Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset.


Configuration subset(String prefix);

Source Link


Return a decorator Configuration containing every key from the current Configuration that starts with the specified prefix.


From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.fetcher.SegmentFetcherFactory.java

public static void initSegmentFetcherFactory(Configuration pinotHelixProperties) {
    Configuration segmentFetcherFactoryConfig = pinotHelixProperties

    Iterator segmentFetcherFactoryConfigIterator = segmentFetcherFactoryConfig.getKeys();
    while (segmentFetcherFactoryConfigIterator.hasNext()) {
        Object configKeyObject = segmentFetcherFactoryConfigIterator.next();
        try {/*from   ww w  .  j a v  a 2 s.c  om*/
            String segmentFetcherConfigKey = configKeyObject.toString();
            String protocol = segmentFetcherConfigKey.split(".", 2)[0];
            if (!SegmentFetcherFactory.containsProtocol(protocol)) {
                        .initSegmentFetcher(new ConfigurationMap(segmentFetcherFactoryConfig.subset(protocol)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Got exception to process the key: " + configKeyObject);

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.minion.executor.BaseSegmentConversionExecutor.java

public static void init(Configuration uploaderConfig) {
    Configuration httpsConfig = uploaderConfig.subset(HTTPS_PROTOCOL);
    if (httpsConfig.getBoolean(CONFIG_OF_CONTROLLER_HTTPS_ENABLED, false)) {
        _sslContext = new ClientSSLContextGenerator(httpsConfig.subset(CommonConstants.PREFIX_OF_SSL_SUBSET))
                .generate();/*from   ww w .j  a  va2 s.co m*/

From source file:com.gs.obevo.db.apps.reveng.DbMergeInfo.java

public static MutableCollection<DbMergeInfo> parseFromProperties(Configuration config) {
    Set<String> dbs = new HashSet<String>(config.getList("instances"));

    MutableList<DbMergeInfo> dbMergeInfos = Lists.mutable.empty();
    for (String db : dbs) {
        Configuration subset = config.subset(db);
        if (subset.containsKey("inputDir")) {
            File inputDir = new File(subset.getString("inputDir"));
            DbMergeInfo mergeInfo = new DbMergeInfo(db, inputDir);
            if (subset.containsKey("driverClassName")) {
            }//from ww  w.ja  v  a  2  s.c  om


    return dbMergeInfos;

From source file:cn.quickj.Setting.java

private static void createPlugin(Configuration config, String pluginClazz, int i)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    Configuration c = config.subset("plugins.plugin(" + i + ")");
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(pluginClazz);
    Plugin plugin = (Plugin) clazz.newInstance();
    plugin.init(c);/*from w w w. j a va  2s . c  o m*/
    log.info("?" + plugin.getName() + "   id:" + plugin.getId());

From source file:com.knowbout.epg.EPG.java

private static void test(Configuration config) throws IOException {
    HibernateUtil.openSession();/*from ww w  . ja  v  a2 s. c om*/
    Configuration provider = config.subset("provider");
    File destinationFolder = new File(provider.getString("destinationFolder"));
    Configuration files = config.subset("files");
    File schedules = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("schedules"));
    //Test loading

    GZIPInputStream uis = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(schedules));
    ScheduleParser SkedParser = new ScheduleParser();
    SkedParser.parseSchedule(uis, config);

    try {
        EPGProviderService service = new EPGProviderService();
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 20);
        //Test date now.
        ScheduledProgram sp = service.getScheduledProgramByNetworkCallSign("P-C", "NBC", new Date());
        System.err.println("IS SP NULL: " + (sp == null));
        if (sp != null) {
            System.err.println("\tSP: " + sp.getProgramTitle() + "  " + sp.getProgramId());

        sp = service.getScheduledProgramByNetworkCallSign("SDTW-C", "NBC", new Date());
        System.err.println("SDTW- IS SP NULL: " + (sp == null));
        if (sp != null) {
            System.err.println("\tSP: " + sp.getProgramTitle() + "  " + sp.getProgramId());

