Example usage for java.lang Math atan2

List of usage examples for java.lang Math atan2


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math atan2.


public static double atan2(double y, double x) 

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Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates ( x ,  y ) to polar coordinates (r, theta).


From source file:org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.eo.GeoUtils.java

 * Convert Cartesian to Polar coordinates.
 * <p>//w ww  . j  a v  a  2  s.c  om
 * <b>Definitions:</b>
 * <ul>
 * <li>Latitude: angle from XY-plane towards +Z-axis.</li>
 * <li>Longitude: angle in XY-plane measured from +X-axis towards +Y-axis.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Implementation Details: Unlike for rest of utility methods GeoPos class container is not used for storing polar
 * coordinates. GeoPos fields are declared as floats and can introduced numerical errors, especially in radius/height.
 * <p>
 * Note: Apache's FastMath used in implementation.
 * @param xyz          Array of x, y, and z coordinates.
 * @param phiLamHeight Array of latitude (in radians), longitude (in radians), and radius (in meters).
 * @author Petar Marikovic, PPO.labs
public static void cartesian2polar(final double[] xyz, final double[] phiLamHeight) {

    phiLamHeight[2] = Math.sqrt(xyz[0] * xyz[0] + xyz[1] * xyz[1] + xyz[2] * xyz[2]);
    phiLamHeight[1] = Math.atan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]);
    phiLamHeight[0] = FastMath.asin(xyz[2] / phiLamHeight[2]);


From source file:org.openhab.binding.mqttitude.internal.MqttitudeConsumer.java

private double calculateDistance(Location location1, Location location2) {
    float lat1 = location1.getLatitude();
    float lng1 = location1.getLongitude();
    float lat2 = location2.getLatitude();
    float lng2 = location2.getLongitude();

    double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1);
    double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1))
            * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLng / 2) * Math.sin(dLng / 2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));

    double earthRadiusKm = 6369;
    double distKm = earthRadiusKm * c;

    // return the distance in meters
    return distKm * 1000;

From source file:org.esa.nest.eo.GeoUtils.java

 * Convert Cartesian to Polar coordinates.
 * <p>/* w  w w. java2 s.c  o  m*/
 * <b>Definitions:<b/>
 *  <p>Latitude: angle from XY-plane towards +Z-axis.<p/>
 *  <p>Longitude: angle in XY-plane measured from +X-axis towards +Y-axis.<p/>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *  Implementation Details: Unlike for rest of utility methods GeoPos class container is not used for storing polar
 *  coordinates. GeoPos fields are declared as floats and can introduced numerical errors, especially in radius/height.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *  Note: Apache's FastMath used in implementation.
 * </p>
 * @param xyz Array of x, y, and z coordinates.
 * @param phiLamHeight Array of latitude (in radians), longitude (in radians), and radius (in meters).
 * @author Petar Marikovic, PPO.labs
public static void cartesian2polar(final double[] xyz, final double[] phiLamHeight) {

    phiLamHeight[2] = Math.sqrt(xyz[0] * xyz[0] + xyz[1] * xyz[1] + xyz[2] * xyz[2]);
    phiLamHeight[1] = Math.atan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]);
    phiLamHeight[0] = Math.asin(xyz[2] / phiLamHeight[2]);


From source file:org.orekit.tle.DeepSDP4.java

/** Computes luni - solar terms from initial coordinates and epoch.
 * @exception OrekitException when UTC time steps can't be read
 *//*from w w w  .j  a va2s.c  om*/
protected void luniSolarTermsComputation() throws OrekitException {

    final double sing = Math.sin(tle.getPerigeeArgument());
    final double cosg = Math.cos(tle.getPerigeeArgument());

    final double sinq = Math.sin(tle.getRaan());
    final double cosq = Math.cos(tle.getRaan());
    final double aqnv = 1.0 / a0dp;

    // Compute julian days since 1900
    final double daysSince1900 = (tle.getDate().durationFrom(AbsoluteDate.JULIAN_EPOCH)
            + tle.getDate().timeScalesOffset(TimeScalesFactory.getUTC(), TimeScalesFactory.getTT()))
            / Constants.JULIAN_DAY - 2415020;

    double cc = C1SS;
    double ze = ZES;
    double zn = ZNS;
    double zsinh = sinq;
    double zcosh = cosq;

    thgr = thetaG(tle.getDate());
    xnq = xn0dp;
    omegaq = tle.getPerigeeArgument();

