Example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger ZERO


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger ZERO.


BigInteger ZERO

To view the source code for java.math BigInteger ZERO.

Click Source Link


The BigInteger constant zero.


From source file:net.sf.json.TestJSONObject.java

public void testToBean_DynaBean__BigInteger_BigDecimal() {
    BigInteger l = new BigDecimal("1.7976931348623157E308").toBigInteger();
    BigDecimal m = new BigDecimal("1.7976931348623157E307").add(new BigDecimal("0.0001"));
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject().element("i", BigInteger.ZERO).element("d", MorphUtils.BIGDECIMAL_ONE)
            .element("bi", l).element("bd", m);
    Object bean = JSONObject.toBean(json);
    Object i = ((MorphDynaBean) bean).get("i");
    Object d = ((MorphDynaBean) bean).get("d");
    assertTrue(i instanceof Integer);
    assertTrue(d instanceof Integer);

    Object bi = ((MorphDynaBean) bean).get("bi");
    Object bd = ((MorphDynaBean) bean).get("bd");
    assertTrue(bi instanceof BigInteger);
    assertTrue(bd instanceof BigDecimal);

From source file:com.google.bitcoin.core.Wallet.java

 * <p>Returns true if the given transaction sends coins to any of our keys, or has inputs spending any of our outputs,
 * and if includeDoubleSpending is true, also returns true if tx has inputs that are spending outputs which are
 * not ours but which are spent by pending transactions.</p>
 * <p>Note that if the tx has inputs containing one of our keys, but the connected transaction is not in the wallet,
 * it will not be considered relevant.</p>
 *///from ww  w  .ja v  a2 s .com
public boolean isTransactionRelevant(Transaction tx) throws ScriptException {
    try {
        return tx.isMine(this) || tx.getValueSentFromMe(this).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0
                || tx.getValueSentToMe(this).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0
                || checkForDoubleSpendAgainstPending(tx, false);
    } finally {

From source file:edu.hku.sdb.rewrite.SdbSchemeRewriter.java

 * Rewrite the group by expression./*ww w  . j  a va2s.  c o m*/
 * @param groupExprs
 * @throws UnSupportedException
protected void rewriteGroupByExprs(List<Expr> groupExprs) throws UnSupportedException {
    if (groupExprs == null)

    Set<String> tbls = new HashSet<>();

    for (Expr expr : groupExprs) {

    if (tbls.size() < 1) {
        // No column involved in the group by clause, no need to rewrite.
    } else if (tbls.size() == 1) {
        String tblName = (String) tbls.toArray()[0];
        FieldLiteral S = new FieldLiteral(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME, Type.INT, true, null);

        S.setSdbColKey(getTableColumnKey(tblName, ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME));

        for (int i = 0; i < groupExprs.size(); i++) {
            if (groupExprs.get(i).involveEncrytedCol()) {
                if (groupExprs.get(i) instanceof FieldLiteral) {
                    BigInteger targetM = SDBEncrypt.generatePositiveRand(prime1, prime2);
                    BigInteger targetX = BigInteger.ZERO;

                    BigInteger[] pqLeft = SDBEncrypt.keyUpdateClient(groupExprs.get(i).getSdbColKey().getM(),
                            targetM, S.getSdbColKey().getM(), groupExprs.get(i).getSdbColKey().getX(), targetX,
                            S.getSdbColKey().getX(), prime1, prime2);

                    groupExprs.set(i, buildSdbKeyUpdateExpr(groupExprs.get(i), S, new BigIntLiteral(pqLeft[0]),
                            new BigIntLiteral(pqLeft[1]), new BigIntLiteral(n), targetM, targetX));

                } else {
                    UnSupportedException e = new UnSupportedException(
                            "Can not support " + groupExprs.get(i).getClass().getName());
                    LOG.error("There is unsupported group by attributes!", e);
                    throw e;
    } else {
        UnSupportedException e = new UnSupportedException(
                "Can not support " + "group by clause involves columns from different tables!");
        LOG.error("There is unsupported group by clause!", e);
        throw e;


From source file:org.sparkbit.jsonrpc.SparkBitJSONRPCServiceImpl.java

private ArrayList<JSONRPCTransactionAmount> getAssetTransactionAmounts(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx,
        boolean excludeBTCFee, boolean absoluteBTCFee) {
    if (wallet == null || tx == null)
        return null;

