Example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger ZERO


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO.


BigInteger ZERO

To view the source code for java.math BigInteger ZERO.

Click Source Link


The BigInteger constant zero.


From source file:org.openestate.io.is24_xml.Is24XmlUtils.java

public static String printZahl20(BigInteger value) {
    if (value == null || value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) != 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't print integer value '" + value + "'!");
    String val = DatatypeConverter.printInteger(value);
    if (val.length() > 20)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Can't print integer value '" + value + "'! The value exceeds maximal length of 20 digits.");
    return val;

From source file:edu.hku.sdb.rewrite.SdbSchemeRewriter.java

 * This is the most complex rewriting part, since all columns need to do keyUpdate
 * after two tables join together.//  w w  w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  . c  om
 * @param tblRefs
 * @param selList
 * @param whereClause
 * @throws RewriteException
protected void rewriteTableRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs, SelectionList selList, Expr whereClause)
        throws RewriteException {
    LOG.debug("Rewriting table list");

    // First of all, initialize the auxiliary columns RowID, R, S of the selection
    // list, since we possibly need them for the later computation.
    // In the optimization phase, we will delete all those useless auxiliary columns.
    SelectionItem leftRowID = new SelectionItem();
    SelectionItem leftR = new SelectionItem();
    SelectionItem leftS = new SelectionItem();


    // To record the set of table names we have visited.
    Set<String> visitedTbl = new HashSet<>();

    boolean isFirstOne = true;
    for (TableRef tblRef : tblRefs) {
        if (tblRef instanceof InLineViewRef) {
            // Perform rewrite for inline view first.
            rewriteInLineViewRef((InLineViewRef) tblRef);
        // Do if it is the first table.
        if (isFirstOne) {
            if (tblRef instanceof BaseTableRef) {
                String tblName = tblRef.getTblName();
                SdbColumnKey rowIDColKey = getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME);

                FieldLiteral rowID = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT,
                        true, rowIDColKey);

                SdbColumnKey rColKey = getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME);
                FieldLiteral r = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT, true,

                SdbColumnKey sColKey = getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME);
                FieldLiteral s = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT, true,

                if (!tblRef.getAlias().equals("")) {
                    // Should use the alias in the final rewritten query.

                    // Check if alias has been used.
                    if (aliasTblMap.containsKey(tblRef.getAlias())) {
                        RewriteException e = new RewriteException("Repeated alias!");
                        LOG.error("Please use another alias for table " + tblName, e);
                        throw e;
                    aliasTblMap.put(tblRef.getAlias(), tblName);
                } else {
            // Is is an inline view.
            else {
                // The rewrite has been performed.
                SelectionList inLineSelList = ((SelectStmt) ((InLineViewRef) tblRef).getQueryStmt())

                FieldLiteral inlineRowID = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(),
                        ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT);
                FieldLiteral inlineR = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(), ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME,
                FieldLiteral inlineS = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(), ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME,

                // Get column keys for rowID, R and S

                leftRowID = new SelectionItem(inlineRowID, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME);
                leftR = new SelectionItem(inlineR, ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME);
                leftS = new SelectionItem(inlineS, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME);


            isFirstOne = false;

        // It is a join table.
        else {
            boolean isInlineView = false;
            Expr onClause = tblRef.getOnClause();
            assert (onClause != null);
            SelectionItem rightRowID = new SelectionItem();
            SelectionItem rightS = new SelectionItem();

            if (tblRef instanceof BaseTableRef) {
                String tblName = tblRef.getTblName();

                SdbColumnKey rowIDColKey = getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME);

                FieldLiteral rowID = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT,
                        true, rowIDColKey);

                SdbColumnKey sColKey = getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME);

                FieldLiteral s = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT, true,

                if (!tblRef.getAlias().equals("")) {
                    // Should use the alias in the final rewritten query.

                    // Check if alias has been used.
                    if (aliasTblMap.containsKey(tblRef.getAlias())) {
                        RewriteException e = new RewriteException("Repeated alias!");
                        LOG.error("Please use another alias for table " + tblName, e);
                        throw e;
                    aliasTblMap.put(tblRef.getAlias(), tblName);

            // It is an inline view.
            else {
                isInlineView = true;
                SelectionList inLineSelList = ((SelectStmt) ((InLineViewRef) tblRef).getQueryStmt())

                FieldLiteral inlineRowID = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(),
                        ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT);
                //          FieldLiteral inlineR = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(),
                //                  ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME, DataType.INT);
                FieldLiteral inlineS = new FieldLiteral(tblRef.getAlias(), ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME,

