Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration subset.


Configuration subset(String prefix);

Source Link


Return a decorator Configuration containing every key from the current Configuration that starts with the specified prefix.


From source file:net.sf.jclal.evaluation.method.AbstractEvaluationMethod.java

 * @param configuration The configuration of the Algorithm.
 * <p>/*from   w w w  . j  a va 2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * <b>algorithm type= class</b>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Class: All
 * </p>
protected void setAlgorithmSettings(Configuration configuration) {

    String algorithmError = "algorithm type= ";
    try {
        // algorithm classname
        String algorithmClassname = configuration.getString("algorithm[@type]");
        algorithmError += algorithmClassname;
        // algorithm class
        Class<? extends AbstractALAlgorithm> algorithmClass = (Class<? extends AbstractALAlgorithm>) Class
        // algorithm instance
        AbstractALAlgorithm algorithm = algorithmClass.newInstance();
        // Configure algorithm (if necessary)
        if (algorithm instanceof IConfigure) {
            ((IConfigure) algorithm).configure(configuration.subset("algorithm"));
        // Add the algorithm
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal algorithm classname: " + algorithmError, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal algorithm classname: " + algorithmError, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal algorithm classname: " + algorithmError, e);

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.broker.broker.helix.HelixBrokerStarter.java

public HelixBrokerStarter(String helixClusterName, String zkServer, Configuration pinotHelixProperties)
        throws Exception {
    LOGGER.info("Starting Pinot broker");

    _liveInstancesListener = new LiveInstancesChangeListenerImpl(helixClusterName);

    _pinotHelixProperties = DefaultHelixBrokerConfig.getDefaultBrokerConf(pinotHelixProperties);
    final String brokerId = _pinotHelixProperties.getString("instanceId",
            CommonConstants.Helix.PREFIX_OF_BROKER_INSTANCE + NetUtil.getHostAddress() + "_"
                    + _pinotHelixProperties.getInt(CommonConstants.Helix.KEY_OF_BROKER_QUERY_PORT,

    _pinotHelixProperties.addProperty(BrokerRequestHandler.BROKER_ID_CONFIG_KEY, brokerId);
    setupHelixSystemProperties();//  ww w.j av a  2s . c o  m

    // Remove all white-spaces from the list of zkServers (if any).
    String zkServers = zkServer.replaceAll("\\s+", "");

    LOGGER.info("Starting Zookeeper client");
    _zkClient = new ZkClient(getZkAddressForBroker(zkServers, helixClusterName),
            ZkClient.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT, ZkClient.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new ZNRecordSerializer());
    _propertyStore = new ZkHelixPropertyStore<ZNRecord>(new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_zkClient), "/", null);
    RoutingTableSelector selector = RoutingTableSelectorFactory
    _helixExternalViewBasedRouting = new HelixExternalViewBasedRouting(_propertyStore, selector);

    LOGGER.info("Connecting Helix components");
    // _brokerServerBuilder = startBroker();
    _brokerServerBuilder = startBroker(_pinotHelixProperties);
    _helixManager = HelixManagerFactory.getZKHelixManager(helixClusterName, brokerId, InstanceType.PARTICIPANT,
    final StateMachineEngine stateMachineEngine = _helixManager.getStateMachineEngine();
    final StateModelFactory<?> stateModelFactory = new BrokerResourceOnlineOfflineStateModelFactory(
            _helixManager, _helixExternalViewBasedRouting);
            BrokerResourceOnlineOfflineStateModelFactory.getStateModelDef(), stateModelFactory);
    _helixAdmin = _helixManager.getClusterManagmentTool();
    _helixBrokerRoutingTable = new HelixBrokerRoutingTable(_helixExternalViewBasedRouting, brokerId,
    addInstanceTagIfNeeded(helixClusterName, brokerId);

    _brokerServerBuilder.getBrokerMetrics().addCallbackGauge("helix.connected", new Callable<Long>() {
        public Long call() throws Exception {
            return _helixManager.isConnected() ? 1L : 0L;