    final double xnodce = 4.5236020 - 9.2422029e-4 * daysSince1900;
    final double stem = Math.sin(xnodce);
    final double ctem = Math.cos(xnodce);
    final double c_minus_gam = 0.228027132 * daysSince1900 - 1.1151842;
    final double gam = 5.8351514 + 0.0019443680 * daysSince1900;

    zcosil = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * ctem;
    zsinil = Math.sqrt(1.0 - zcosil * zcosil);
    zsinhl = 0.089683511 * stem / zsinil;
    zcoshl = Math.sqrt(1.0 - zsinhl * zsinhl);
    zmol = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(c_minus_gam, Math.PI);

    double zx = 0.39785416 * stem / zsinil;
    final double zy = zcoshl * ctem + 0.91744867 * zsinhl * stem;
    zx = Math.atan2(zx, zy) + gam - xnodce;
    zcosgl = Math.cos(zx);
    zsingl = Math.sin(zx);
    zmos = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * daysSince1900, Math.PI);

    // Do solar terms
    savtsn = 1e20;

    double zcosi = 0.91744867;
    double zsini = 0.39785416;
    double zsing = -0.98088458;
    double zcosg = 0.1945905;

    double se = 0;
    double sgh = 0;
    double sh = 0;
    double si = 0;
    double sl = 0;

    // There was previously some convoluted logic here, but it boils
    // down to this:  we compute the solar terms,  then the lunar terms.
    // On a second pass,  we recompute the solar terms, taking advantage
    // of the improved data that resulted from computing lunar terms.
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 2; ++iteration) {
        final double a1 = zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh;
        final double a3 = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh;
        final double a7 = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh;
        final double a8 = zsing * zsini;
        final double a9 = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh;
        final double a10 = zcosg * zsini;
        final double a2 = cosi0 * a7 + sini0 * a8;
        final double a4 = cosi0 * a9 + sini0 * a10;
        final double a5 = -sini0 * a7 + cosi0 * a8;
        final double a6 = -sini0 * a9 + cosi0 * a10;
        final double x1 = a1 * cosg + a2 * sing;
        final double x2 = a3 * cosg + a4 * sing;
        final double x3 = -a1 * sing + a2 * cosg;
        final double x4 = -a3 * sing + a4 * cosg;
        final double x5 = a5 * sing;
        final double x6 = a6 * sing;
        final double x7 = a5 * cosg;
        final double x8 = a6 * cosg;
        final double z31 = 12 * x1 * x1 - 3 * x3 * x3;
        final double z32 = 24 * x1 * x2 - 6 * x3 * x4;
        final double z33 = 12 * x2 * x2 - 3 * x4 * x4;
        final double z11 = -6 * a1 * a5 + e0sq * (-24 * x1 * x7 - 6 * x3 * x5);
        final double z12 = -6 * (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5)
                + e0sq * (-24 * (x2 * x7 + x1 * x8) - 6 * (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5));
        final double z13 = -6 * a3 * a6 + e0sq * (-24 * x2 * x8 - 6 * x4 * x6);
        final double z21 = 6 * a2 * a5 + e0sq * (24 * x1 * x5 - 6 * x3 * x7);
        final double z22 = 6 * (a4 * a5 + a2 * a6)
                + e0sq * (24 * (x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) - 6 * (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8));
        final double z23 = 6 * a4 * a6 + e0sq * (24 * x2 * x6 - 6 * x4 * x8);
        final double s3 = cc / xnq;
        final double s2 = -0.5 * s3 / beta0;
        final double s4 = s3 * beta0;
        final double s1 = -15 * tle.getE() * s4;
        final double s5 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4;
        final double s6 = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4;
        final double s7 = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3;
        double z1 = 3 * (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) + z31 * e0sq;
        double z2 = 6 * (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) + z32 * e0sq;
        double z3 = 3 * (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) + z33 * e0sq;

        z1 = z1 + z1 + beta02 * z31;
        z2 = z2 + z2 + beta02 * z32;
        z3 = z3 + z3 + beta02 * z33;
        se = s1 * zn * s5;
        si = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13);
        sl = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - 14 - 6 * e0sq);
        sgh = s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - 6);
        if (tle.getI() < (Math.PI / 60.0)) {
            // inclination smaller than 3 degrees
            sh = 0;
        } else {
            sh = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23);
        ee2 = 2 * s1 * s6;
        e3 = 2 * s1 * s7;
        xi2 = 2 * s2 * z12;
        xi3 = 2 * s2 * (z13 - z11);
        xl2 = -2 * s3 * z2;
        xl3 = -2 * s3 * (z3 - z1);
        xl4 = -2 * s3 * (-21 - 9 * e0sq) * ze;
        xgh2 = 2 * s4 * z32;
        xgh3 = 2 * s4 * (z33 - z31);
        xgh4 = -18 * s4 * ze;
        xh2 = -2 * s2 * z22;
        xh3 = -2 * s2 * (z23 - z21);

