Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ObjectNode toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

 * Retrieve all the buildings that are inside the bounding box of the specified coordinates.
 * @return/*from www.  j a v  a 2  s.  c  om*/
public static Result buildingCoordinates() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::buildingCoordinates(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "coordinates_lat",
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    try {
        List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsNearMe(
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings));
        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings near your position!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result buildingGetOne() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }//from  w w  w  .jav a  2s  . c om
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::buildingGet(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid");
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue();

    try {
        JsonNode building = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid);

        if (building != null && building.get("buid") != null && building.get("coordinates_lat") != null
                && building.get("coordinates_lon") != null && building.get("owner_id") != null
                && building.get("name") != null && building.get("description") != null
                && building.get("puid") == null && building.get("floor_number") == null) {

            ((ObjectNode) building).remove("owner_id");
            ((ObjectNode) building).remove("co_owners");

            ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
            res.put("building", building);
            try {
                //                    if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
                return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
                //                    }
                //                    return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!");

        return AnyResponseHelper.not_found("Building not found.");

    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:org.activiti.rest.service.api.runtime.TaskCollectionResourceTest.java

 * Test creating a task. POST runtime/tasks
 *//*ww  w  .  j  av  a2 s  . c om*/
public void testCreateTask() throws Exception {
    try {
        Task parentTask = taskService.newTask();

        ObjectNode requestNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

        Calendar dueDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        String dueDateString = getISODateString(dueDate.getTime());

        requestNode.put("name", "New task name");
        requestNode.put("description", "New task description");
        requestNode.put("assignee", "assignee");
        requestNode.put("owner", "owner");
        requestNode.put("priority", 20);
        requestNode.put("delegationState", "resolved");
        requestNode.put("dueDate", dueDateString);
        requestNode.put("parentTaskId", parentTask.getId());
        requestNode.put("formKey", "testKey");
        requestNode.put("tenantId", "test");

        // Execute the request
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(
                SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TASK_COLLECTION));
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestNode.toString()));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(httpPost, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED);
        JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());
        String createdTaskId = responseNode.get("id").asText();

        // Check if task is created with right arguments
        Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskId(createdTaskId).singleResult();
        assertEquals("New task name", task.getName());
        assertEquals("New task description", task.getDescription());
        assertEquals("assignee", task.getAssignee());
        assertEquals("owner", task.getOwner());
        assertEquals(20, task.getPriority());
        assertEquals(DelegationState.RESOLVED, task.getDelegationState());
        assertEquals(dateFormat.parse(dueDateString), task.getDueDate());
        assertEquals(parentTask.getId(), task.getParentTaskId());
        assertEquals("testKey", task.getFormKey());
        assertEquals("test", task.getTenantId());

    } finally {
        // Clean adhoc-tasks even if test fails
        List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().list();
        for (Task task : tasks) {
            taskService.deleteTask(task.getId(), true);

From source file:com.marklogic.jena.functionaltests.ConnectedRESTQA.java

public static void includeElementField(String dbName, String field_name, String namespace, String elementName)
        throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    //   ObjectNode mainNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ObjectNode childNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode arrNode = mapper.createArrayNode();
    ObjectNode childNodeObject = mapper.createObjectNode();
    childNodeObject.put("namespace-uri", namespace);
    childNodeObject.put("localname", elementName);
    childNodeObject.put("weight", 1.0);
    arrNode.add(childNodeObject);/*from  w w w  .  j  av a2s.  co m*/
    //   mainNode.put("included-elements", childNode);
    setDatabaseFieldProperties(dbName, field_name, "included-element", childNode);


From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result getRadioHeatmapByBuildingFloor() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }/*from   ww w.ja  v  a2s  . co m*/

    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::getRadioHeatmap(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor");

    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    String buid = json.path("buid").textValue();
    String floor = json.path("floor").textValue();

    try {
        List<JsonNode> radioPoints = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getRadioHeatmapByBuildingFloor(buid,
        if (radioPoints == null) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!");
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("radioPoints", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(radioPoints));
        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all radio points!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:com.hrm.controller.RegisterController.java

 * author qwc//from ww w  .  j a v a 2s .  c om
 * 201741?12:49:43
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @throws IOException
 * ???
public void checkComName(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ObjectNode checkStatus = mapper.createObjectNode();
    int checkAmount = 0;
    String account = null;
    String enterpriseName = request.getParameter("enterpriseName");
    if (enterpriseName != null) {
        account = enterpriseName;
        checkAmount = RTestDao.checkConName(account);
    if (checkAmount > 0) {
        checkStatus.put("valid", false);
    } else {
        checkStatus.put("valid", true);

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result buildingAllByOwner() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }// w  w w  . ja  v a2s  .c o  m
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "access_token");
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    // get access token from url and check it against google's service
    if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized");
    String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue());
    if (owner_id == null) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized");
    owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id);
    ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id);

    if (owner_id == null || owner_id.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    try {
        List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsByOwner(owner_id);
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings));

        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:com.almende.eve.test.agents.Test2Agent.java

 * Call myself./*w ww.j  ava  2 s  .  co  m*/
 * @param method
 *            the method
 * @param params
 *            the params
 * @return the string
 * @throws IOException
 *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws JSONRPCException
 *             the jSONRPC exception
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
public String callMyself(@Name("method") final String method, @Name("params") final ObjectNode params)
        throws IOException, JSONRPCException, Exception {
    final String resp = send(getMyUrl(), method, params, String.class);
    System.out.println("callMyself method=" + method + ", params=" + params.toString() + ", resp=" + resp);
    return resp;

From source file:com.almende.eve.test.agents.Test2Agent.java

 * On event./*  www.  j  a v  a  2 s. com*/
 * @param subscriptionId
 *            the subscription id
 * @param agent
 *            the agent
 * @param event
 *            the event
 * @param params
 *            the params
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
public void onEvent(@Optional @Name("subscriptionId") final String subscriptionId,
        @Optional @Name("agent") final String agent, @Optional @Name("event") final String event,
        @Optional @Name("params") final ObjectNode params) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("onEvent " + "subscriptionId=" + subscriptionId + ", " + "agent=" + agent + ", "
            + "event=" + event + ", " + "params=" + ((params != null) ? params.toString() : null));

    final ObjectNode data = JOM.createObjectNode();
    data.put("subscriptionId", subscriptionId);
    data.put("agent", agent);
    data.put("event", event);
    data.put("params", params);
    getEventsFactory().trigger("onEvent", data);

From source file:com.almende.eve.test.agents.Test2Agent.java

 * Call other agent./* w ww.j  a  va 2  s .  c  om*/
 * @param url
 *            the url
 * @param method
 *            the method
 * @param params
 *            the params
 * @return the string
 * @throws IOException
 *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws JSONRPCException
 *             the jSONRPC exception
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
public String callOtherAgent(@Name("url") final String url, @Name("method") final String method,
        @Name("params") final ObjectNode params) throws IOException, JSONRPCException, Exception {
    final String resp = send(URI.create(url), method, params, String.class);
    System.out.println("callOtherAgent url=" + url + " method=" + method + ", params=" + params.toString()
            + ", resp=" + resp);
    return resp;