    _helixManager.addPreConnectCallback(new PreConnectCallback() {
        public void onPreConnect() {
                    .addMeteredGlobalValue(BrokerMeter.HELIX_ZOOKEEPER_RECONNECTS, 1L);

From source file:net.sf.jclal.evaluation.method.AbstractEvaluationMethod.java

 * @param configuration The configuration of the random generator.
 * <p>//from   www.  j a v a2s  . c o m
 * rand-gen-factory type= class</p>
protected void setRandGenSettings(Configuration configuration) {
    // Random generators factory
    String randomError = "rand-gen-factory type= ";
    try {
        // Species classname
        String randGenFactoryClassname = configuration.getString("rand-gen-factory[@type]");
        randomError += randGenFactoryClassname;
        // Species class
        Class<? extends IRandGenFactory> randGenFactoryClass = (Class<? extends IRandGenFactory>) Class
        // Species instance
        IRandGenFactory randGenFactory = randGenFactoryClass.newInstance();
        // Configure species
        if (randGenFactory instanceof IConfigure) {
            ((IConfigure) randGenFactory).configure(configuration.subset("rand-gen-factory"));
        // Set species
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(
                "\nIllegal random generators factory classname: " + randomError);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(
                "\nProblems creating an instance of random generators factory: " + randomError, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(
                "\nProblems creating an instance of random generators factory: " + randomError, e);

From source file:net.sf.jclal.activelearning.multilabel.querystrategy.MultiLabelDensityDiversityQueryStrategy.java

 * @param configuration Configuration object for density diversity strategy.
 * The XML labels supported are:/*  w ww .j ava2s  . co  m*/
 * <ul>
 * <li><b>importance-density= double</b></li>
 * <li>
 * <b>distance-function type= class</b>
 * <p>
 * Package: net.sf.jclal.util.distancefunction
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Class: All
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Package: weka.core
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Class: EuclideanDistance || ManhattanDistance || MinkowskiDistance...</p>
 * </li>
 * <li>matrix-file= boolean</li>
 * <li>
 * <b>sub-query-strategy type= class</b>
 * <p>
 * Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning.multilabel.querystrategy</p>
 * <p>
 * Class: All</p>
 * </li>
 * </ul>
public void configure(Configuration configuration) {

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Set relativeImportanceOfDensity
    double currentImportance = configuration.getDouble("importance-density", relativeImportanceOfDensity);


    String distanceError = "distance-function type= ";
    try {

        // Set the distance classname
        String distanceClassname = configuration.getString("distance-function[@type]");
        distanceError += distanceClassname;

        // the distance class
        Class<? extends NormalizableDistance> distance = (Class<? extends NormalizableDistance>) Class

        // the distance instance
        NormalizableDistance currentDistance = distance.newInstance();

        // Configure the distance
        if (currentDistance instanceof IConfigure) {
            ((IConfigure) currentDistance).configure(configuration.subset("distance-function"));

        // Set the distance
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal distance classname: " + distanceError, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal distance classname: " + distanceError, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal distance classname: " + distanceError, e);

    // Set the sub query strategy
    String subError = "sub-query-strategy type= ";
    try {
        // sub Query strategy classname
        String strategyClassname = configuration.getString("sub-query-strategy[@type]");
        subError += strategyClassname;
        // sub Query strategy class
        Class<? extends IQueryStrategy> strategyClass = (Class<? extends IQueryStrategy>) Class
        // sub Query strategy instance
        IQueryStrategy currentSubStrategy = strategyClass.newInstance();

        // Configure sub Query strategy (if necessary)
        if (currentSubStrategy instanceof IConfigure) {
            ((IConfigure) currentSubStrategy).configure(configuration.subset("sub-query-strategy"));
        // Set the sub Query strategy
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal sub-query-strategy classname: " + subError, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal sub-query-strategy classname: " + subError, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal sub-query-strategy classname: " + subError, e);