                // Get column keys for rowID, R and S
                //          inlineR.setSdbColKey(inLineSelList.getAuxiliaryR().getExpr()
                // .getSdbColKey());

                rightRowID = new SelectionItem(inlineRowID, ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME);
                rightS = new SelectionItem(inlineS, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME);


            // Property of Column Key <m, 0>: all values in the Column A has the same
            // item key m. That means if two values a1, a2 are equal, then their
            // encrypted
            // value E(a1) and E(a2) are equal as well.
            BigInteger targetM = SDBEncrypt.generatePositiveRand(prime1, prime2);
            BigInteger targetX = BigInteger.ZERO;

            // Perform Key updates on the join columns
            if (onClause != null) {
                rewriteJoinPred(onClause, leftS, rightS, targetM, targetX);
            } else {
                RewriteException e = new UnSupportedException("Join clause has no onClause");
                LOG.error("There is unsupported join clause!", e);
                throw e;

            // Do transform for all sensitive columns in the selection list
            for (SelectionItem selItem : selList.getItemList()) {
                if (selItem.involveEncrytedCol()) {
                    Expr originExpr = selItem.getExpr();
                    Expr rewrittenExpr = buildCartesianExpr(originExpr, leftS, rightS, visitedTbl);

                    if (selItem.getAlias().equals("")) {
                        if (originExpr instanceof FieldLiteral) {
                            selItem.setAlias(((FieldLiteral) originExpr).getName());
                        } else {
                            RewriteException e = new UnSupportedException(
                                    "Only column can be " + "without alias in the selection list");
                            LOG.error("There is unsupported selection item!", e);
                            throw e;


            // The row column key should be equal for across all tables.
            assert (leftRowID.getExpr().getSdbColKey().getM()

            // Update the auxiliary columns
            // The row id is homomorphic additive
            Expr newRowID = new SdbArithmeticExpr(SdbOperator.SDB_ADDROWID);
            newRowID.addChild(new BigIntLiteral(n));

            BigInteger m = leftRowID.getExpr().getSdbColKey().getM();
            BigInteger x = leftRowID.getExpr().getSdbColKey().getX()
            newRowID.setSdbColKey(new SdbColumnKey(m, x));

            Expr newR = buildCartesianExpr(leftR.getExpr(), leftS, rightS, visitedTbl);
            Expr newS = buildCartesianExpr(leftS.getExpr(), leftS, rightS, visitedTbl);


            if (isInlineView) {
            } else {
                if (tblRef.getAlias().equals(""))


From source file:com.amazonaws.kinesis.agg.AggRecord.java

 * Calculate a new explicit hash key based on the input partition key (following
 * the algorithm from the original KPL).
 * /*from   w ww  .  j av a  2 s .c om*/
 * @param partitionKey
 *            The partition key to seed the new explicit hash key with
 * @return An explicit hash key based on the input partition key generated using
 *         an algorithm from the original KPL.
private String createExplicitHashKey(final String partitionKey) {
    BigInteger hashKey = BigInteger.ZERO;

    byte[] pkDigest = this.md5.digest(partitionKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

    for (int i = 0; i < this.md5.getDigestLength(); i++) {
        BigInteger p = new BigInteger(String.valueOf((int) pkDigest[i] & 0xFF)); // convert
        // to
        // unsigned
        // integer
        BigInteger shifted = p.shiftLeft((16 - i - 1) * 8);
        hashKey = hashKey.add(shifted);

    return hashKey.toString(10);

From source file:cc.redberry.core.number.Complex.java

public Complex add(BigInteger bg) {
    NumberUtils.checkNotNull(bg);/*from ww w  .j ava 2s .  c  o  m*/
    return bg.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? this : new Complex(real.add(bg), imaginary);

From source file:org.mule.module.extension.internal.capability.xml.schema.SchemaBuilder.java

private void generateCollectionElement(ExplicitGroup all, String name, String description, DataType type,
        boolean required) {
    name = hyphenize(name);/* w w  w .j a va  2s . co  m*/

    BigInteger minOccurs = required ? BigInteger.ONE : BigInteger.ZERO;
    String collectionName = hyphenize(NameUtils.singularize(name));
    LocalComplexType collectionComplexType = generateCollectionComplexType(collectionName, description, type);

    TopLevelElement collectionElement = new TopLevelElement();


