Example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger ZERO


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO.


BigInteger ZERO

To view the source code for java.math BigInteger ZERO.

Click Source Link


The BigInteger constant zero.


From source file:org.mule.module.extension.internal.capability.xml.schema.SchemaBuilder.java

private GroupRef generateNestedProcessorGroup(Parameter parameter, String maxOccurs) {
    TypeRestrictionCapability restrictionCapability = getSingleCapability(parameter,
    if (restrictionCapability != null) {
        ref = getSubstitutionGroup(restrictionCapability.getType());
        ref = new QName(ref.getNamespaceURI(), getGroupName(ref.getLocalPart()), ref.getPrefix());
    }/*  w w  w .  j  av  a 2s  .  c o m*/

    GroupRef group = new GroupRef();
    group.setMinOccurs(parameter.isRequired() ? BigInteger.ONE : BigInteger.ZERO);

    return group;

From source file:com.flexive.core.storage.genericSQL.GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.java

 * Helper function to create a new node.
 * @param con             an open and valid connection
 * @param seq             reference to a sequencer
 * @param ce              reference to the content engine
 * @param mode            Live or Edit mode
 * @param parentNodeId    the parent node (1=root)
 * @param name            the name of the new node (only informative value)
 * @param label           label for Caption property (only used if new reference is created)
 * @param position        the position within the childs (0 based, Integer.MAX_VALUE may be used to
 *                        append to the end)
 * @param reference       a reference to an existing content (must exist!)
 * @param data            the optional data
 * @param nodeId          the id to use or create a new one if < 0
 * @param activateContent change the step of contents that have no live step to live in the max version?
 * @return the used or created node id//from w w  w. j  a  va 2  s  . c  om
 * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails
private long _createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode,
        long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data, long nodeId,
        boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException {

    // acquire exclusive lock for parent node
    acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(parentNodeId));

    //        makeSpace(con, seq/*irrelevant*/, mode, parentNodeId, position/*irrelevant*/, 1);
    FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded parentNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, parentNodeId);
    BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, parentNode, position);
    BigInteger leftBoundary = boundaries[0]; //== left border
    BigInteger rightBoundary = boundaries[1]; //== right border

    // Node has to be inserted between the left and right boundary and needs 2 slots for its left and right border
    BigInteger spacing = rightBoundary.subtract(leftBoundary).subtract(TWO);
    // Compute spacing for left,inner and right part
    spacing = spacing.divide(THREE);

    // We need at least 2 open slots (for the left and right boundary of the new node)
    //if the spacing is <= 0 we need more space
    if (spacing.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0/*less than*/) {
        throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.create.noSpace", parentNodeId);

    // try to use space more efficiently for flat structures, otherwise the first node of a folder
    // will get a third of the subtree space, the second one ninth, and so on.
    // Maxspacing indicates the number of nodes (*2) we expect to put in this node before space reorg
    spacing = spacing.compareTo(DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING) > 0 ? DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING : spacing;

    //        final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);
    // don't add gap to left boundary (doesn't seem to have any benefits since that space is lost
    // unless the tree is reorganized anyway
    final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(BigInteger.ONE);
    final BigInteger right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);

    NodeCreateInfo nci = getNodeCreateInfo(mode, seq, ce, nodeId, name, label, reference, activateContent);

    // Create the node
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    try {
        ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,LFT,RGT,"
                + "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT,TEMPLATE) VALUES " + "(" + nci.id + "," + parentNodeId + ","
                + (parentNode.getDepth() + 1) + ",?," + nci.reference.getId() + ",?,?,0,?,"
                + StorageManager.getTimestampFunction() + ",?)");
        ps.setBoolean(1, mode != FxTreeMode.Live);
        setNodeBounds(ps, 2, left);
        setNodeBounds(ps, 3, right);
        ps.setString(4, FxFormatUtils.escapeTreePath(nci.name));
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) {
            ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
            ps.setString(6, data);

        //update the parents childcount
        ps = con.prepareStatement(
                "UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + parentNodeId);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        try {
            if (ps != null)
        } catch (Throwable t) {
    return nci.id;