    Map<Integer, BigInteger> receiveMap = wallet.CS.getAssetsSentToMe(tx);
    Map<Integer, BigInteger> sendMap = wallet.CS.getAssetsSentFromMe(tx);

    //   System.out.println(">>>> tx = " + tx.getHashAsString());
    //   System.out.println(">>>>     receive map = " +  receiveMap);
    //   System.out.println(">>>>     send map = " +  sendMap);

    //Map<String, String> nameAmountMap = new TreeMap<>();
    ArrayList<JSONRPCTransactionAmount> resultList = new ArrayList<>();

    boolean isSentByMe = tx.sent(wallet);
    Map<Integer, BigInteger> loopMap = (isSentByMe) ? sendMap : receiveMap;

    //   Integer assetID = null;
    BigInteger netAmount = null;//from   ww w .  j ava  2 s. com

    //   for (Map.Entry<Integer, BigInteger> entry : loopMap.entrySet()) {
    for (Integer assetID : loopMap.keySet()) {
        //       assetID = entry.getKey();
        if (assetID == null || assetID == 0)
            continue; // skip bitcoin

        BigInteger receivedAmount = receiveMap.get(assetID); // should be number of raw units
        BigInteger sentAmount = sendMap.get(assetID);
        boolean isReceivedAmountMissing = (receivedAmount == null);
        boolean isSentAmountMissing = (sentAmount == null);

        netAmount = BigInteger.ZERO;
        if (!isReceivedAmountMissing)
            netAmount = netAmount.add(receivedAmount);
        if (!isSentAmountMissing)
            netAmount = netAmount.subtract(sentAmount);

        if (isSentByMe && !isSentAmountMissing && sentAmount.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
            // Catch a case where for a send transaction, the send amount for an asset is 0,
            // but the receive cmount is not 0.  Also the asset was not valid.

        CSAsset asset = wallet.CS.getAsset(assetID);
        if (asset == null) {
            // something went wrong, we have asset id but no asset, probably deleted.
            // For now, we carry on, and we display what we know.

        if (netAmount.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && isSentByMe) {
            // If net asset is 0 and this is our send transaction,
            // we don't need to show anything, as this probably due to implicit transfer.
            // So continue the loop.

        if (netAmount.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !isSentByMe) {
            // Receiving an asset, where the value is 0 because its not confirmed yet,
            // or not known because asset files not uploaded so we dont know display format.
            // Anyway, we don't do anything here as we do want to display this incoming
            // transaction the best we can.

        //       System.out.println(">>>>     isSentAmountMissing = " + isSentAmountMissing);
        //       System.out.println(">>>>     asset reference = " + asset.getAssetReference());
        //       System.out.println(">>>>     asset name = " + asset.getName());

        String name = null;
        CoinSparkGenesis genesis = null;
        boolean isUnknown = false;
        if (asset != null) {
            genesis = asset.getGenesis();
            name = asset.getNameShort(); // could return null?
        if (name == null) {
            isUnknown = true;
            if (genesis != null) {
                name = "Asset from " + genesis.getDomainName();
            } else {
                // No genesis block found yet
                name = "Other Asset";

        String s1 = null;
        if (asset == null || isUnknown == true || (netAmount.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !isSentByMe)) {
            // We don't have formatting details since asset is unknown or deleted
            // If there is a quantity, we don't display it since we don't have display format info
            // Of if incoming asset transfer, unconfirmed, it will be zero, so show ... instead
            s1 = "...";
        } else {
            BigDecimal displayUnits = CSMiscUtils.getDisplayUnitsForRawUnits(asset, netAmount);
            s1 = CSMiscUtils.getFormattedDisplayString(asset, displayUnits);

        // Create JSONRPCTransactionAmount and add it to list
        String fullName = "";
        String assetRef = "";
        if (asset != null) {
            fullName = asset.getName();
            if (fullName == null)
                fullName = name; // use short name
            assetRef = CSMiscUtils.getHumanReadableAssetRef(asset);
        BigDecimal displayQty = CSMiscUtils.getDisplayUnitsForRawUnits(asset, netAmount);
        JSONRPCTransactionAmount amount = new JSONRPCTransactionAmount();

    BigInteger satoshiAmount = receiveMap.get(0);
    satoshiAmount = satoshiAmount.subtract(sendMap.get(0));