        if (iteration == 0) { // we compute lunar terms only on the first pass:
            sse = se;
            ssi = si;
            ssl = sl;
            ssh = sh / sini0;
            ssg = sgh - cosi0 * ssh;
            se2 = ee2;
            si2 = xi2;
            sl2 = xl2;
            sgh2 = xgh2;
            sh2 = xh2;
            se3 = e3;
            si3 = xi3;
            sl3 = xl3;
            sgh3 = xgh3;
            sh3 = xh3;
            sl4 = xl4;
            sgh4 = xgh4;
            zcosg = zcosgl;
            zsing = zsingl;
            zcosi = zcosil;
            zsini = zsinil;
            zcosh = zcoshl * cosq + zsinhl * sinq;
            zsinh = sinq * zcoshl - cosq * zsinhl;
            zn = ZNL;
            cc = C1L;
            ze = ZEL;
    } // end of solar - lunar - solar terms computation

    sse += se;
    ssi += si;
    ssl += sl;
    ssg += sgh - cosi0 / sini0 * sh;
    ssh += sh / sini0;

    //        Start the resonant-synchronous tests and initialization

    double bfact = 0;

    // if mean motion is 1.893053 to 2.117652 revs/day, and eccentricity >= 0.5,
    // start of the 12-hour orbit, e > 0.5 section
    if ((xnq >= 0.00826) && (xnq <= 0.00924) && (tle.getE() >= 0.5)) {

        final double g201 = -0.306 - (tle.getE() - 0.64) * 0.440;
        final double eoc = tle.getE() * e0sq;
        final double sini2 = sini0 * sini0;
        final double f220 = 0.75 * (1 + 2 * cosi0 + theta2);
        final double f221 = 1.5 * sini2;
        final double f321 = 1.875 * sini0 * (1 - 2 * cosi0 - 3 * theta2);
        final double f322 = -1.875 * sini0 * (1 + 2 * cosi0 - 3 * theta2);
        final double f441 = 35 * sini2 * f220;
        final double f442 = 39.3750 * sini2 * sini2;
        final double f522 = 9.84375 * sini0
                * (sini2 * (1 - 2 * cosi0 - 5 * theta2) + 0.33333333 * (-2 + 4 * cosi0 + 6 * theta2));
        final double f523 = sini0 * (4.92187512 * sini2 * (-2 - 4 * cosi0 + 10 * theta2)
                + 6.56250012 * (1 + 2 * cosi0 - 3 * theta2));
        final double f542 = 29.53125 * sini0 * (2 - 8 * cosi0 + theta2 * (-12 + 8 * cosi0 + 10 * theta2));
        final double f543 = 29.53125 * sini0 * (-2 - 8 * cosi0 + theta2 * (12 + 8 * cosi0 - 10 * theta2));
        double g211;
        double g310;
        double g322;
        double g410;
        double g422;
        double g520;

        resonant = true; // it is resonant...
        synchronous = false; // but it's not synchronous

        // Geopotential resonance initialization for 12 hour orbits :
        if (tle.getE() <= 0.65) {
            g211 = 3.616 - 13.247 * tle.getE() + 16.290 * e0sq;
            g310 = -19.302 + 117.390 * tle.getE() - 228.419 * e0sq + 156.591 * eoc;
            g322 = -18.9068 + 109.7927 * tle.getE() - 214.6334 * e0sq + 146.5816 * eoc;
            g410 = -41.122 + 242.694 * tle.getE() - 471.094 * e0sq + 313.953 * eoc;
            g422 = -146.407 + 841.880 * tle.getE() - 1629.014 * e0sq + 1083.435 * eoc;
            g520 = -532.114 + 3017.977 * tle.getE() - 5740.032 * e0sq + 3708.276 * eoc;
        } else {
            g211 = -72.099 + 331.819 * tle.getE() - 508.738 * e0sq + 266.724 * eoc;
            g310 = -346.844 + 1582.851 * tle.getE() - 2415.925 * e0sq + 1246.113 * eoc;
            g322 = -342.585 + 1554.908 * tle.getE() - 2366.899 * e0sq + 1215.972 * eoc;
            g410 = -1052.797 + 4758.686 * tle.getE() - 7193.992 * e0sq + 3651.957 * eoc;
            g422 = -3581.69 + 16178.11 * tle.getE() - 24462.77 * e0sq + 12422.52 * eoc;
            if (tle.getE() <= 0.715) {
                g520 = 1464.74 - 4664.75 * tle.getE() + 3763.64 * e0sq;
            } else {
                g520 = -5149.66 + 29936.92 * tle.getE() - 54087.36 * e0sq + 31324.56 * eoc;