From source file:com.hamradiocoin.wallet.service.BlockchainServiceImpl.java

public int onStartCommand(final Intent intent, final int flags, final int startId) {
    if (intent != null) {
        log.info("service start command: " + intent
                + (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT)
                        ? " (alarm count: " + intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT, 0) + ")"
                        : ""));

        final String action = intent.getAction();

        if (ACTION_CANCEL_COINS_RECEIVED.equals(action)) {
            notificationCount = 0;/*from  w  w w. j  a  v  a 2  s  .  c  om*/
            notificationAccumulatedAmount = BigInteger.ZERO;
        } else if (ACTION_RESET_BLOCKCHAIN.equals(action)) {
            log.info("will remove blockchain on service shutdown");

            resetBlockchainOnShutdown = true;
        } else if (ACTION_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION.equals(action)) {
            final Sha256Hash hash = new Sha256Hash(intent.getByteArrayExtra(ACTION_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION_HASH));
            final Transaction tx = application.getWallet().getTransaction(hash);

            if (peerGroup != null) {
                log.info("broadcasting transaction " + tx.getHashAsString());
            } else {
                log.info("peergroup not available, not broadcasting transaction " + tx.getHashAsString());
    } else {
        log.warn("service restart, although it was started as non-sticky");

    return START_NOT_STICKY;

From source file:com.sun.honeycomb.admin.mgmt.server.HCCellAdapterBase.java

 * Update the service tag data associated with a single cell.   This routine
 * must be called on ever cell in order to keep the silo_info.xml.  On
 * the master node this will clear the registry file.  If the cell is
 * a single cell system the registry file will be updated.  An update
 * does not happen on multi-cell since we can't update all the instanceIDs
 * on all cells.  Therefore we required the operator to do a 
 * "servicetags --refresh"/*from   w w  w  . j a v  a 2  s .c o m*/
 * @param evt the callback handle
 * @param cellData the service tag data to update
 * @return BigInteger, 0 for SUCCESS, -1 for failure, -2 for failed
 * to update registry file on a single cell system.   
 * Currently always returns 0
 * @throws com.sun.honeycomb.mgmt.common.MgmtException
public BigInteger updateServiceTagData(EventSender evt, HCServiceTagCellData cellData) throws MgmtException {

    MultiCellLib multiCell = MultiCellLib.getInstance();
    boolean isStandAlone = multiCell.isCellStandalone();
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    buf.append(" service tag data on cell");
    if (isStandAlone == false) {
        buf.append(" ").append(cellData.getCellId()).append(" on cell ");
    Reassure reassureThread = new Reassure(evt);
    try {
        boolean isSupported = ServiceTagsRegistry.isSupported();
        boolean isMaster = multiCell.isCellMaster();
        if (isMaster) {
            // If we modify an service tag data the service tag registry
            // is considered out of date.  As such we clear the registry
            // of all ST5800 service tags.
            if (isSupported)
        String instanceURN = null;
        if (isStandAlone) {
            // When we have a single cell system we can automatically
            // update the service tag registry.  On a multi-cell hive
            // this isn't possible since we can't update all the 
            // instance information on all the cells.  The operator
            // in that scenario must follow up with a "servicetag --refresh"
            // command.
            instanceURN = ServiceTag.generateInstanceURN();
        ServiceTagData data = new ServiceTagData(cellData.getProductNumber(), cellData.getProductSerialNumber(),
                cellData.getMarketingNumber(), instanceURN);

        multiCell.updateServiceTagData(cellData.getCellId(), data);
        buf.insert(0, "Successfully updated");
        logger.log(Level.INFO, buf.toString());

        if (isStandAlone) {
            // Reset the buf to new action in case of exception
            buf = new StringBuffer(" service tag registry.");

            ClusterProperties props = ClusterProperties.getInstance();
            boolean disabled = props
            if (disabled) {
                        "Service Tag service is disabled service tag " + "registry file will not be updated.");
                return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.SERVICE_TAG_REGISTRY_UPDATE_FAILURE);


            // This is a single cell system.
            // We can automatically update the service tag registry
            if (isSupported == false) {
                return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.SERVICE_TAG_REGISTRY_UPDATE_FAILURE);
            ServiceTagCellData[] cells = new ServiceTagCellData[] { new ServiceTagCellData(getCellId(), data) };
            ServiceTagsGenerator generator = new ServiceTagsGenerator(cells);
            if (generator.isValid() == false) {
                // This should never happen on a single cell system
                buf = new StringBuffer().append("Failed to update service tag registry due to a ")
                        .append("validation error.\nSee logs for further details.");
                // Validation errors found via ServiceTagsGenerator are
                // logged by default
                return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.SERVICE_TAG_REGISTRY_VALIDATION_FAILURE);
            } else {
                buf.insert(0, "Successfully updated");
                logger.log(Level.INFO, buf.toString());
        return BigInteger.ZERO;
    } catch (MgmtException me) {
        buf.insert(0, "Failed to update");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, buf.toString(), me);
        buf.append(" Reason: ");
        buf.append("Ensure that the servicetag entries are all valid by invoking the command,");
        buf.append("'servicetags --refresh'");
        return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.FAILURE);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        buf.insert(0, "Failed to update");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, buf.toString(), ex);
        buf.append(" Reason: ");
        buf.append("Ensure that the servicetag entries are all valid by invoking the command,");
        buf.append("'servicetags --refresh'");

        return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.FAILURE);
    } finally {
        if (reassureThread != null)