    //Set if handle the matrix over a file and not over the main memory
    boolean matrixFile = configuration.getBoolean("matrix-file", matrixOverFile);


From source file:net.sf.jclal.activelearning.algorithm.ClassicalALAlgorithm.java

 * Establishes the configuration of the stop criterion
 * @param configuration/*from w  ww .ja  v  a  2s.c  o  m*/
 *            The configuration object to use
public void setStopCriterionConfigure(Configuration configuration) {

    // Number of defined stopCriterio
    int stopCriterioValue = configuration.getList("stop-criterion[@type]").size();
    // For each listener in list
    for (int i = 0; i < stopCriterioValue; i++) {
        String header = "stop-criterion(" + i + ")";
        // stopCriterio
        String stopError = "stop-criterion type= ";
        try {
            // stopCriterio classname
            String stopCriterioClassname = configuration.getString(header + "[@type]");

            stopError += stopCriterioClassname;
            // stopCriterio class
            Class<? extends IStopCriterion> stopCriterioClass = (Class<? extends IStopCriterion>) Class
            // stopCriterio instance
            IStopCriterion stopCriterio = stopCriterioClass.newInstance();
            // Configure stopCriterio (if necessary)
            if (stopCriterio instanceof IConfigure) {
                ((IConfigure) stopCriterio).configure(configuration.subset(header));
            // Add this stopCriterio to the algorithm
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e);



From source file:keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common.algorithm.NeuralNetAlgorithm.java

 * <p>//w w w  .  j  a  v a  2 s  .c o  m
 * Configuration parameters for NeuralNetAlgorithm class are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>
 * <code>species: ISpecies (complex)</code></p>
 * Individual species
 * </li><li>
 * <code>evaluator IEvaluator (complex)</code></p>
 * Individuals evaluator
 * </li><li>
 * <code>population-size (int)</code></p>
 * Population size
 * </li><li>
 * <code>max-of-generations (int)</code></p>
 * Maximum number of generations
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>provider: IProvider (complex)</code></p>
 * Individuals provider
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>mutator1: IMutator<I> (complex)</code></p>
 * Individuals mutator1
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>mutator2: IMutator<I> (complex)</code></p>
 * Individuals mutator2
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>creation-ratio (double)</code></p>
 * Ratio "elements created"/"elements remaining"
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>percentage-second-mutator (int)</code></p>
 * Percentage of individuals mutated with second mutator
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>max-generations-without-improving-mean (int)</code></p>
 * Maximum number of generations without improving mean fitness
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>max-generations-without-improving-best (int)</code></p>
 * Maximum number of generations without improving best fitness
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * <code>fitness-difference (double)</code></p>
 * Difference between two fitness that we consider
  * enough to say that the fitness has improved
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @param configuration Configuration object to obtain the parameters
public void configure(Configuration configuration) {