        //      System.err.println("SP is :"  +sp.getProgramTitle());
        //      try {
        //      List<ScheduledProgram> skedProgs = service.getScheduleForShow("P-DC", "Survivorman", new Date(), cal.getTime(), 1);
        //      for (ScheduledProgram prog: skedProgs) {
        //         System.err.println(" limit 1 SHOW: " + prog.getProgramId()+ " " + prog.getEpisodeTitle() + " starts at " + prog.getStartTime() + " " + prog.getNetwork().getStationCallSign());
        //      }
        ////      sp = service.getScheduledProgram("CA04542:DEFAULT", "41", new Date());
        ////      System.err.println("SP is :"  +sp.getProgramTitle());
        //      skedProgs = service.getScheduleForShow("P-DC", "Survivorman", new Date(), cal.getTime(), 0);
        //      for (ScheduledProgram prog: skedProgs) {
        //         System.err.println("NO LIMIT SHOW: " + prog.getProgramId()+ " " + prog.getEpisodeTitle() + "(" + prog.getScheduleId()+")"+ " starts at " + prog.getStartTime()+ " " + prog.getNetwork().getStationCallSign());
        //      }
        //      sp = service.getScheduledProgram("CA04542:DEFAULT", "7", new Date());
        //      System.err.println("SP is :"  +sp.getProgramTitle());
        //      ScheduledProgram next = service.getNextShowing("CA04542:DEFAULT", "EP6856270007");
        //      if (next != null) {
        //         System.err.println("Next - " + next.getEpisodeTitle() + " starts at " + next.getStartTime());
        //      } else {
        //         System.err.println("Unable to find next showing");
        //      }
        //      ScheduledProgram last = service.getLastShowing("CA04542:DEFAULT", "EP6856270007");
        //      if (last != null) {
        //         System.err.println("Last - " + last.getEpisodeTitle() + " starts at " + last.getStartTime());
        //      } else {
        //         System.err.println("Unable to find last showing");
        //      }
    } finally {
    if (true) {

From source file:cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.export.Kramerius4ExportOptions.java

public static Kramerius4ExportOptions from(Configuration config) {
    Kramerius4ExportOptions options = new Kramerius4ExportOptions();

    String[] excludeIds = config.getStringArray(PROP_EXCLUDE_DATASTREAM_ID);
    options.setExcludeDatastreams(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(excludeIds)));

    Configuration renames = config.subset(PROP_RENAME_PREFIX);
    HashMap<String, String> dsIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // use RAW if FULL ds is not available
    dsIdMap.put(BinaryEditor.RAW_ID, "IMG_FULL");
    for (Iterator<String> it = renames.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String dsId = it.next();/*from  w w  w .  ja  v  a2 s .  com*/
        String newDsId = renames.getString(dsId);
        dsIdMap.put(dsId, newDsId);

    String policy = config.getString(PROP_POLICY);
    if (policy != null && !policy.isEmpty()) {
    return options;

From source file:com.cisco.oss.foundation.message.RabbitMQMessagingFactory.java

static void connect() {
    try {/*from  ww w . j  a v  a2  s  . c  o m*/
        ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();

        Configuration configuration = ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration();
        Configuration subsetBase = configuration.subset("service.rabbitmq");
        Configuration subsetSecurity = subsetBase.subset("security");

        int requestHeartbeat = subsetBase.getInt("requestHeartbeat", 10);

        String userName = subsetSecurity.getString("userName");
        String password = subsetSecurity.getString("password");
        boolean isEnabled = subsetSecurity.getBoolean("isEnabled");

        final Map<String, Map<String, String>> serverConnections = ConfigUtil
        final ArrayList<String> serverConnectionKeys = Lists.newArrayList(serverConnections.keySet());

        if (isEnabled) {


        List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>(5);

        for (String serverConnectionKey : serverConnectionKeys) {

            Map<String, String> serverConnection = serverConnections.get(serverConnectionKey);

            String host = serverConnection.get("host");
            int port = Integer.parseInt(serverConnection.get("port"));
            addresses.add(new Address(host, port));
            //              connectionFactory.setHost(host);
            //              connectionFactory.setPort(Integer.parseInt(port));
        Address[] addrs = new Address[0];
        connection = connectionFactory.newConnection(addresses.toArray(addrs));
        connection.addBlockedListener(new BlockedListener() {
            public void handleBlocked(String reason) throws IOException {
                LOGGER.error("RabbitMQ connection is now blocked. Port: {}, Reason: {}", connection.getPort(),

            public void handleUnblocked() throws IOException {
                LOGGER.info("RabbitMQ connection is now un-blocked. Port: {}", connection.getPort());

        connection.addShutdownListener(new ShutdownListener() {
            public void shutdownCompleted(ShutdownSignalException cause) {
                LOGGER.error("Connection shutdown detected. Reason: {}", cause.toString(), cause);


    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("can't create RabbitMQ Connection: {}", e, e);
        //            triggerReconnectThread();
        throw new QueueException(e);

