Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset.


Configuration subset(String prefix);

Source Link


Return a decorator Configuration containing every key from the current Configuration that starts with the specified prefix.


From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Reads the settings for the DataSourceFactories from the
 * configuration and creates and/or configures the DataSourceFactories
 * and the database objects./*from   w w  w. j av a 2s . co m*/
 * If no DataSorceFactory is assigned to the database with the name
 * <code>DEFAULT_NAME</code>, a reference to the DataSourceFactory
 * of the default database is made from the database with the name
 * <code>DEFAULT_NAME</code>.
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the properties file.
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
private void initDataSourceFactories(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("initDataSourceFactories(" + conf + ")");

    Configuration c = conf.subset(DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY);
    if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration: " + "No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + " found in configuration";
        throw new TorqueException(error);

    // read dsfactory config (may contain schema)
    try {
        for (Iterator<?> it = c.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            if (key.endsWith(DataSourceFactory.FACTORY_KEY)) {
                String classname = c.getString(key);
                String handle = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('.'));
                log.debug("handle: " + handle + " DataSourceFactory: " + classname);
                Class<?> dsfClass = Class.forName(classname);
                DataSourceFactory dsf = (DataSourceFactory) dsfClass.newInstance();
                Configuration subConf = c.subset(handle);

                Database database = getOrCreateDatabase(handle);

                // deprecated method of schema configuration
                // TODO: remove in Torque 4.1
                String schema = subConf.getString(Torque.SCHEMA_KEY, null);
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                    log.warn("Defining the schema in the dsfactory " + "is deprecated, please configure it "
                            + "via the config key " + "torque.database.${databasename}.schema");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueException(e);

    Database defaultDatabase = databases.get(defaultDBName);
    if (defaultDatabase == null || defaultDatabase.getDataSourceFactory() == null) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration : " + "No DataSourceFactory definition for default DB found. "
                + "A DataSourceFactory must be defined under the key" + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDBName + "." + DataSourceFactory.FACTORY_KEY;
        throw new TorqueException(error);

From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Reads the schema configuration from the database definitions in
 * the configuration and assigns the defined schemata to the databases.
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the properties file.
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
 *///  w  ww . j a v a  2s .com
private void initSchemata(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("initSchemata(" + conf + ")");

    // read schema configuration from database setting
    Configuration c = conf.subset(Torque.DATABASE_KEY);
    if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration: " + "No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + Torque.DATABASE_KEY + " found in configuration";
        throw new TorqueException(error);
    try {
        for (Iterator<?> it = c.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            int indexOfDot = key.indexOf('.');
            if (indexOfDot == -1) {
            String handle = key.substring(0, indexOfDot);

            log.debug("database handle: " + handle);
            Configuration subConf = c.subset(handle);

            Database database = getOrCreateDatabase(handle);

            String schema = subConf.getString(Torque.SCHEMA_KEY, null);
            // check database schema because schema may have already been
            // set via the dsfactory
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                schema = database.getSchema();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                schema = conf.getString(Torque.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_KEY, null);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueException(e);


From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Sets the configuration for Torque and all dependencies.
 * The prefix <code>TORQUE_KEY</code> will be removed from the
 * configuration keys for the provided configuration.
 * @param conf the Configuration./*from   www . jav a2  s. c o m*/
 * @throws TorqueException if the configuration does not contain
 *         any keys starting with <code>Torque.TORQUE_KEY</code>.
public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("setConfiguration(" + conf + ")");

    Configuration subConf = conf.subset(Torque.TORQUE_KEY);
    if (subConf == null || subConf.isEmpty()) {
        String error = ("Invalid configuration. No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY
                + " found in configuration");
        throw new TorqueException(error);
    this.conf = subConf;

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.accumulo.AccumuloConfigurationBuilder.java

private static Configuration build(ClusterSpec clusterSpec, Cluster cluster, Configuration defaults,
        String prefix) throws ConfigurationException {
    CompositeConfiguration config = new CompositeConfiguration();
    Configuration sub = clusterSpec.getConfigurationForKeysWithPrefix(prefix);
    config.addConfiguration(sub.subset(prefix)); // remove prefix
    return config;

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder.java

private static Statement asFileStatement(String path, Configuration configuration) {
    return Statements.appendFile(path, asYamlLines(configuration.subset(ES_PREFIX)));

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder.java

private static List<String> asYamlLines(Configuration config, int depth) {
    List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
    Set<String> prefixes = Sets.newHashSet();

    Iterator<String> keys = config.getKeys();
    while (keys.hasNext()) {
        String key = keys.next();

        String[] parts = key.split("\\.");
        String prefix = parts[0];

        if (prefixes.contains(prefix)) {
            continue; // skip parsed set of keys
        }//from   ww  w . j a  v a 2  s.  c o  m

        if (parts.length == 1) {
            lines.add(spaces(depth * 2) + key + ": " + config.getProperty(key));

        } else if (parts.length > 1) {
            lines.add(spaces(depth * 2) + prefix + ":");
            lines.addAll(asYamlLines(config.subset(prefix), depth + 1));


    return lines;

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilderTest.java

public void testDefaultUnicastConfig() throws Exception {
    Configuration baseConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    baseConfig.addProperty("whirr.provider", "cloudservers-us");

    ClusterSpec spec = ClusterSpec.withTemporaryKeys(baseConfig);
    Cluster cluster = mock(Cluster.class);

    Set<Cluster.Instance> instances = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
    for (String host : Lists.newArrayList("", "")) {
        Cluster.Instance instance = mock(Cluster.Instance.class);
        instances.add(instance);//ww w  . j  a  va 2 s.c om
    when(cluster.getInstancesMatching((Predicate<Cluster.Instance>) any())).thenReturn(instances);

