Example usage for java.lang Math atan2

List of usage examples for java.lang Math atan2


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math atan2.


public static double atan2(double y, double x) 

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Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates ( x ,  y ) to polar coordinates (r, theta).


From source file:IK.G.java

public static double atan2(double a, double b) {
    return Math.atan2(a, b);

From source file:org.netxilia.functions.MathFunctions.java

public double ATAN2(double number_x, double number_y) {
    return Math.atan2(number_x, number_y);

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.roi.fitting.EllipseFitterTest.java

public void testOrthoDist() {

    AngleDerivativeFunction angleDerivative = new AngleDerivativeFunction();
    BrentSolver solver = new BrentSolver();
    double a = 10.2;
    double b = 3.1;
    final double twopi = 2 * Math.PI;
    double alpha = twopi * 10. / 360; // 0 to 2 pi
    angleDerivative.setRadii(a, b);/*from   ww  w .ja v a 2s  .  c o  m*/

    //      final double ca = 0;
    //      final double cb = b-0.5;
    final double Xc = -5.; // Math.cos(alpha)*ca + Math.sin(alpha)*cb;
    final double Yc = 5.5; //Math.sin(alpha)*ca + Math.cos(alpha)*cb;

    angleDerivative.setCoordinate(Xc, Yc);
    try {
        // find quadrant to use
        double p = Math.atan2(Yc, Xc);
        if (p < 0)
            p += twopi;
        p -= alpha;
        final double end;
        final double halfpi = 0.5 * Math.PI;
        p /= halfpi;
        end = Math.ceil(p) * halfpi;
        final double angle = solver.solve(100, angleDerivative, end - halfpi, end);
        //         final double cos = Math.cos(angle);
        //         final double sin = Math.sin(angle);

        Assert.assertEquals("Angle found is not close enough", 1.930, angle, 0.001);
        //         double dx = a*cos + Xc;
        //         double dy = b*sin + Yc;
        //         System.out.println("Bracket angle = " + Math.ceil(p));
        //         System.out.println("Delta angle = " + 180.*angle/Math.PI);
        //         System.out.println(dx + ", " + dy);
    } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
        // TODO
    } catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
        // TODO


From source file:edu.mit.fss.tutorial.part2.MobileElement.java

public double getLatitude() {
    return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(position.getZ(), position.getX()));

From source file:demo.support.NavUtils.java

 * Returns bearing of position 2 from position 1.
 * @param pt1//from w ww  . j  a v a  2  s .co m
 * @param pt2
 * @return
public static double getBearing(Point pt1, Point pt2) {
    double longitude1 = pt1.getLongitude();
    double longitude2 = pt2.getLongitude();
    double latitude1 = Math.toRadians(pt1.getLatitude());
    double latitude2 = Math.toRadians(pt2.getLatitude());
    double longDiff = Math.toRadians(longitude2 - longitude1);
    double y = Math.sin(longDiff) * Math.cos(latitude2);
    double x = Math.cos(latitude1) * Math.sin(latitude2)
            - Math.sin(latitude1) * Math.cos(latitude2) * Math.cos(longDiff);
    return (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360;

From source file:org.renjin.primitives.MathExt.java

@Internal//from   w w  w.  j  a v  a  2  s . c  o  m
public static double atan2(double y, double x) {
    return (Math.atan2(y, x));

From source file:it.inserpio.mapillary.gopro.importer.matcher.Image2GeoMatcher.java

 * Determine GPSImgDirection/*from ww  w.j  av  a2  s .  com*/
 * @param dateTimePoint1
 * @param dateTimePoint2
 * @return
public static double computeGPSImgDirection(GPXDateTimePoint dateTimePoint1, GPXDateTimePoint dateTimePoint2) {
    double deltaY = dateTimePoint1.getLatitude() - dateTimePoint2.getLatitude();
    double deltaX = dateTimePoint1.getLongitude() - dateTimePoint2.getLongitude();

    double degrees = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX));

    if (degrees < 0) {
        degrees = 360 + degrees;

    return degrees;

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.diffraction.powder.PixelIntegrationUtils.java

public static Dataset generateAzimuthalArray(double[] beamCentre, int[] shape, boolean radians) {

    Dataset out = DatasetFactory.zeros(shape, Dataset.FLOAT64);
    PositionIterator iter = out.getPositionIterator();

    int[] pos = iter.getPos();

    //+0.5 for centre of pixel
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        double val = Math.atan2(pos[0] + 0.5 - beamCentre[1], pos[1] + 0.5 - beamCentre[0]);
        if (radians)
            out.set(val, pos);
        else//ww w  .ja va2s .c  o m
            out.set(Math.toDegrees(val), pos);

    return out;

From source file:webservice.ImportantPlacesWorker.java

private String calculateSpeed(long t1, double lat1, double lng1, long t2, double lat2, double lng2) {
    int R = 6371000; // meters
    double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double dLon = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1);
    lat1 = Math.toRadians(lat1);/* www  .ja v a2 s.  c  o  m*/
    lat2 = Math.toRadians(lat2);

    double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2)
            + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    double distance = R * c;
    double speed = Math.round((distance / (t2 - t1)) * 3.6);
    if (0 <= speed && speed < 5) {
        return "0-5";
    } else if (5 <= speed && speed < 15) {
        return "5-15";
    } else if (15 <= speed && speed < 50) {
        return "15-50";
    } else if (50 <= speed && speed < 120) {
        return "50-120";
    } else {
        return "120<=x";

From source file:org.gearvrf.keyboard.util.Util.java

public static float getYRotationAngle(GVRSceneObject rotatingObject, GVRTransform targetObject) {
    return (float) Math
            .toDegrees(Math.atan2(targetObject.getPositionX() - rotatingObject.getTransform().getPositionX(),
                    targetObject.getPositionZ() - rotatingObject.getTransform().getPositionZ()));