    // Random generators factory
    try {
        // Species classname
        String randGenFactoryClassname = configuration.getString("rand-gen-factory[@type]");
        // Species class
        Class<? extends IRandGenFactory> randGenFactoryClass = (Class<? extends IRandGenFactory>) Class
        // Species instance
        IRandGenFactory randGenFactory = randGenFactoryClass.newInstance();
        // Configure species
        if (randGenFactory instanceof IConfigure) {
            ((IConfigure) randGenFactory).configure(configuration.subset("rand-gen-factory"));
        // Set species
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal random generators factory classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of random generators factory",
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of random generators factory",
    // Individual species
    try {
        // Species classname
        String speciesClassname = configuration.getString("species[@type]");
        // Species class
        Class<ISpecies<I>> speciesClass = (Class<ISpecies<I>>) Class.forName(speciesClassname);
        // Species instance
        ISpecies<I> species = speciesClass.newInstance();
        // Configure species if neccesary
        if (species instanceof IConfigure) {
            // Extract species configuration
            Configuration speciesConfiguration = configuration.subset("species");
            // Configure species
            ((IConfigure) species).configure(speciesConfiguration);
        // Set species
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal species classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of species", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of species", e);
    // Individuals evaluator
    try {
        // Evaluator classname
        String evaluatorClassname = configuration.getString("evaluator[@type]");
        // Evaluator class
        Class<IEvaluator<I>> evaluatorClass = (Class<IEvaluator<I>>) Class.forName(evaluatorClassname);
        // Evaluator instance
        IEvaluator<I> evaluator = evaluatorClass.newInstance();
        // Configure evaluator if neccesary
        if (evaluator instanceof IConfigure) {
            // Extract species configuration
            Configuration evaluatorConfiguration = configuration.subset("evaluator");
            // Configure evaluator
            ((IConfigure) evaluator).configure(evaluatorConfiguration);
        // Set species
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal evaluator classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of evaluator", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of evaluator", e);
    // Population size
    int populationSize = configuration.getInt("population-size");
    // Maximum of generations
    int maxOfGenerations = configuration.getInt("max-of-generations");
    // Individuals provider
    try {
        // Provider classname
        String providerClassname = configuration.getString("provider[@type]");
        // Provider class
        Class<IProvider<I>> providerClass = (Class<IProvider<I>>) Class.forName(providerClassname);
        // Provider instance
        IProvider<I> provider = providerClass.newInstance();
        // Configure provider if neccesary
        if (provider instanceof IConfigure) {
            // Extract provider configuration
            Configuration providerConfiguration = configuration.subset("provider");
            // Configure provider
            ((IConfigure) provider).configure(providerConfiguration);
        // Set provider
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal provider classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of provider", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of provider", e);
    // Individuals mutator1
    try {
        // Mutator1 classname
        String mutator1Classname = configuration.getString("mutator1[@type]");
        // Mutator1 classe
        Class<IMutator<I>> mutator1Class = (Class<IMutator<I>>) Class.forName(mutator1Classname);
        // Mutator1 instance
        IMutator<I> mutator1 = mutator1Class.newInstance();
        // Configure mutator1 if neccesary
        if (mutator1 instanceof IConfigure) {
            // Extract mutator1 configuration
            Configuration mutator1Configuration = configuration.subset("mutator1");
            // Configure mutator1
            ((IConfigure) mutator1).configure(mutator1Configuration);
        // Set mutator1
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal mutator1 classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of mutator1", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of mutator1", e);
    // Individuals mutator2
    try {
        // Mutator2 classname
        String mutator2Classname = configuration.getString("mutator2[@type]");
        // Mutator2 class
        Class<IMutator<I>> mutator2Class = (Class<IMutator<I>>) Class.forName(mutator2Classname);
        // Mutator2 instance
        IMutator<I> mutator2 = mutator2Class.newInstance();
        // Configure mutator2 if neccesary
        if (mutator2 instanceof IConfigure) {
            // Extract mutator2 configuration
            Configuration mutator2Configuration = configuration.subset("mutator2");
            // Configure mutator2 
            ((IConfigure) mutator2).configure(mutator2Configuration);
        // Set mutator2
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal mutator2 classname");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of mutator2", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of mutator2", e);
    // Creation ratio
    double cratio = configuration.getDouble("creation-ratio");
    // Percentage of individuals mutated with second mutator
    int percenageMutator2 = configuration.getInt("percentage-second-mutator");
    // Maximum of generations without improving mean fitness
    int mogmean = configuration.getInt("max-generations-without-improving-mean");
    // Maximum of generations without improving best fitness
    int mogbest = configuration.getInt("max-generations-without-improving-best");
    // Significative fitness difference
    double fitDif = configuration.getDouble("fitness-difference");