From source file:org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.HandleObjects.java

public static final ByteBuffer makeBytes(Object object, int baseType, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLException {
    Class<? extends Object> objectClass = object.getClass();
    boolean isCollection = (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(objectClass));
    int targetSqlType = isCollection ? Types.OTHER : baseType;
    // Type check first
    switch (targetSqlType) {
    case Types.TINYINT:
        // Only Numeric classes, Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to TINYINT
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "TINYINT");
        break;//from   w w w . j  a v  a 2  s. c  o m

    case Types.SMALLINT:
        // Only Numeric classes, Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to SMALLINT
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "SMALLINT");

    case Types.INTEGER:
        // Only Numeric classes, Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to INTEGER
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "INTEGER");

    case Types.BIGINT:
        // Only Numeric classes, Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to BIGINT
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "BIGINT");

    case Types.REAL:
    case Types.FLOAT:
    case Types.DOUBLE:
    case Types.DECIMAL:
        // Only Numeric classes Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to REAL,FLOAT,DOUBLE,DECIMAL
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "the floating point types");

    case Types.NUMERIC:
        //NB This as a special case variation for Cassandra!! NUMERIC is transformed to java BigInteger (varint CQL type)
        // Only Numeric classes Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to NUMERIC
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "NUMERIC");

    case Types.BIT:
        // Only Numeric classes Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to BIT
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "BIT");

    case Types.BOOLEAN:
        // Only Numeric classes Strings and Booleans are supported for transformation to BOOLEAN
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == Boolean.class
                || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "BOOLEAN");

    case Types.CHAR:
    case Types.VARCHAR:
    case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
    case Types.NVARCHAR:
    case Types.LONGNVARCHAR:
        if (!objectClass.isAssignableFrom(String.class))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "String", "the various VARCHAR types");

    case Types.BINARY:
    case Types.VARBINARY:
    case Types.LONGVARBINARY:
        if (!(objectClass.isAssignableFrom(ByteBuffer.class) || objectClass.getSimpleName().equals("byte[]")))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "ByteBuffer or byte[]", "the BINARY Types");

    case Types.DATE:
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == java.util.Date.class || objectClass == Date.class
                || objectClass == Timestamp.class))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "String, Date(java and sql) or Timestamp types", "DATE");

    case Types.TIME:
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == java.util.Date.class || objectClass == Time.class
                || objectClass == Timestamp.class))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "String, Date (java), Time or Timestamp types", "TIME");

    case Types.TIMESTAMP:
        if (!(objectClass == String.class || objectClass == java.util.Date.class || objectClass == Date.class
                || objectClass == Timestamp.class))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "String, Date(java and sql) or Timestamp types", "TIMESTAMP");

    case Types.DATALINK:
        if (objectClass != URL.class)
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "a URL type", "DATALINK");

    case Types.JAVA_OBJECT:

    case Types.OTHER:
        // Only Collection classes for transformation to OTHER
        if (!(List.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass()) || Set.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())
                || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())))
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, STR_BOOL_NUMERIC, "OTHER");

    case Types.ROWID:
        if (objectClass != RowId.class)
            throw makeBadMapping(objectClass, "a RowId type", "ROWID");

        throw new SQLNonTransientException("Unsupported transformation to Jdbc Type: " + targetSqlType);

    // see if we can map to an supported Type
    switch (targetSqlType) {
    case Types.BIT:
        BigInteger bitvalue = objectToBITorTINYINTorSMALLINTorNUMERIC(objectClass, object);
        assert bitvalue != null;
        return JdbcInteger.instance.decompose((bitvalue == BigInteger.ZERO) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.ONE);

    case Types.TINYINT:
    case Types.SMALLINT:
    case Types.NUMERIC:
        BigInteger varint = objectToBITorTINYINTorSMALLINTorNUMERIC(objectClass, object);
        assert varint != null;
        return JdbcInteger.instance.decompose(varint);

    case Types.INTEGER:
        Integer value = objectToINTEGER(objectClass, object);
        assert value != null;
        return JdbcInt32.instance.decompose(value);

    case Types.BIGINT:
        Long longvalue = objectToBIGINT(objectClass, object);
        assert longvalue != null;
        return JdbcLong.instance.decompose(longvalue);

    case Types.BOOLEAN:
        Boolean bool = objectToBOOLEAN(objectClass, object);
        assert bool != null;
        return JdbcBoolean.instance.decompose(bool);

    case Types.CHAR:
    case Types.VARCHAR:
    case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
    case Types.NVARCHAR:
    case Types.LONGNVARCHAR:
        return ByteBufferUtil.bytes((String) object);

    case Types.BINARY:
    case Types.VARBINARY:
    case Types.LONGVARBINARY:
        if (objectClass.isAssignableFrom(ByteBuffer.class)) {
            return ((ByteBuffer) object);
        } else if (objectClass.getSimpleName().equals("byte[]")) {
            return ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) object);
        } else
            return null; // this should not happen