From source file:energy.usef.dso.service.business.DsoPlanboardBusinessService.java

 * Updates the aggregaters linked to the congestionPoint.
 * @param xmlCongestionPoint {@link CongestionPoint} for which the aggregator count will be updated.
 * @param initializationDate {@link LocalDate} date of the initializtion of the aggregator count.
 * @param initializationDuration {@link Integer} duration of the initalization.
 *//* w ww  .  jav a 2s  . c o  m*/
public void updateAggregatorsOnCongestionPointConnectionGroup(CongestionPoint xmlCongestionPoint,
        LocalDate initializationDate, Integer initializationDuration) {

    CongestionPointConnectionGroup congestionPoint = congestionPointConnectionGroupRepository
            .findOrCreate(xmlCongestionPoint.getEntityAddress(), config.getProperty(ConfigParam.HOST_DOMAIN));

    List<AggregatorOnConnectionGroupState> endingAtDate = aggregatorOnConnectionGroupStateRepository

    // for each ending aggregator/connection group state for which nothing is updated, extend the valid until date.
            .filter(aocgs -> xmlCongestionPoint.getAggregator().stream()
                    .anyMatch(aggregator -> aocgs.getConnectionCount().equals(aggregator.getConnectionCount())
                            && aocgs.getAggregator().getDomain().equals(aggregator.getDomain())
                            && aocgs.getCongestionPointConnectionGroup().getUsefIdentifier()
            .forEach(aocgs -> aocgs.setValidUntil(aocgs.getValidUntil().plusDays(initializationDuration)));

    // create new records if anything changed
            .filter(aggregator -> endingAtDate.stream()
                    .noneMatch(aocgs -> aocgs.getConnectionCount().equals(aggregator.getConnectionCount())
                            && aocgs.getAggregator().getDomain().equals(aggregator.getDomain())
                            && aocgs.getCongestionPointConnectionGroup().getUsefIdentifier()
            .filter(xmlAggregator -> StringUtils.isNotEmpty(xmlAggregator.getDomain()))
            .forEach(xmlAggregator -> {
                Aggregator dbAggregator = aggregatorRepository.findOrCreate(xmlAggregator.getDomain());
                AggregatorOnConnectionGroupState newState = new AggregatorOnConnectionGroupState();
                newState.setConnectionCount(xmlAggregator.getConnectionCount() == null ? BigInteger.ZERO
                        : xmlAggregator.getConnectionCount());

From source file:com.sdcs.courierbooking.service.UserServiceImpl.java

public String bulkCouriers(String strBulkName, String strBulkMobile, String strBulkEmail) {
    JSONObject responseJsonBulk = new JSONObject();
    long resultofBulk = userDao.bulkCouriers(strBulkName, strBulkMobile, strBulkEmail);
    if (resultofBulk > 0) {

        String mailBody = "<b>Dear " + strBulkName + ",</b>" + "<br>"
                + "<b><i> Thank you for choosing SDCS.</i></b>" + "<p> we will get back to you soon.</b>"
                + "<br>" + "Thanks" + "<br>" + "SDCS Team" + "<br>" + "info@sdcs.me";

        SdcsEmailComponent.sendMail(strBulkEmail, "SDCS - Bulk Orders", mailBody, BigInteger.ZERO);
        String strSmsText = "%20Welcome%20to%20SDCS%20" + strBulkName
                + ".%20Thank%20you%20for%20Choosing%20SDCS.%20";
        SdcsSMSComponent.sendSms(strBulkMobile, strSmsText);
        responseJsonBulk.put("status", true);
        responseJsonBulk.put("strname", strBulkName);
        responseJsonBulk.put("strMobile", strBulkMobile);
        responseJsonBulk.put("strEmail", strBulkEmail);
    } else {/*w w w. ja va  2  s.c om*/
        responseJsonBulk.put("status", false);


    return responseJsonBulk.toString();
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