From source file:net.sf.jclal.listener.ClassicalReporterListener.java

 * @param configuration The configuration of Classical Reporter Listener.
 * The XML labels supported are:/*from w  w  w  .  j  a  v a2 s  .  c o m*/
 * <ul>
 * <li><b>report-title= String</b>, default= untitled</li>
 * <li><b>report-directory= String</b>, default= reports</li>
 * <li><b>report-frequency= int</b></li>
 * <li><b>report-on-console= boolean</b></li>
 * <li><b>report-on-file= boolean</b></li>
 * <li><b>send-email= class</b>
 * <p>
 * Package: net.sf.jclal.util.mail</p>
 * Class: All
 * </li>
 * </ul>
public void configure(Configuration configuration) {

    // Set report title (default "untitled")
    String reportTitleT = configuration.getString("report-title", reportTitle);

    // Set report title (default "reports/")
    String reportDirectoryT = configuration.getString("report-directory", reportDirectory);

    // Set report frequency (default 1 iteration)
    int reportFrequencyT = configuration.getInt("report-frequency", reportFrequency);

    // Set console report (default on)
    boolean reportOnConsoleT = configuration.getBoolean("report-on-console", reportOnConsole);

    // Set file report (default off)
    boolean reportOnFileT = configuration.getBoolean("report-on-file", reportOnFile);

    String sendError = "send-email type= ";
    try {

        String senderEmailClassname = configuration.getString("send-email[@type]");
        sendError += senderEmailClassname;
        //If a email sender was especified
        if (senderEmailClassname != null) {
            // sender email class
            Class<?> senderEmailClass = Class.forName(senderEmailClassname);

            SenderEmail senderEmailT = (SenderEmail) senderEmailClass.newInstance();

            // Configure listener (if necessary)
            if (senderEmailT instanceof IConfigure) {
                ((IConfigure) senderEmailT).configure(configuration.subset("send-email"));


    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal sender email classname: " + sendError, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal sender email classname: " + sendError, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal sender email classname: " + sendError, e);

From source file:es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.CMAEvolutionaryAlgorithm.java

public void configure(Configuration conf) {

    try {//from  www.j  a  va2 s .  c  o m

        if (conf.containsKey("InitialX")) {

            double x = conf.getDouble("InitialX");
            this.xMean = new double[] { x };

        } else {
            this.xMean = new double[] { 0.0 };
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("EvolutionaryAlgorithm.InitialX", 0.0);


        if (conf.containsKey("TypicalX")) {
            double x = conf.getDouble("TypicalX");
            this.typicalX = new double[] { x };
        } else {
            this.typicalX = null;
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("EvolutionaryAlgorithm.TypicalX", 0.0);


        if (conf.containsKey("InitialStandardDeviation")) {

            this.startsigma = new double[] { conf.getDouble("InitialStandardDeviation") };

        } else {

            this.startsigma = new double[] { 1.0 };
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("EvolutionaryAlgorithm.InitialStandardDeviation", 1.0);


        if (conf.containsKey("Mu")) {

            this.mu = conf.getInt("Mu");

        } else {

            this.mu = -1;
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("EvolutionaryAlgorithm.Mu", this.mu);


        if (conf.containsKey("RecombinationType")) {

            this.recombinationType = (RecombinationType) Class
        } else {
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("EvolutionaryAlgorithm.RecombinationType",

        if (conf.containsKey("Cs")) {
            this.cs = conf.getDouble("Cs");
        } else {
            this.cs = -1;
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("CMAEvolutionaryAlgorithm.Cs", this.cs);

        if (conf.containsKey("Damps")) {
            this.damps = conf.getDouble("Damps");
        } else {

            this.damps = -1;
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("CMAEvolutionaryAlgorithm.Damps", this.damps);


        if (conf.containsKey("DiagonalCovarianceMatrix")) {
            this.diagonalCovarianceMatrix = conf.getInt("DiagonalCovarianceMatrix");

        } else {
            this.diagonalCovarianceMatrix = -1;
            ConfWarning w = new ConfWarning("CMAEvolutionaryAlgorithm.DiagonalCovarianceMatrix",