    case Types.DATE:
    case Types.TIME:
    case Types.TIMESTAMP:
        Long millis = objectToDATEorTIMEorTIMESTAMP(objectClass, object);
        assert millis != null;
        return JdbcLong.instance.decompose(millis);

    case Types.DATALINK:
        String urlAsString = ((URL) object).toExternalForm();
        return JdbcUTF8.instance.decompose(urlAsString);

    case Types.JAVA_OBJECT:
        return javaObject(object);

    case Types.OTHER:
        if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(objectClass)) {
            return handleAsList(objectClass, object);
        } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(objectClass)) {
            return handleAsSet(objectClass, object);
        } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(objectClass)) {
            return handleAsMap(objectClass, object);
        } else
            return null;

    case Types.ROWID:
        byte[] bytes = ((RowId) object).getBytes();
        return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

        LOG.warn("Unhandled JDBC type: " + targetSqlType);
        return null;

From source file:cc.redberry.core.number.Complex.java

public Complex subtract(BigInteger bg) {
    NumberUtils.checkNotNull(bg);/*w w w  .j a  v  a 2 s  .c om*/
    return bg.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? this : new Complex(real.subtract(bg), imaginary);

From source file:org.multibit.utils.CSMiscUtils.java

public static BigInteger calcMigrationFeeSatoshis(BitcoinController bitcoinController, Wallet wallet) {
    BigInteger migrationFee = null;
    Address sendAddressObject;/*from   w ww.  j  av  a  2  s.  c o m*/
    try {
        /* We allow calculation of the migration fee even if there is no send address specified,
        so we could generate an address from utxo, or just use a dummy address.
        TODO: Get transc
        String address = null;
        NetworkParameters params = bitcoinController.getModel().getNetworkParameters();
        if (params.getId().equals(NetworkParameters.ID_MAINNET)) {
            address = "1LLBoY7gp4B9WUtBdgJQLyNVS7doskFQcn"; //production
        } else {
            address = "mzc55AvWnAmk48UfN74ktw4pxkiKfscNgU"; //testnet3

        // TODO: Instead of this dummy address, use a parameter
        sendAddressObject = new Address(bitcoinController.getModel().getNetworkParameters(), address);
        SendRequest sendRequest = SendRequest.emptyWallet(sendAddressObject);
        sendRequest.ensureMinRequiredFee = true;
        sendRequest.fee = BigInteger.ZERO;
        wallet.completeTx(sendRequest, false);
        migrationFee = sendRequest.fee;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return migrationFee;

From source file:org.mule.module.extension.internal.capability.xml.schema.SchemaBuilder.java

private LocalComplexType generateCollectionComplexType(String name, final String description,
        final DataType type) {
    final LocalComplexType collectionComplexType = new LocalComplexType();
    final ExplicitGroup sequence = new ExplicitGroup();

    final TopLevelElement collectionItemElement = new TopLevelElement();

    final DataType genericType = getFirstGenericType(type);
    genericType.getQualifier().accept(new AbstractDataQualifierVisitor() {

        @Override//w  w w  .  j ava 2 s . c  om
        public void onPojo() {
            collectionItemElement.setComplexType(newLocalComplexTypeWithBase(genericType, description));

        protected void defaultOperation() {


    return collectionComplexType;

From source file:org.ethereum.rpc.Web3Impl.java

private String sendTransaction(CallArguments args, Account account) throws Exception {
    String s = null;/*from w w  w  .j  a  v a2 s  .c  o  m*/
    try {
        if (account == null)
            throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("From address private key could not be found in this node");

        String toAddress = args.to != null ? Hex.toHexString(StringHexToByteArray(args.to)) : null;

        BigInteger value = args.value != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.value)
                : BigInteger.ZERO;
        BigInteger gasPrice = args.gasPrice != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gasPrice)
                : BigInteger.ZERO;
        BigInteger gasLimit = args.gas != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gas)
                : BigInteger.valueOf(GasCost.TRANSACTION_DEFAULT);

        if (args.data != null && args.data.startsWith("0x"))
            args.data = args.data.substring(2);

        PendingState pendingState = worldManager.getPendingState();
        synchronized (pendingState) {
            BigInteger accountNonce = args.nonce != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.nonce)
                    : (pendingState.getRepository().getNonce(account.getAddress()));
            Transaction tx = Transaction.create(toAddress, value, accountNonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, args.data);
            s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash());
        return s;
    } finally {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("eth_sendTransaction({}): {}", args, s);