From source file:com.syncleus.grail.graph.titangraph.TitanGods.java

public static TitanGraph create(final String directory) {
    BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
    Configuration storage = config.subset(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NAMESPACE);
    // configuring local backend
    storage.setProperty(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_BACKEND_KEY, "local");
    storage.setProperty(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_DIRECTORY_KEY, directory);
    // configuring elastic search index
    Configuration index = storage.subset(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_NAMESPACE).subset(INDEX_NAME);
    index.setProperty(INDEX_BACKEND_KEY, "elasticsearch");
    index.setProperty("local-mode", true);
    index.setProperty("client-only", false);
    index.setProperty(STORAGE_DIRECTORY_KEY, directory + File.separator + "es");

    TitanGraph graph = TitanFactory.open(config);
    if (!graph.getVertices().iterator().hasNext())
        TitanGods.load(graph);// w w  w .  ja  va 2  s  . c  o m
    return graph;

From source file:com.rapid7.diskstorage.dynamodb.TestGraphUtil.java

public static Configuration addElasticSearchConfig(Configuration config) {
    File tempSearchIndexDirectory;
    try {/* w w w . ja  v  a  2  s.c o m*/
        tempSearchIndexDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory(null /*prefix*/).toFile();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("unable to create search index temp dir", e);

    final Configuration search = config.subset("index").subset("search");
    search.setProperty("backend", "elasticsearch");
    search.setProperty("directory", tempSearchIndexDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
    final Configuration es = search.subset("elasticsearch");
    es.setProperty("client-only", "false");
    es.setProperty("local-mode", "true");
    return config;

From source file:com.cisco.oss.foundation.message.HornetQMessagingFactory.java

 * build once the hornetq service locator.
 * this is where we read the ost port list from configuration
 *///from   w ww . ja v  a2 s  . com
private static void init() {
    try {


        //            nettyFactory = HornetQClient.createServerLocatorWithoutHA(new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName())).createSessionFactory();
        Configuration configuration = ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration();
        Configuration subset = configuration.subset("service.hornetq.connections");

        final Map<String, Map<String, String>> serverConnections = ConfigUtil
        boolean isVersionPrinted = false;
        if (serverConnections != null && !serverConnections.isEmpty()) {
            if (isActiveActiveMode(subset)) {
                final ArrayList<String> serverConnectionKeys = Lists.newArrayList(serverConnections.keySet());
                for (String serverConnectionKey : serverConnectionKeys) {
                    String host1Param = "service.hornetq.connections." + serverConnectionKey
                            + ".instance1.host";
                    String port1Param = "service.hornetq.connections." + serverConnectionKey
                            + ".instance1.port";
                    String jmxPort1Param = "service.hornetq.connections." + serverConnectionKey
                            + ".instance1.jmxPort";
                    String host2Param = "service.hornetq.connections." + serverConnectionKey
                            + ".instance2.host";
                    String port2Param = "service.hornetq.connections." + serverConnectionKey
                            + ".instance2.port";
                    String host1 = configuration.getString(host1Param, null);
                    String port1 = configuration.getString(port1Param, null);
                    String host2 = configuration.getString(host2Param, null);
                    String port2 = configuration.getString(port2Param, null);

                    if (StringUtils.isAnyBlank(host1Param, host2Param, port1Param, port2Param)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "each HornetQ active active pair must contain all these suffixed {instance1.host, instance1.port, instance2.host, instance2.port} - but some are missing");

                    if (!isVersionPrinted) {
                        printHQVersion(host1, configuration.getString(jmxPort1Param, "3900"));
                    transportConfigurationsArray = new TransportConfiguration[2];
                    List<TransportConfiguration> transportConfigurations = new ArrayList<TransportConfiguration>();

                    Map<String, Object> map1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    map1.put("host", host1);
                    map1.put("port", port1);

                            .add(new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName(), map1));

                    Map<String, Object> map2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    map2.put("host", host2);
                    map2.put("port", port2);

                            .add(new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName(), map2));


            } else {

                final ArrayList<String> serverConnectionKeys = Lists.newArrayList(serverConnections.keySet());

                printHQVersion(serverConnections, serverConnectionKeys);

                transportConfigurationsArray = new TransportConfiguration[serverConnectionKeys.size()];
                List<TransportConfiguration> transportConfigurations = new ArrayList<TransportConfiguration>();

                for (String serverConnectionKey : serverConnectionKeys) {

                    Map<String, String> serverConnection = serverConnections.get(serverConnectionKey);

                    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                    map.put("host", serverConnection.get("host"));
                    map.put("port", serverConnection.get("port"));

                            .add(new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName(), map));



        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "'service.hornetq.connections' must contain at least on host/port pair.");


    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("can't create hornetq service locator: {}", e, e);
        throw new QueueException(e);
