.put("variables", variables);

    ObjectNode varNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
    varNode.put("name", "myVar");
    varNode.put("value", "Variable set when signal event is receieved");

    Execution waitingExecution = runtimeService.createExecutionQuery().activityId("waitState").singleResult();

    // Sending signal event causes the execution to end (scope-execution for
    // the catching event)
    HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(SERVER_URL_PREFIX
            + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_EXECUTION, waitingExecution.getId()));
    httpPut.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestNode.toString()));
    CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(httpPut, HttpStatus.SC_OK);

    // Check if process is moved on to the other wait-state
    waitingExecution = runtimeService.createExecutionQuery().activityId("anotherWaitState").singleResult();

    Map<String, Object> vars = runtimeService.getVariables(waitingExecution.getId());
    assertEquals(1, vars.size());

    assertEquals("Variable set when signal event is receieved", vars.get("myVar"));

From source file:io.gs2.inbox.Gs2InboxClient.java

 * ????<br>//from   w w w  . j  a va2 s  .c om
 * <br>
 * - : 10<br>
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public SendMessageResult sendMessage(SendMessageRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("userId", request.getUserId()).put("message",
    if (request.getCooperation() != null)
        body.put("cooperation", request.getCooperation());

    HttpPost post = createHttpPost(
            Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/inbox/"
                    + (request.getInboxName() == null || request.getInboxName().equals("") ? "null"
                            : request.getInboxName())
                    + "/message",
            credential, ENDPOINT, SendMessageRequest.Constant.MODULE, SendMessageRequest.Constant.FUNCTION,
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        post.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    return doRequest(post, SendMessageResult.class);


From source file:org.activiti.app.rest.editor.ModelsResource.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/rest/models/{modelId}/clone", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public ModelRepresentation duplicateModel(@PathVariable String modelId,
        @RequestBody ModelRepresentation modelRepresentation) {

    String json = null;//from   w  w w .  j  a v a 2s.  co  m
    Model model = null;
    if (modelId != null) {
        model = modelService.getModel(modelId);
        json = model.getModelEditorJson();

    if (model == null) {
        throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error duplicating model : Unknown original model");

    if (modelRepresentation.getModelType() != null
            && modelRepresentation.getModelType().equals(AbstractModel.MODEL_TYPE_FORM)) {
        // noting to do special for forms (just clone the json)
    } else if (modelRepresentation.getModelType() != null
            && modelRepresentation.getModelType().equals(AbstractModel.MODEL_TYPE_APP)) {
        // noting to do special for applications (just clone the json)
    } else {
        // BPMN model
        ObjectNode editorNode = null;
        try {
            ObjectNode editorJsonNode = (ObjectNode) objectMapper.readTree(json);

            editorNode = deleteEmbededReferencesFromBPMNModel(editorJsonNode);

            ObjectNode propertiesNode = (ObjectNode) editorNode.get("properties");
            String processId = model.getName().replaceAll(" ", "");
            propertiesNode.put("process_id", processId);
            propertiesNode.put("name", model.getName());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(model.getDescription())) {
                propertiesNode.put("documentation", model.getDescription());
            editorNode.put("properties", propertiesNode);

        } catch (IOException e) {

        if (editorNode != null) {
            json = editorNode.toString();

    // create the new model
    Model newModel = modelService.createModel(modelRepresentation, json, SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserObject());

    // copy also the thumbnail
    byte[] imageBytes = model.getThumbnail();
    newModel = modelService.saveModel(newModel, newModel.getModelEditorJson(), imageBytes, false,
            newModel.getComment(), SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserObject());

    return new ModelRepresentation(newModel);

From source file:org.flowable.app.rest.editor.ModelsResource.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/rest/models/{modelId}/clone", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public ModelRepresentation duplicateModel(@PathVariable String modelId,
        @RequestBody ModelRepresentation modelRepresentation) {