    // We will show the fee separately so no need to include here.
    if (excludeBTCFee && isSentByMe) {
        BigInteger feeSatoshis = tx.calculateFee(wallet); // returns positive
        if (absoluteBTCFee) {
            satoshiAmount = satoshiAmount.abs().subtract(feeSatoshis);
        } else {
            satoshiAmount = satoshiAmount.add(feeSatoshis);

    String btcAmount = Utils.bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(satoshiAmount) + " BTC";
    BigDecimal satoshiAmountBTC = new BigDecimal(satoshiAmount).divide(new BigDecimal(Utils.COIN));
    JSONRPCTransactionAmount amount = new JSONRPCTransactionAmount();

    return resultList;

From source file:piuk.blockchain.android.MyRemoteWallet.java

public Pair<Transaction, Long> makeTransactionCustom(final HashMap<String, BigInteger> sendingAddresses,
        List<MyTransactionOutPoint> unspent, HashMap<String, BigInteger> receivingAddresses, BigInteger fee,
        final String changeAddress) throws Exception {

    long priority = 0;

    if (unspent == null || unspent.size() == 0)
        throw new InsufficientFundsException("No free outputs to spend.");

    if (fee == null)
        fee = BigInteger.ZERO;

    //Construct a new transaction
    Transaction tx = new Transaction(getParams());

    BigInteger outputValueSum = BigInteger.ZERO;

    for (Iterator<Entry<String, BigInteger>> iterator = receivingAddresses.entrySet().iterator(); iterator
            .hasNext();) {//from w  w  w  .j a v  a 2  s  . c o  m
        Map.Entry<String, BigInteger> mapEntry = iterator.next();
        String toAddress = mapEntry.getKey();
        BigInteger amount = mapEntry.getValue();

        if (amount == null || amount.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0)
            throw new Exception("You must provide an amount");

        outputValueSum = outputValueSum.add(amount);
        //Add the output
        BitcoinScript toOutputScript = BitcoinScript.createSimpleOutBitoinScript(new BitcoinAddress(toAddress));
        //         Log.d("MyRemoteWallet", "MyRemoteWallet makeTransactionCustom toAddress: " + toAddress + "amount: " + amount);

        TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(getParams(), null, amount,

    //Now select the appropriate inputs
    BigInteger valueSelected = BigInteger.ZERO;
    BigInteger valueNeeded = outputValueSum.add(fee);

    Map<String, BigInteger> addressTotalUnspentValues = new HashMap<String, BigInteger>();

    for (MyTransactionOutPoint outPoint : unspent) {

        BitcoinScript script = new BitcoinScript(outPoint.getScriptBytes());

        if (script.getOutType() == BitcoinScript.ScriptOutTypeStrange)

        BitcoinScript inputScript = new BitcoinScript(outPoint.getConnectedPubKeyScript());
        String address = inputScript.getAddress().toString();

        BigInteger addressSendAmount = sendingAddresses.get(address);
        if (addressSendAmount == null) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid transaction address send amount is null");

        final BigInteger addressTotalUnspentValue = addressTotalUnspentValues.get(address);

        if (addressTotalUnspentValue == null) {
            addressTotalUnspentValues.put(address, outPoint.value);
        } else {
            addressTotalUnspentValues.put(address, addressTotalUnspentValue.add(outPoint.value));

        MyTransactionInput input = new MyTransactionInput(getParams(), null, new byte[0], outPoint);

        input.outpoint = outPoint;
        //         Log.d("MyRemoteWallet", "MyRemoteWallet makeTransactionCustom fromAddress: " + address + "amount: " + outPoint.value);


        valueSelected = valueSelected.add(outPoint.value);

        priority += outPoint.value.longValue() * outPoint.confirmations;

        //if (valueSelected.compareTo(valueNeeded) == 0 || valueSelected.compareTo(valueNeeded.add(minFreeOutputSize)) >= 0)
        //   break;

    //Check the amount we have selected is greater than the amount we need
    if (valueSelected.compareTo(valueNeeded) < 0) {
        throw new InsufficientFundsException("Insufficient Funds");