    } catch (Exception ex) {


From source file:keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common.NeuralNetIndividualSpecies.java

 * <p>/*  w w w .j a va 2  s . co m*/
 * Configuration parameters for this species are:
 * input-layer.number-of-inputs (int)
 *  Number of inputs. Number of inputs of this species neural nets.
 * output-layer.number-of-outputs (int)
 *  Number of inputs. Number of outputs of this species neural nets.
 * hidden-layer(i).weight-range (complex)
 *  Weigth range of the hidden layer number "i".
 * output-layer.weight-range (complex)
 *  Weigth range of the outputlayer.
 * hidden-layer(i).maximum-number-of-neurons (int)
 *  Maximum number of neurons of hidden layer number "i".
 * hidden-layer(i).initial-number-of-neurons (int)
 *  Initial number of neurons of hidden layer number "i".
 * hidden-layer(i)[@type] (string)
 *  Layer type of the hidden layer number "i".
 * output-layer[@type] (string)
 *  Layer type of the output layer.
 * hidden-layer(i)[@biased] (string)
 *  Boolean indicating if hidden layer number "i" is biased.
 * output-layer[@type] (string)
 *  Boolean indicating if the output layer is biased.
 *  @param configutation Configuration if the Individual
 * </p>

public void configure(Configuration configuration) {
    // -------------------------------------- Setup neuralNetType
    neuralNetType = configuration.getString("neural-net-type");

    // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfHiddenLayers 
    nOfHiddenLayers = configuration.getList("hidden-layer[@type]").size();

    // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfInputs 
    //nOfInputs = configuration.getInt("input-layer.number-of-inputs");

    // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfOutputs
    //nOfOutputs = configuration.getInt("output-layer.number-of-outputs");

    // Initialize arrays
    maxNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers];
    minNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers];
    initialMaxNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers];
    type = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1];
    initiator = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1];
    biased = new boolean[nOfHiddenLayers + 1];

    weightRanges = new Interval[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][];
    neuronTypes = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][];
    percentages = new double[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][];
    initiatorNeuronTypes = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][];
    for (int i = 0; i < nOfHiddenLayers + 1; i++) {
        String header;

        if (i != nOfHiddenLayers) {
            header = "hidden-layer(" + i + ")";
            // ---------------------------------- Setup maxNofneurons array
            maxNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".maximum-number-of-neurons");
            // ---------------------------------- Setup minNofneurons array
            minNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".minimum-number-of-neurons");
            // ---------------------------------- Setup initialMaxNofneurons array
            initialMaxNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".initial-maximum-number-of-neurons");
            // ---------------------------------- Setup initiator array
            initiator[i] = configuration.getString(header + ".initiator-of-links");
        } else {
            header = "output-layer";
            // ---------------------------------- Setup initiator array
            initiator[i] = configuration.getString(header + ".initiator-of-links");

        //  ----------------------------------------- Setup type array
        type[i] = configuration.getString(header + "[@type]");

        //  ----------------------------------------- Setup biased array
        biased[i] = configuration.getBoolean(header + "[@biased]");

        // -------------------------------------- Setup weight ranges array
        weightRanges[i] = new Interval[1];
        try {
            // Range name
            String rangeName = header + ".weight-range";
            // Range classname
            String rangeClassname = configuration.getString(rangeName + "[@type]");
            // Range class
            Class<Interval> rangeClass = (Class<Interval>) Class.forName(rangeClassname);
            // Range instance
            Interval range = rangeClass.newInstance();
            // Configura range
            // Set range
            if (i != nOfHiddenLayers)
                setHiddenLayerWeightRange(i, 0, range);
                setOutputLayerWeightRange(0, range);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal range classname");
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of range", e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of range", e);

From source file:com.appeligo.channelfeed.CapturePreviews.java

protected void openSources(Configuration provider) {

    XMLConfiguration config = getConfig();