    String json = null;/* w  w w.  j  a v  a2s  .  c  om*/
    Model model = null;
    if (modelId != null) {
        model = modelService.getModel(modelId);
        json = model.getModelEditorJson();

    if (model == null) {
        throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error duplicating model : Unknown original model");

    if (modelRepresentation.getModelType() != null
            && modelRepresentation.getModelType().equals(AbstractModel.MODEL_TYPE_FORM)) {
        // noting to do special for forms (just clone the json)
    } else if (modelRepresentation.getModelType() != null
            && modelRepresentation.getModelType().equals(AbstractModel.MODEL_TYPE_APP)) {
        // noting to do special for applications (just clone the json)
    } else {
        // BPMN model
        ObjectNode editorNode = null;
        try {
            ObjectNode editorJsonNode = (ObjectNode) objectMapper.readTree(json);

            editorNode = deleteEmbededReferencesFromBPMNModel(editorJsonNode);

            ObjectNode propertiesNode = (ObjectNode) editorNode.get("properties");
            String processId = model.getName().replaceAll(" ", "");
            propertiesNode.put("process_id", processId);
            propertiesNode.put("name", model.getName());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(model.getDescription())) {
                propertiesNode.put("documentation", model.getDescription());
            editorNode.set("properties", propertiesNode);

        } catch (IOException e) {

        if (editorNode != null) {
            json = editorNode.toString();

    // create the new model
    Model newModel = modelService.createModel(modelRepresentation, json, SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserObject());

    // copy also the thumbnail
    byte[] imageBytes = model.getThumbnail();
    newModel = modelService.saveModel(newModel, newModel.getModelEditorJson(), imageBytes, false,
            newModel.getComment(), SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserObject());

    return new ModelRepresentation(newModel);

From source file:io.gs2.ranking.Gs2RankingClient.java

 * ???<br>/*from   w  ww.  ja  v  a  2  s  .co m*/
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public PutScoreResult putScore(PutScoreRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("score", request.getScore());
    if (request.getMeta() != null)
        body.put("meta", request.getMeta());

    HttpPost post = createHttpPost(Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/ranking/"
            + (request.getRankingTableName() == null || request.getRankingTableName().equals("") ? "null"
                    : request.getRankingTableName())
            + "/mode/"
            + (request.getGameMode() == null || request.getGameMode().equals("") ? "null"
                    : request.getGameMode())
            + "/ranking", credential, ENDPOINT, PutScoreRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            PutScoreRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        post.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    post.setHeader("X-GS2-ACCESS-TOKEN", request.getAccessToken());

    return doRequest(post, PutScoreResult.class);


From source file:com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcServer.java

 * Handles the given {@link ObjectNode} and writes the
 * responses to the given {@link OutputStream}.
 * @param node the {@link JsonNode}/*from w w  w .  jav  a 2s  . com*/
 * @param ops the {@link OutputStream}
 * @throws IOException on error
public void handleObject(ObjectNode node, OutputStream ops) throws IOException {
    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Request: " + node.toString());

    // validate request
    if (!backwardsComaptible && !node.has("jsonrpc") || !node.has("method")) {
        writeAndFlushValue(ops, createErrorResponse("2.0", "null", -32600, "Invalid Request", null));

    // get nodes
    JsonNode jsonPrcNode = node.get("jsonrpc");
    JsonNode methodNode = node.get("method");
    JsonNode idNode = node.get("id");
    JsonNode paramsNode = node.get("params");

    // get node values
    String jsonRpc = (jsonPrcNode != null && !jsonPrcNode.isNull()) ? jsonPrcNode.asText() : "2.0";
    String methodName = getMethodName(methodNode);
    String serviceName = getServiceName(methodNode);
    Object id = parseId(idNode);

    // find methods
    Set<Method> methods = new HashSet<Method>();
    methods.addAll(findMethods(getHandlerInterfaces(serviceName), methodName));
    if (methods.isEmpty()) {
        writeAndFlushValue(ops, createErrorResponse(jsonRpc, id, -32601, "Method not found", null));

    // choose a method
    MethodAndArgs methodArgs = findBestMethodByParamsNode(methods, paramsNode);
    if (methodArgs == null) {
        writeAndFlushValue(ops, createErrorResponse(jsonRpc, id, -32602, "Invalid method parameters", null));