        double g533;
        double g521;
        double g532;
        if (tle.getE() < 0.7) {
            g533 = -919.2277 + 4988.61 * tle.getE() - 9064.77 * e0sq + 5542.21 * eoc;
            g521 = -822.71072 + 4568.6173 * tle.getE() - 8491.4146 * e0sq + 5337.524 * eoc;
            g532 = -853.666 + 4690.25 * tle.getE() - 8624.77 * e0sq + 5341.4 * eoc;
        } else {
            g533 = -37995.78 + 161616.52 * tle.getE() - 229838.2 * e0sq + 109377.94 * eoc;
            g521 = -51752.104 + 218913.95 * tle.getE() - 309468.16 * e0sq + 146349.42 * eoc;
            g532 = -40023.88 + 170470.89 * tle.getE() - 242699.48 * e0sq + 115605.82 * eoc;

        double temp1 = 3 * xnq * xnq * aqnv * aqnv;
        double temp = temp1 * ROOT22;
        d2201 = temp * f220 * g201;
        d2211 = temp * f221 * g211;
        temp1 *= aqnv;
        temp = temp1 * ROOT32;
        d3210 = temp * f321 * g310;
        d3222 = temp * f322 * g322;
        temp1 *= aqnv;
        temp = 2 * temp1 * ROOT44;
        d4410 = temp * f441 * g410;
        d4422 = temp * f442 * g422;
        temp1 *= aqnv;
        temp = temp1 * ROOT52;
        d5220 = temp * f522 * g520;
        d5232 = temp * f523 * g532;
        temp = 2 * temp1 * ROOT54;
        d5421 = temp * f542 * g521;
        d5433 = temp * f543 * g533;
        xlamo = tle.getMeanAnomaly() + tle.getRaan() + tle.getRaan() - thgr - thgr;
        bfact = xmdot + xnodot + xnodot - THDT - THDT;
        bfact += ssl + ssh + ssh;
    } else if ((xnq < 0.0052359877) && (xnq > 0.0034906585)) {
        // if mean motion is .8 to 1.2 revs/day : (geosynch)

        final double cosio_plus_1 = 1.0 + cosi0;
        final double g200 = 1 + e0sq * (-2.5 + 0.8125 * e0sq);
        final double g300 = 1 + e0sq * (-6 + 6.60937 * e0sq);
        final double f311 = 0.9375 * sini0 * sini0 * (1 + 3 * cosi0) - 0.75 * cosio_plus_1;
        final double g310 = 1 + 2 * e0sq;
        final double f220 = 0.75 * cosio_plus_1 * cosio_plus_1;
        final double f330 = 2.5 * f220 * cosio_plus_1;

        resonant = true;
        synchronous = true;

        // Synchronous resonance terms initialization
        del1 = 3 * xnq * xnq * aqnv * aqnv;
        del2 = 2 * del1 * f220 * g200 * Q22;
        del3 = 3 * del1 * f330 * g300 * Q33 * aqnv;
        del1 = del1 * f311 * g310 * Q31 * aqnv;
        xlamo = tle.getMeanAnomaly() + tle.getRaan() + tle.getPerigeeArgument() - thgr;
        bfact = xmdot + omgdot + xnodot - THDT;
        bfact = bfact + ssl + ssg + ssh;
    } else {
        // it's neither a high-e 12-hours orbit nor a geosynchronous:
        resonant = false;
        synchronous = false;

    if (resonant) {
        xfact = bfact - xnq;

        // Initialize integrator
        xli = xlamo;
        xni = xnq;
        atime = 0;
    derivs = new double[SECULAR_INTEGRATION_ORDER];

From source file:com.nextgis.maplibui.fragment.CompassFragment.java

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    switch (event.getAction()) {
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
        mDownX = event.getX();/*from ww  w. ja va 2s.c  o m*/
        mDownY = event.getY();
        return true;
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
        float upX = event.getX();
        float upY = event.getY();

        double downR = Math.atan2(v.getHeight() / 2 - mDownY, mDownX - v.getWidth() / 2);
        int angle1 = (int) Math.toDegrees(downR);

        double upR = Math.atan2(v.getHeight() / 2 - upY, upX - v.getWidth() / 2);
        int angle2 = (int) Math.toDegrees(upR);

        this.rotateCompass(angle1 - angle2);

        if (mIsVibrationOn) {

        // update starting point for next move event
        mDownX = upX;
        mDownY = upY;

        return true;
    return false;