From source file:cc.mintcoin.wallet.service.BlockchainServiceImpl.java

public int onStartCommand(final Intent intent, final int flags, final int startId) {
    log.info("service start command: " + intent
            + (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT)
                    ? " (alarm count: " + intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT, 0) + ")"
                    : ""));

    //log.info("org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1.enabled=" + org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1.enabled);

    if (blockChain == null) {
        boolean blockChainFileExists = blockChainFile.exists();
        boolean tryStarting = true;

        if (DownloadCompleteReceiver.isDownloading(application)) {
            DownloadCompleteReceiver.updateDownloadState(application); // it can fix itself this way

            tryStarting = false;//from  www  . j  a  v  a2  s  . com
        } else if (!blockChainFileExists) {
            if (DownloadCompleteReceiver.isObbAvailable(application)) {
                tryStarting = true;
            } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(DownloadCompleteReceiver.INTENT_EXTRA_SKIP_OBB_INIT, false)) {
                tryStarting = true;
            } else {
                // open dialog box to ask user what to do for download
                Intent intent2 = new Intent(this, InitialBlockchainActivity.class);
                intent2.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT);
                tryStarting = false;

        if (tryStarting) {
            try {
            } catch (Error e) {
                throw e;
        } else {

    String action = intent.getAction();

    if (BlockchainService.ACTION_CANCEL_COINS_RECEIVED.equals(action)) {
        notificationCount = 0;
        notificationAccumulatedAmount = BigInteger.ZERO;

    } else if (BlockchainService.ACTION_RESET_BLOCKCHAIN.equals(action)) {
        log.info("will remove blockchain on service shutdown");

        resetBlockchainOnShutdown = true;
    } else if (BlockchainService.ACTION_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION.equals(action)) {
        final Sha256Hash hash = new Sha256Hash(
        final Transaction tx = application.getWallet().getTransaction(hash);

        if (peerGroup != null) {
            log.info("broadcasting transaction " + tx.getHashAsString());
        } else {
            log.info("peergroup not available, not broadcasting transaction " + tx.getHashAsString());

    return START_NOT_STICKY;

From source file:piuk.blockchain.android.MyRemoteWallet.java

public void sendCoinsAsync(final HashMap<String, BigInteger> sendingAddresses, final String toAddress,
        final BigInteger amount, final FeePolicy feePolicy, final BigInteger fee, final String changeAddress,
        final SendProgress progress) {
    BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
    for (Iterator<Entry<String, BigInteger>> iterator = sendingAddresses.entrySet().iterator(); iterator
            .hasNext();) {//  www.jav a  2  s  .  c  o  m
        Entry<String, BigInteger> entry = iterator.next();
        sum = sum.add(entry.getValue());

    if (sum.compareTo(amount) != 0) {
        progress.onError("Internal error input amounts not validating correctly");

    HashMap<String, BigInteger> receivingAddresses = new HashMap<String, BigInteger>();
    receivingAddresses.put(toAddress, amount);

    sendCoinsAsync(false, sendingAddresses, receivingAddresses, feePolicy, fee, changeAddress, progress);

From source file:org.estatio.api.Api.java

public void putLeasePostalAddress(@Named("partyReference") final String partyReference,
        @Named("agreementRoleType") final String agreementRoleType,
        @Named("leaseReference") @Optional final String leaseReference,
        @Named("address1") @Optional final String address1, @Named("address2") @Optional final String address2,
        @Named("address3") @Optional final String address3,
        @Named("postalCode") @Optional final String postalCode, @Named("city") @Optional final String city,
        @Named("stateCode") @Optional final String stateCode,
        @Named("countryCode") @Optional final String countryCode,
        @Named("isInvoiceAddress") @Optional final BigInteger isInvoiceAddress) {
    if (address1 != null && partyReference != null && leaseReference != null) {
        final Lease lease = fetchLease(leaseReference);
        final Party party = fetchParty(partyReference);
        final AgreementRoleCommunicationChannelType agreementRoleCommunicationChannelType = agreementRoleCommunicationChannelTypes
                .findByTitle(/*  w  ww.j a  v a2  s .  c o m*/
                        isInvoiceAddress.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0 ? LeaseConstants.ARCCT_INVOICE_ADDRESS
                                : LeaseConstants.ARCCT_ADMINISTRATION_ADDRESS);
        if (agreementRoleCommunicationChannelType == null)
            throw new ApplicationException(String.format("AgreementRoleCommunicationChannelType not found."));
        PostalAddress address = (PostalAddress) postalAddresses.findByAddress(party, address1, postalCode, city,
        if (address == null) {
            address = communicationChannels.newPostal(party, CommunicationChannelType.POSTAL_ADDRESS, address1,
                    address2, null, postalCode, city, fetchState(stateCode, false),
                    fetchCountry(countryCode, false));
        final AgreementRoleType art = agreementRoleTypes
        if (art == null)
            throw new ApplicationException(String.format("AgreementRoleType %s not found.", agreementRoleType));
        final AgreementRole role = lease.findRole(party, art, clockService.now());
        if (role == null)
            throw new ApplicationException(
                    String.format("Role for %s, %s not found.", partyReference, agreementRoleType));
        role.addCommunicationChannel(agreementRoleCommunicationChannelType, address);