    //decide change
    if (changeAddress == null) {
        BigInteger feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor = fee;

        for (Iterator<Entry<String, BigInteger>> iterator = addressTotalUnspentValues.entrySet()
                .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            final Entry<String, BigInteger> entry = iterator.next();
            final String address = entry.getKey();
            final BigInteger addressTotalUnspentValue = entry.getValue();
            final BigInteger addressSendAmount = sendingAddresses.get(address);
            BigInteger addressChangeAmount = addressTotalUnspentValue.subtract(addressSendAmount);

            if (feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {

                if (addressChangeAmount.compareTo(feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor) >= 0) {
                    //have enough to fill fee
                    addressChangeAmount = addressChangeAmount.subtract(feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor);
                    feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor = BigInteger.ZERO;
                } else {
                    // do not have enough to fill fee
                    feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor = feeAmountLeftToAccountedFor.subtract(addressChangeAmount);
                    addressChangeAmount = BigInteger.ZERO;

            if (addressChangeAmount.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
                //Add the output
                BitcoinScript toOutputScript = BitcoinScript
                        .createSimpleOutBitoinScript(new BitcoinAddress(address));
                //                Log.d("MyRemoteWallet", "MyRemoteWallet makeTransactionCustom changeAddress == null: " + address + "addressChangeAmount: " + addressChangeAmount);

                TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(getParams(), null, addressChangeAmount,

    } else {
        BigInteger addressChangeAmountSum = BigInteger.ZERO;
        for (Iterator<Entry<String, BigInteger>> iterator = addressTotalUnspentValues.entrySet()
                .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            final Entry<String, BigInteger> entry = iterator.next();
            final String address = entry.getKey();
            final BigInteger addressTotalUnspentValue = entry.getValue();
            final BigInteger addressSendAmount = sendingAddresses.get(address);
            final BigInteger addressChangeAmount = addressTotalUnspentValue.subtract(addressSendAmount);
            addressChangeAmountSum = addressChangeAmountSum.add(addressChangeAmount);

        if (addressChangeAmountSum.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
            //Add the output
            BitcoinScript toOutputScript = BitcoinScript
                    .createSimpleOutBitoinScript(new BitcoinAddress(changeAddress));

            TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(getParams(), null,
                    addressChangeAmountSum.subtract(fee), toOutputScript.getProgram());
            //             Log.d("MyRemoteWallet", "MyRemoteWallet makeTransactionCustom changeAddress != null: " + changeAddress + "addressChangeAmount: " + output.getValue());

    long estimatedSize = tx.bitcoinSerialize().length + (114 * tx.getInputs().size());

    priority /= estimatedSize;

    return new Pair<Transaction, Long>(tx, priority);

From source file:net.sf.json.TestJSONArray.java

public void testToList_BigInteger() {
    List expected = new ArrayList();
    JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject(expected);
    List actual = JSONArray.toList(jsonArray);
    Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);

From source file:org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporter.java

private void setCellWidthAuto(TcPr tcPr) {
    // <w:tcW w:w="0" w:type="auto"/>
    TblWidth tblW = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createTblWidth();
    tblW.setType(TblWidth.TYPE_AUTO);/*from w  ww .j av a  2 s .  c  o m*/

From source file:com.sdcs.courierbooking.service.UserServiceImpl.java

public String deliveryBoyBooking(String contactNumber, String drestorantName, Double lat, Double longitude) {

    String newCOurier = userDao.foodPickUpUserRegister(contactNumber, drestorantName, lat, longitude);

    JSONObject newCourierJsonObject = new JSONObject();

    if (newCOurier == null) {
        newCourierJsonObject.put("result", false);

    } else {/*  ww w.j  a  va2 s  .c  o m*/

        String strSmsText = "M/S%20" + drestorantName
                + "%20your%20delivery%20boy%20booking%20has%20been%20confirmed%20&%20your%20reference%20number%20is%20"
                + newCOurier + ".Our%20delivery%20boy%20will%20pick%20the%20consignment%20shortly.Thank%20you.";
        SdcsSMSComponent.sendSms(contactNumber, strSmsText);
        String strSmsTexta = "A%20new%20delivery%20boy%20booking%20is%20done%20from%20" + drestorantName
                + ".%20Reference%20id%20is%20" + newCOurier + ".Contact%20number%20is%20" + contactNumber + ".";
        SdcsSMSComponent.sendSms("9535337626", strSmsTexta);
        SdcsSMSComponent.sendSms("9916168585", strSmsTexta);
        newCourierJsonObject.put("trackingNumber", newCOurier);
        newCourierJsonObject.put("result", true);

        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
        Date date = new Date();