From source file:com.evgenyvyaz.cinaytaren.activity.FaceTrackerActivity.java

public static double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
    double dLat = (double) Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double dLon = (double) Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1);
    double a = (double) (Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1))
            * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2));
    double c = (double) (2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)));
    double d = 6371 * c;

    return Math.round(d * 1000);

From source file:fr.certu.chouette.validation.checkpoint.AbstractValidation.java

 * @see http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51879.html
 */// w ww . j  a  v  a  2 s  . c om
private double computeHaversineFormula(NeptuneLocalizedObject obj1, NeptuneLocalizedObject obj2) {

    double lon1 = Math.toRadians(obj1.getLongitude().doubleValue());
    double lat1 = Math.toRadians(obj1.getLatitude().doubleValue());
    double lon2 = Math.toRadians(obj2.getLongitude().doubleValue());
    double lat2 = Math.toRadians(obj2.getLatitude().doubleValue());

    final double R = 6371008.8;

    double dlon = lon2 - lon1;
    double dlat = lat2 - lat1;

    double a = Math.pow((Math.sin(dlat / 2)), 2)
            + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(dlon / 2), 2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    double d = R * c;

    return d;

From source file:whitebox.stats.PolynomialLeastSquares2DFitting.java

public void calculateEquations() {
    try {//from  ww w. j a  va 2  s.  c om
        int m, i, j, k;

        int n = xCoords2.length;

        // How many coefficients are there?
        numCoefficients = 0;

        for (j = 0; j <= polyOrder; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k <= (polyOrder - j); k++) {

        //            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        //                xCoords1[i] -= xMin1;
        //                yCoords1[i] -= yMin1;
        //                xCoords2[i] -= xMin2;
        //                yCoords2[i] -= yMin2;
        //            }

        // Solve the forward transformation equations
        double[][] forwardCoefficientMatrix = new double[n][numCoefficients];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            m = 0;
            for (j = 0; j <= polyOrder; j++) {
                for (k = 0; k <= (polyOrder - j); k++) {
                    forwardCoefficientMatrix[i][m] = Math.pow(xCoords1[i], j) * Math.pow(yCoords1[i], k);

        RealMatrix coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(forwardCoefficientMatrix, false);
        DecompositionSolver solver = new SingularValueDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();
        //DecompositionSolver solver = new QRDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();

        // do the x-coordinate first
        RealVector constants = new ArrayRealVector(xCoords2, false);
        RealVector solution = solver.solve(constants);
        forwardRegressCoeffX = new double[n];
        for (int a = 0; a < numCoefficients; a++) {
            forwardRegressCoeffX[a] = solution.getEntry(a);

        double[] residualsX = new double[n];
        double SSresidX = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double yHat = 0.0;
            for (j = 0; j < numCoefficients; j++) {
                yHat += forwardCoefficientMatrix[i][j] * forwardRegressCoeffX[j];
            residualsX[i] = xCoords2[i] - yHat;
            SSresidX += residualsX[i] * residualsX[i];

        double sumX = 0;
        double SSx = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            SSx += xCoords2[i] * xCoords2[i];
            sumX += xCoords2[i];
        double varianceX = (SSx - (sumX * sumX) / n) / n;
        double SStotalX = (n - 1) * varianceX;
        double rsqX = 1 - SSresidX / SStotalX;

        // now the y-coordinate 
        constants = new ArrayRealVector(yCoords2, false);
        solution = solver.solve(constants);
        forwardRegressCoeffY = new double[numCoefficients];
        for (int a = 0; a < numCoefficients; a++) {
            forwardRegressCoeffY[a] = solution.getEntry(a);

        double[] residualsY = new double[n];
        residualsXY = new double[n];
        residualsOrientation = new double[n];
        double SSresidY = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double yHat = 0.0;
            for (j = 0; j < numCoefficients; j++) {
                yHat += forwardCoefficientMatrix[i][j] * forwardRegressCoeffY[j];
            residualsY[i] = yCoords2[i] - yHat;
            SSresidY += residualsY[i] * residualsY[i];
            residualsXY[i] = Math.sqrt(residualsX[i] * residualsX[i] + residualsY[i] * residualsY[i]);
            residualsOrientation[i] = Math.atan2(residualsY[i], residualsX[i]);

        double sumY = 0;
        double sumR = 0;
        double SSy = 0;
        double SSr = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            SSy += yCoords2[i] * yCoords2[i];
            SSr += residualsXY[i] * residualsXY[i];
            sumY += yCoords2[i];
            sumR += residualsXY[i];
        double varianceY = (SSy - (sumY * sumY) / n) / n;
        double varianceResiduals = (SSr - (sumR * sumR) / n) / n;
        double SStotalY = (n - 1) * varianceY;
        double rsqY = 1 - SSresidY / SStotalY;
        overallRMSE = Math.sqrt(varianceResiduals);