    Configuration config = ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder.buildConfig(spec, cluster);
    String content = StringUtils.join(ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder
            .asYamlLines(config.subset(ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder.ES_PREFIX)), "\n");

    assertThat(content, is("index:\n" + "  store:\n" + "    type: memory\n" + "gateway:\n" + "  type: none\n"
            + "discovery:\n" + "  zen:\n" + "    ping:\n" + "      multicast:\n" + "        enabled: false\n"
            + "      unicast:\n" + "        hosts: [\"\", \"\"]"));

From source file:org.chenillekit.core.tests.TestConfigurationService.java

@Test(expectedExceptions = { RuntimeException.class }, enabled = false)
public void test4() {
    Resource configResource = new ClasspathResource("test.ini");
    Configuration configuration = service.getConfiguration(configResource);
    Configuration subConfiguration = configuration.subset("Mail");

    assertEquals(subConfiguration.getInt("MAPI"), 1);

From source file:org.eclipse.jubula.documentation.gen.ConfigGroup.java

 * @param group//  w w  w  .j  ava2 s . co m
 *            The name of the group read from the properties file
 * @param conf
 *            The configuration source (the properties file)
public ConfigGroup(String group, Configuration conf) {
    Configuration subset = conf.subset(group);
    m_template = subset.getString(TEMPLATE);
    m_output = subset.getString(OUTPUT);
    m_generatorClass = subset.getString(GENERATOR);
    m_name = group;

    subset = subset.subset(GENERATOR);
    for (Iterator it = subset.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) it.next();
        if (!StringConstants.EMPTY.equals(key)) {
            m_generatorProps.put(key, subset.getString(key));

From source file:org.glite.slcs.shibclient.metadata.ShibbolethClientMetadata.java

 * Parses the <ShibbolethClientMetadata> element and return a map of (id,idpObject)
 * @return a Map of (idpID,idpObject)/*ww  w .j  av a 2 s.  co m*/
 * @throws SLCSConfigurationException
private Map<String, Provider> parseProviders() throws SLCSConfigurationException {
    Map<String, Provider> entities = new HashMap<String, Provider>();
    LOG.debug("get configuration subset: ShibbolethClientMetadata");
    Configuration metadata = getConfiguration().subset("ShibbolethClientMetadata");
    // external metadata defined with filename= attribute?
    String metadataFilename = metadata.getString("[@filename]");
    LOG.debug("metadata filename=" + metadataFilename);
    String metadataUrl = metadata.getString("[@url]");
    LOG.debug("metadata url=" + metadataUrl);
    if (metadataFilename != null) {
        // load external metadata file       
        try {
            LOG.info("load metadata from file: " + metadataFilename);
            FileConfiguration metadataFileConfiguration = loadConfiguration(metadataFilename);
            metadataSource_ = metadataFileConfiguration.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
            metadata = metadataFileConfiguration;
        } catch (SLCSConfigurationException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to load external ShibbolethClientMetadata: " + metadataFilename, e);
            throw e;
    // check for metadata url and download
    else if (metadataUrl != null) {
        // download external metadata file
        try {
            URL url = new URL(metadataUrl);
            LOG.info("download metadata from url: " + url);
            // httpclient is used to download the config
            metadata = downloadConfiguration(url);
            metadataSource_ = metadataUrl;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            LOG.error("Invalid URL for external ShibbolethClientMetadata: " + metadataUrl, mue);
            throw new SLCSConfigurationException(
                    "ShibbolethClientMetadata url=" + metadataUrl + " parameter is invalid", mue);
        } catch (SLCSConfigurationException sce) {
            LOG.error("Failed to download ShibbolethClientMetadata from: " + metadataUrl, sce);
            throw sce;
    } else {
        LOG.info("inline metadata from: " + getFilename());
        metadataSource_ = getFilename();

    // process metadata
    String name = null;
    String url = null;
    String id = null;
    Configuration config = null;
    // SLCS SP
    config = metadata.subset("ServiceProvider");
    if (!config.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.debug("ServiceProvider element found");
        id = config.getString("[@id]");
        if (id == null || id.equals("")) {
        this.slcsProviderId_ = id;
        name = config.getString("name");
        url = config.getString("url");
        ServiceProvider sp = new ServiceProvider(id, name, url);
        LOG.debug("add " + sp);
        entities.put(id, sp);
    } else {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("ServiceProvider element not found in metadata");
    // All IdPs
    Configuration idpsConfig = metadata.subset("IdentityProviders");
    if (idpsConfig.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("IdentityProviders element not found in metadata");
    List<String> idps = idpsConfig.getList("IdentityProvider[@id]");
    int nIdp = idps.size();
    if (nIdp < 1) {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("No IdentityProvider element found in metadata");
    LOG.debug(nIdp + " IdentityProvider elements found");
    for (int i = 0; i < nIdp; i++) {
        config = idpsConfig.subset("IdentityProvider(" + i + ")");
        id = config.getString("[@id]");
        name = config.getString("name");
        url = config.getString("url");
        String authTypeName = config.getString("authentication[@type]");
        String authUrl = config.getString("authentication.url");
        if (authUrl == null) {
            authUrl = url;
        IdentityProvider idp = new IdentityProvider(id, name, url, authTypeName, authUrl);
        // optional entityID for SAML2 support
        String entityID = config.getString("[@entityID]");
        if (entityID != null) {
        if (idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_CAS
                || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_PUBCOOKIE
                || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_FORM) {
            // read form name and username and password field names
            String formName = config.getString("authentication.form[@name]", "");
            String formUsername = config.getString("authentication.form.username");
            String formPassword = config.getString("authentication.form.password");
        } else {
            // basic or ntlm
            String realm = config.getString("authentication.realm");
        LOG.debug("add " + idp);
        entities.put(id, idp);
    return entities;