        String body = "<div>"

                + "<h4 style='color:navy'>Dear Admin.,</h4><br>"

                + "<p Style='color:orange'>New Delivery Boy Booking from the following Details</p><br>"

                + "<table style='border:1px solid blue;border-collapse: collapse;'>"
                + "<tr style='color:red;border:1px solid blue'>"

                + "<th style='border:1px solid blue'>" + "Time" + "</th>" + "<th style='border:1px solid blue'>"
                + "Order Id" + "</th>" + "<th style='border:1px solid blue'>" + "Restaurant name" + "</th>"
                + "<th style='border:1px solid blue'>" + "Contact Number" + "</th>" + "</tr>"

                + "<tr>"

                + "<td style='border:1px solid blue;color:blue;'>" + dateFormat.format(date) + "</td>"
                + "<td style='border:1px solid blue;color:blue;'>" + newCOurier + "</td>"
                + "<td style='border:1px solid blue;color:blue;'>" + drestorantName + "</td>"
                + "<td style='border:1px solid blue;color:blue;'>" + contactNumber + "</td>"

                + "</tr>" + "</table><br>" + "<p>Thank you</p>" + "</div>";

        SdcsEmailComponent.sendMail("sdcs2me@gmail.com", "DELIVERY BOY BOOKING", body, BigInteger.ZERO);

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    return newCourierJsonObject.toString();


From source file:org.ethereum.rpc.Web3Impl.java

private String sendPersonalTransacction(CallArguments args, Account account) throws Exception {
    if (account == null)
        throw new Exception("From address private key could not be found in this node");

    String toAddress = args.to != null ? Hex.toHexString(StringHexToByteArray(args.to)) : null;

    BigInteger accountNonce = args.nonce != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.nonce)
            : (worldManager.getPendingState().getRepository().getNonce(account.getAddress()));
    BigInteger value = args.value != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.value) : BigInteger.ZERO;
    BigInteger gasPrice = args.gasPrice != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gasPrice)
            : BigInteger.ZERO;//w  w  w .  j  av a 2s  .c o  m
    BigInteger gasLimit = args.gas != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gas)
            : BigInteger.valueOf(GasCost.TRANSACTION);

    if (args.data != null && args.data.startsWith("0x"))
        args.data = args.data.substring(2);

    Transaction tx = Transaction.create(toAddress, value, accountNonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, args.data);



    return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash());

From source file:edu.hku.sdb.rewrite.SdbSchemeRewriter.java

 * Rewrite a function call expression.//from  ww  w  . j av  a2  s . co  m
 * @param funCallExpr
 * @param S
 * @return
 * @throws UnSupportedException
protected Expr rewriteFunCallExpr(FunctionCallExpr funCallExpr, Expr S) throws UnSupportedException {
    FunctionName funName = funCallExpr.getFunctionName();

    if (funName.getName().equals(ParserConstant.FUNCTION_COUNT)) {
        return funCallExpr;
    } else if (funName.getName().equals(ParserConstant.FUNCTION_SUM)) {
        FunctionParams functionParams = funCallExpr.getFunctionParams();
        // The sum function can only has one parameter expression
        assert (functionParams.getExprs().size() == 1);

        Expr expr = functionParams.getExprs().get(0);

        BigInteger targetM = SDBEncrypt.generatePositiveRand(prime1, prime2);
        BigInteger targetX = BigInteger.ZERO;

        BigInteger[] pqLeft = SDBEncrypt.keyUpdateClient(expr.getSdbColKey().getM(), targetM,
                S.getSdbColKey().getM(), expr.getSdbColKey().getX(), targetX, S.getSdbColKey().getX(), prime1,

        functionParams.getExprs().set(0, buildSdbKeyUpdateExpr(expr, S, new BigIntLiteral(pqLeft[0]),
                new BigIntLiteral(pqLeft[1]), new BigIntLiteral(n), targetM, targetX));
        functionParams.getExprs().get(0).setSdbColKey(new SdbColumnKey(targetM, targetX));
        functionParams.getExprs().add(new BigIntLiteral(n));

        funCallExpr.setSdbColKey(new SdbColumnKey(targetM, targetX));

        return funCallExpr;
    } else {
        UnSupportedException e = new UnSupportedException("Unsupported function " + funName);
        LOG.error("There is unsupported function call!", e);
        throw e;