    String frameSize = config.getString("videoParams[@frameSize]");
    int frameRate = config.getInt("videoParams[@frameRate]", -1);
    int audioSyncSamplesPerSecond = config.getInt("videoParams[@audioSyncSamplesPerSecond]", -1);
    int audioSamplingFrequency = config.getInt("videoParams[@audioSamplingFrequency]", -1);
    int audioBitRate = config.getInt("videoParams[@audioBitRate]", -1);
    int audioChannels = config.getInt("videoParams[@audioChannels]", -1);
    String outputFormat = config.getString("videoParams[@outputFormat]");

    log.info("frameSize=" + frameSize + ", frameRate=" + frameRate + ", audioSyncSamplesPerSecond="
            + audioSyncSamplesPerSecond + ", audioSamplingFrequency=" + audioSamplingFrequency
            + ", audioBitRate=" + audioBitRate + ", audioChannels=" + audioChannels + ", outputFormat="
            + outputFormat);//  ww w  .j  a  va 2s  .  c om

    int clipLengthSeconds = config.getInt("previewRules[@clipLengthSeconds]", -1);
    int delaySeconds = config.getInt("previewRules[@delaySeconds]", -1);
    // This delaySeconds could be set directly on the TVCapturer, but we want the PreviewThread to be aware
    int earliestClipSeconds = config.getInt("previewRules[@earliestClipSeconds]", -1);
    int latestClipSeconds = config.getInt("previewRules[@latestClipSeconds]", -1);
    int latestClipPercentOfDuration = config.getInt("previewRules[@latestClipPercentOfDuration]", -1);
    int maxClips = config.getInt("previewRules[@maxClips]", -1);
    int minSecondsBetweenClips = config.getInt("previewRules[@minSecondsBetweenClips]", -1);

    log.info("clipLengthSeconds=" + clipLengthSeconds + ", delaySeconds=" + delaySeconds
            + ", earliestClipSeconds=" + earliestClipSeconds + ", latestClipSeconds=" + latestClipSeconds
            + ", latestClipPercentOfDuration=" + latestClipPercentOfDuration + ", maxClips=" + maxClips
            + ", minSecondsBetweenClips=" + minSecondsBetweenClips);

    int tunerCount = provider.getList("tuners.tuner[@deviceNumber]").size();

    for (int j = 0; j < tunerCount; j++) {

        String deviceNumber = provider.getString("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@deviceNumber]");
        log.info("deviceNumber=" + deviceNumber);

        try {

            VideoDevice videoDevice = new VideoDevice(Integer.parseInt(deviceNumber), getFrequencyStandard());

            TVCapturer tvCapturer = new TVCapturer(videoDevice);

            if (frameSize != null && (frameSize.trim().length() > 0)) {
            if (frameRate >= 0) {
            if (audioSyncSamplesPerSecond >= 0) {
            if (audioSamplingFrequency >= 0) {
            if (audioBitRate >= 0) {
            if (audioChannels >= 0) {
            if (outputFormat != null && outputFormat.trim().length() > 0) {

            PreviewThread previewThread = new PreviewThread("Preview thread for device #" + deviceNumber);

            if (clipLengthSeconds >= 0) {
            if (delaySeconds >= 0) {
            if (earliestClipSeconds >= 0) {
            if (latestClipSeconds >= 0) {
            if (latestClipPercentOfDuration >= 0) {
            if (maxClips >= 0) {
            if (minSecondsBetweenClips >= 0) {

            Configuration tuner = provider.subset("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")");
            int stationCount = tuner.getList("stations.station[@channel]").size();
            for (int k = 0; k < stationCount; k++) {

                String channel = tuner.getString("stations.station(" + k + ")[@channel]");
                String callsign = tuner.getString("stations.station(" + k + ")[@callsign]");

                log.info("channel=" + channel + ", callsign=" + callsign);

                previewThread.addStation(callsign, channel);

        } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);