        //System.out.println("y-coordinate r-square: " + rsqY);

        //            // Print the residuals.
        //            System.out.println("\nResiduals:");
        //            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        //                System.out.println("Point " + (i + 1) + "\t" + residualsX[i]
        //                        + "\t" + residualsY[i] + "\t" + residualsXY[i]);
        //            }

        // Solve the backward transformation equations
        double[][] backCoefficientMatrix = new double[n][numCoefficients];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            m = 0;
            for (j = 0; j <= polyOrder; j++) {
                for (k = 0; k <= (polyOrder - j); k++) {
                    backCoefficientMatrix[i][m] = Math.pow(xCoords2[i], j) * Math.pow(yCoords2[i], k);

        coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(backCoefficientMatrix, false);
        //DecompositionSolver solver = new SingularValueDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();
        solver = new QRDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();

        // do the x-coordinate first
        constants = new ArrayRealVector(xCoords1, false);
        solution = solver.solve(constants);
        backRegressCoeffX = new double[numCoefficients];
        for (int a = 0; a < numCoefficients; a++) {
            backRegressCoeffX[a] = solution.getEntry(a);

        // now the y-coordinate 
        constants = new ArrayRealVector(yCoords1, false);
        solution = solver.solve(constants);
        backRegressCoeffY = new double[n];
        for (int a = 0; a < numCoefficients; a++) {
            backRegressCoeffY[a] = solution.getEntry(a);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //            showFeedback("Error in ImageRectificationDialog.calculateEquations: "
        //                    + e.getMessage());

From source file:arlocros.ArMarkerPoseEstimator.java

private void start(final ConnectedNode connectedNode) {
    // load OpenCV shared library

    // read configuration variables from the ROS Runtime (configured in the
    // launch file)
    log = connectedNode.getLog();/*from   w  w w  .j a  v  a 2  s  .  c  o  m*/

    // Read Marker Config
    markerConfig = MarkerConfig.createFromConfig(parameter.markerConfigFile(), parameter.patternDirectory());

    // setup rotation vector and translation vector storing output of the
    // localization
    rvec = new Mat(3, 1, CvType.CV_64F);
    tvec = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    camp = getCameraInfo(connectedNode, parameter);

    // start to listen to transform messages in /tf in order to feed the
    // Transformer and lookup transforms
    final TransformationService transformationService = TransformationService.create(connectedNode);

    // Subscribe to Image
    Subscriber<sensor_msgs.Image> subscriberToImage = connectedNode.newSubscriber(parameter.cameraImageTopic(),

    ComputePose computePose = null;
    try {
        final Mat cameraMatrix = CameraParams.getCameraMatrix(camp);
        final MatOfDouble distCoeffs = CameraParams.getDistCoeffs(camp);
        computePose = ComputePose.create(markerConfig, new Size(camp.width(), camp.height()), cameraMatrix,
                distCoeffs, this.parameter.visualization());
    } catch (NyARException e) {
        logger.info("Cannot initialize ComputePose", e);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        logger.info("Cannot find file when initialize ComputePose", e);
    final ComputePose poseProcessor = computePose;
    subscriberToImage.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<sensor_msgs.Image>() {

        public void onNewMessage(sensor_msgs.Image message) {
            if (!message.getEncoding().toLowerCase().equals("rgb8")) {
                log.error("Sorry, " + message.getEncoding() + " Image encoding is not supported! EXITING");
            if (camp != null) {
                try {
                    image = Utils.matFromImage(message);
                    // uncomment to add more contrast to the image
                    if (parameter.blackWhiteContrastLevel() > 0) {
                        log.trace("using BlackWhiteContrastLevel");
                        Utils.tresholdContrastBlackWhite(image, parameter.blackWhiteContrastLevel(),
                    if (parameter.useThreshold()) {
                        Imgproc.threshold(image, image, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY);
                    // Mat cannyimg = new Mat(image.height(), image.width(),
                    // CvType.CV_8UC3);
                    // Imgproc.Canny(image, cannyimg, 10, 100);
                    // Imshow.show(cannyimg);