    // invoke the method
    JsonNode result = null;
    Throwable thrown = null;
    long beforeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (invocationListener != null) {
        invocationListener.willInvoke(methodArgs.method, methodArgs.arguments);

    try {
        result = invoke(getHandler(serviceName), methodArgs.method, methodArgs.arguments);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        thrown = e;

    if (invocationListener != null) {
        invocationListener.didInvoke(methodArgs.method, methodArgs.arguments, result, thrown,
                System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeMs);

    // respond if it's not a notification request
    if (id != null) {

        // attempt to resolve the error
        JsonError error = null;
        if (thrown != null) {

            // get cause of exception
            Throwable e = thrown;
            if (InvocationTargetException.class.isInstance(e)) {
                e = InvocationTargetException.class.cast(e).getTargetException();

            // resolve error
            if (errorResolver != null) {
                error = errorResolver.resolveError(e, methodArgs.method, methodArgs.arguments);
            } else {
                error = DEFAULT_ERRROR_RESOLVER.resolveError(e, methodArgs.method, methodArgs.arguments);

            // make sure we have a JsonError
            if (error == null) {
                error = new JsonError(0, e.getMessage(), e.getClass().getName());

        // the resoponse object
        ObjectNode response = null;

        // build error
        if (error != null) {
            response = createErrorResponse(jsonRpc, id, error.getCode(), error.getMessage(), error.getData());

            // build success
        } else {
            response = createSuccessResponse(jsonRpc, id, result);

        // write it
        writeAndFlushValue(ops, response);

    // log and potentially re-throw errors
    if (thrown != null) {
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(exceptionLogLevel)) {
            LOGGER.log(exceptionLogLevel, "Error in JSON-RPC Service", thrown);
        if (rethrowExceptions) {
            throw new RuntimeException(thrown);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.query.ArrayUpdateExpressionTest.java

 * Test of fromJson method, of class ArrayUpdateExpression.
 *//*  w w w .  j av a2 s.  c  o m*/
public void testFromJson() throws IOException {
    ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) JsonUtils.json("{ \"$append\" : { \"path\" : \"rvalue_expression\" } } ");
    ArrayUpdateExpression expResult = ArrayAddExpression.fromJson(node);
    ArrayUpdateExpression result = ArrayUpdateExpression.fromJson(node);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    node = (ObjectNode) JsonUtils.json("{ \"$insert\" : { \"path\" : \"$all\"} } ");
    expResult = ArrayAddExpression.fromJson(node);
    result = ArrayUpdateExpression.fromJson(node);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    node = (ObjectNode) JsonUtils.json("{ \"$foreach\" : { \"path\" : \"$all\" ,\"$update\" : \"$remove\"} } ");
    expResult = ForEachExpression.fromJson(node);
    result = ArrayUpdateExpression.fromJson(node);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);
    boolean error = false;
    try {
        node = (ObjectNode) JsonUtils
                .json("{ \"$missing\" : { \"path\" : { \"path\" : \"rvalue_expression\" } }}");
        result = ArrayUpdateExpression.fromJson(node);
    } catch (Error e) {
        error = true;
        assertEquals(Error.get(QueryConstants.ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_UPDATE_EXPRESSION, node.toString()).toString(),
    assertTrue("It didn't thrown an expection as it was expected", error);

From source file:edu.nwpu.gemfire.monitor.controllers.PulseController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/dataBrowserRegions", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void dataBrowserRegions(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    // get cluster object
    Cluster cluster = Repository.get().getCluster();

    // json object to be sent as response
    ObjectNode responseJSON = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode regionsData = mapper.createArrayNode();

    try {//ww w .  j ava 2  s  . c  o  m
        // getting cluster's Regions
        responseJSON.put("clusterName", cluster.getServerName());
        regionsData = getRegionsJson(cluster);
        responseJSON.put("clusterRegions", regionsData);
        responseJSON.put("connectedFlag", cluster.isConnectedFlag());
        responseJSON.put("connectedErrorMsg", cluster.getConnectionErrorMsg());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (LOGGER.fineEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.fine("Exception Occured : " + e.getMessage());

    // Send json response