From source file:piuk.blockchain.android.MyRemoteWallet.java

private void sendCoinsAsync(final boolean isSimpleSend, final HashMap<String, BigInteger> sendingAddresses,
        final HashMap<String, BigInteger> receivingAddresses, final FeePolicy feePolicy, final BigInteger fee,
        final String changeAddress, final SendProgress progress) {

    new Thread() {
        @Override//www . ja va  2s. co  m
        public void run() {

            final BigInteger feeAmount;
            if (fee == null)
                feeAmount = BigInteger.ZERO;
                feeAmount = fee;

            final List<ECKey> tempKeys = new ArrayList<ECKey>();

            try {

                //Construct a new transaction
                progress.onProgress("Getting Unspent Outputs");

                List<String> from = new ArrayList<String>(sendingAddresses.keySet());
                List<MyTransactionOutPoint> allUnspent = getUnspentOutputPoints(
                        from.toArray(new String[from.size()]));

                Pair<Transaction, Long> pair = null;

                progress.onProgress("Constructing Transaction");

                try {
                    //Try without asking for watch only addresses
                    List<MyTransactionOutPoint> unspent = filter(allUnspent, tempKeys, false, progress);

                    if (isSimpleSend) {
                        pair = makeTransaction(isSimpleSend, unspent, receivingAddresses, feeAmount,
                    } else {
                        pair = makeTransactionCustom(sendingAddresses, unspent, receivingAddresses, feeAmount,

                    //Transaction cancelled
                    if (pair == null)
                } catch (InsufficientFundsException e) {

                    //Try with asking for watch only
                    List<MyTransactionOutPoint> unspent = filter(allUnspent, tempKeys, true, progress);

                    if (isSimpleSend) {
                        pair = makeTransaction(isSimpleSend, unspent, receivingAddresses, feeAmount,
                    } else {
                        pair = makeTransactionCustom(sendingAddresses, unspent, receivingAddresses, feeAmount,

                    //Transaction cancelled
                    if (pair == null)

                Transaction tx = pair.first;
                Long priority = pair.second;

                if (isSimpleSend) {
                    //If returns false user cancelled
                    //Probably because they want to recreate the transaction with different fees
                    if (!progress.onReady(tx, feeAmount, feePolicy, priority))

                progress.onProgress("Signing Inputs");

                Wallet wallet = new Wallet(MainNetParams.get());
                for (TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
                    byte[] scriptBytes = input.getOutpoint().getConnectedPubKeyScript();
                    String address = new BitcoinScript(scriptBytes).getAddress().toString();
                    final ECKey walletKey;
                    try {
                        walletKey = getECKey(address);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // skip add Watch Only Bitcoin Address key because already accounted for  later with tempKeys
                    ECKey keyCompressed;
                    ECKey keyUnCompressed;
                    BigInteger priv = new BigInteger(walletKey.getPrivKeyBytes());
                    if (priv.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0) {
                        keyCompressed = new ECKey(priv, null, true);
                        keyUnCompressed = new ECKey(priv, null, false);
                    } else {
                        byte[] appendZeroByte = ArrayUtils.addAll(new byte[1], walletKey.getPrivKeyBytes());
                        BigInteger priv2 = new BigInteger(appendZeroByte);
                        keyCompressed = new ECKey(priv2, null, true);
                        keyUnCompressed = new ECKey(priv2, null, false);

                    if (keyCompressed != null) {

                    if (keyUnCompressed != null) {


                //Now sign the inputs
                tx.signInputs(SigHash.ALL, wallet);

                progress.onProgress("Broadcasting Transaction");

                String response = pushTx(tx);

                progress.onSend(tx, response);

            } catch (Exception e) {