                    // image.convertTo(image, -1, 1.5, 0);
                    // setup camera matrix and return vectors
                    // compute pose
                    if (poseProcessor.computePose(rvec, tvec, image)) {
                        // notify publisher threads (pose and tf, see below)
                        synchronized (tvec) {

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.info("An exception occurs.", e);

    final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherCamToMarker = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf",
    connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() {

        protected void loop() throws InterruptedException {

            synchronized (tvec) {

            QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper();

             * http://euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/
             * conversions/matrixToEuler/index.htm
             * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12933284/rodrigues-into-
             * eulerangles-and-vice-versa
             * heading = atan2(-m20,m00) attitude = asin(m10) bank =
             * atan2(-m12,m11)
            // convert output rotation vector rvec to rotation matrix R
            Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1);
            Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R);
            // get rotations around X,Y,Z from rotation matrix R
            double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]);
            double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]);
            double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]);
            // convert Euler angles to quarternion
            q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ);

            // set information to message
            TFMessage tfmessage = tfPublisherCamToMarker.newMessage();
            TransformStamped posestamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory()
            Transform transform = posestamped.getTransform();

            Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation();
            Vector3 point = transform.getTranslation();
            point.setX(tvec.get(0, 0)[0]);
            point.setY(tvec.get(1, 0)[0]);
            point.setZ(tvec.get(2, 0)[0]);

            // frame_id too

    // publish Markers
    final Publisher<visualization_msgs.Marker> markerPublisher = connectedNode.newPublisher("markers",
    connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() {

        protected void loop() throws InterruptedException {
            // publish markers every 500ms
            // get marker points from markerConfig, each marker has 4
            // vertices
            List<Point3> points3dlist = markerConfig.getUnordered3DPointList();
            int i = 0;
            for (Point3 p : points3dlist) {
                Marker markermessage = markerPublisher.newMessage();
                // FIXME If the markers are published into an existing frame
                // (e.g. map or odom) the node will consume very high CPU
                // and will fail after a short time. The markers are
                // probably published in the wrong way.
                // position
                double x = p.x;
                double y = p.y;
                double z = p.z;
                // orientation
                // patterntSize
                // color


    // publish tf map --> odom
    final Publisher<tf2_msgs.TFMessage> tfPublisherMapToOdom = connectedNode.newPublisher("tf",
    connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() {

        protected void loop() throws InterruptedException {

            // since this is an infinite loop, wait to be notified if new
            // image was processed
            synchronized (tvec) {

            // compute transform map to odom from map to
            // camera_rgb_optical_frame and odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame

            // map to camera_rgb_optical_frame
            Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper();
            // get rotation matrix R from solvepnp output rotation vector
            // rvec
            Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1);
            Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R);
            // transpose R, because we need the transformation from
            // world(map) to camera
            R = R.t();
            // get rotation around X,Y,Z from R in radiants
            double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]);
            double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]);
            double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]);
            q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ);
            // compute translation vector from world (map) to cam
            // tvec_map_cam
            Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R); // R=-R
            Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0); // tvec_map_cam=R*tvec

            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion(q.getX(),
                    q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW());
            double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0];
            double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0];
            double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0];
            // create a Transform Object that hold the transform map to cam
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z);
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform(
                    translation, rotation);

            // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame
            GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName());
            GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("odom");
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_odom = null;
            if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) {
                try {
                    transform_cam_odom = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.info("Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to "
                            + "odom! " + "However, " + "will continue..");
            } else {
                log.info("Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to " + "odom! "
                        + "However, will " + "continue..");
                // cancel this loop..no result can be computed
            // multiply results
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform result = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity();
            result = result.multiply(transform_map_cam);
            result = result.multiply(transform_cam_odom);

            // set information to ROS message
            TFMessage tfMessage = tfPublisherMapToOdom.newMessage();
            TransformStamped transformStamped = connectedNode.getTopicMessageFactory()
            Transform transform = transformStamped.getTransform();

            Quaternion orientation = transform.getRotation();
            Vector3 vector = transform.getTranslation();

            // frame_id too
            // System.exit(0);

    // Publish Pose

    connectedNode.executeCancellableLoop(new CancellableLoop() {

        protected void loop() throws InterruptedException {

            // since this is an infinite loop, wait here to be notified if
            // new image was processed
            synchronized (tvec) {
            final QuaternionHelper q = new QuaternionHelper();

            // convert rotation vector result of solvepnp to rotation matrix
            Mat R = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1);
            Calib3d.Rodrigues(rvec, R);
            // see publishers before for documentation
            final Mat tvec_map_cam = new MatOfDouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            R = R.t();
            final double bankX = Math.atan2(-R.get(1, 2)[0], R.get(1, 1)[0]);
            final double headingY = Math.atan2(-R.get(2, 0)[0], R.get(0, 0)[0]);
            final double attitudeZ = Math.asin(R.get(1, 0)[0]);
            q.setFromEuler(bankX, headingY, attitudeZ);
            Core.multiply(R, new Scalar(-1), R);
            Core.gemm(R, tvec, 1, new Mat(), 0, tvec_map_cam, 0);
            final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion rotation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion(
                    q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW());
            final double x = tvec_map_cam.get(0, 0)[0];
            final double y = tvec_map_cam.get(1, 0)[0];
            final double z = tvec_map_cam.get(2, 0)[0];

            final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 translation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(x, y, z);
            final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_map_cam = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform(
                    translation, rotation);

            // odom to camera_rgb_optical_frame
            final GraphName sourceFrame = GraphName.of(parameter.cameraFrameName());
            final GraphName targetFrame = GraphName.of("base_link");
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform transform_cam_base = null;

            if (transformationService.canTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame)) {
                try {
                    transform_cam_base = transformationService.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.info("Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to "
                            + "base_link! " + "However, will continue..");
                    // cancel this loop..no result can be computed
            } else {
                log.info("Cloud not get transformation from " + parameter.cameraFrameName() + " to "
                        + "base_link!" + " However, " + "will continue..");
                // cancel this loop..no result can be computed

            // multiply results
            org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform current_pose = org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform.identity();
            current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_map_cam);
            current_pose = current_pose.multiply(transform_cam_base);

            // check for plausibility of the pose by checking if movement
            // exceeds max speed (defined) of the robot
            if (parameter.badPoseReject()) {
                Time current_timestamp = connectedNode.getCurrentTime();
                // TODO Unfortunately, we do not have the tf timestamp at
                // hand here. So we can only use the current timestamp.
                double maxspeed = 5;
                boolean goodpose = false;
                // if (current_pose != null && current_timestamp != null) {
                if (last_pose != null && last_timestamp != null) {
                    // check speed of movement between last and current pose
                    double distance = PoseCompare.distance(current_pose, last_pose);
                    double timedelta = PoseCompare.timedelta(current_timestamp, last_timestamp);
                    if ((distance / timedelta) < maxspeed) {
                        if (smoothing) {
                            double xold = last_pose.getTranslation().getX();
                            double yold = last_pose.getTranslation().getY();
                            double zold = last_pose.getTranslation().getZ();
                            double xnew = current_pose.getTranslation().getX();
                            double ynew = current_pose.getTranslation().getY();
                            double znew = current_pose.getTranslation().getZ();
                            final org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3 smoothTranslation = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3(
                                    (xold * 2 + xnew) / 3, (yold * 2 + ynew) / 3, (zold * 2 + znew) / 3);
                            current_pose = new org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Transform(smoothTranslation,
                            last_pose = current_pose;
                        last_pose = current_pose;
                        last_timestamp = current_timestamp;
                        goodpose = true;
                    } else {
                        log.info("distance " + distance + " time: " + timedelta + " --> Pose rejected");

                } else {
                    last_pose = current_pose;
                    last_timestamp = current_timestamp;
                // }
                // bad pose rejection
                if (!goodpose) {

            // set information to message
            final geometry_msgs.PoseStamped posestamped = posePublisher.newMessage();
            Pose pose = posestamped.getPose();
            Quaternion orientation = pose.getOrientation();
            Point point = pose.getPosition();





            // frame_id too


From source file:eu.hansolo.tilesfx.tools.Location.java

public double calcDistanceInMeter(final double LAT_1, final double LON_1, final double LAT_2,
        final double LON_2) {
    final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6_371_000; // m
    final double LAT_1_RADIANS = Math.toRadians(LAT_1);
    final double LAT_2_RADIANS = Math.toRadians(LAT_2);
    final double DELTA_LAT_RADIANS = Math.toRadians(LAT_2 - LAT_1);
    final double DELTA_LON_RADIANS = Math.toRadians(LON_2 - LON_1);

    final double A = Math.sin(DELTA_LAT_RADIANS * 0.5) * Math.sin(DELTA_LAT_RADIANS * 0.5)
            + Math.cos(LAT_1_RADIANS) * Math.cos(LAT_2_RADIANS) * Math.sin(DELTA_LON_RADIANS * 0.5)
                    * Math.sin(DELTA_LON_RADIANS * 0.5);
    final double C = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(A), Math.sqrt(1 - A));

    final double DISTANCE = EARTH_RADIUS * C;

    return DISTANCE;