Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression SimpleRegression addData

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression SimpleRegression addData


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression SimpleRegression addData.


public void addData(double x, double y) 

Source Link


Adds the observation (x,y) to the regression data set.


From source file:edu.indiana.soic.ts.crunch.CrunchDataReader.java

public PTable<String, String> extractText(PTable<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result> tableContent) {
    return tableContent.parallelDo("Read data",
            new DoFn<Pair<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result>, Pair<String, String>>() {
                @Override//  www  . java 2  s .  co  m
                public void process(Pair<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result> row,
                        Emitter<Pair<String, String>> emitter) {
                    SimpleRegression regression;
                    NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> map = row.second()
                    for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> columnFamilyMap : map
                            .entrySet()) {
                        regression = new SimpleRegression();
                        int count = 1;
                        for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> entryVersion : columnFamilyMap
                                .getValue().entrySet()) {
                            for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> entry : entryVersion.getValue().entrySet()) {
                                String rowKey = Bytes.toString(row.second().getRow());
                                String column = Bytes.toString(entryVersion.getKey());
                                byte[] val = entry.getValue();
                                String valOfColumn = new String(val);
                                System.out.println("RowKey : " + rowKey + " Column Key : " + column
                                        + " Column Val : " + valOfColumn);
                                if (!valOfColumn.isEmpty()) {
                                    String[] priceAndCap = valOfColumn.split("_");
                                    if (priceAndCap.length > 1) {
                                        String pr = priceAndCap[0];
                                        if (pr != null && !pr.equals("null")) {
                                            double price = Double.valueOf(pr);
                                            if (price < 0) {
                                                price = price - 2 * price;
                                            System.out.println("Price : " + price + " count : " + count);
                                            regression.addData(count, price);
                        // displays intercept of regression line
                        System.out.println("Intercept : " + regression.getIntercept());

                        // displays slope of regression line
                        System.out.println("Slope : " + regression.getSlope());

                        // displays slope standard error
                        System.out.println("Slope STD Error : " + regression.getSlopeStdErr());
                        emitter.emit(new Pair<String, String>(String.valueOf(regression.getIntercept()),
            }, Writables.tableOf(Writables.strings(), Writables.strings()));

From source file:net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.MetaMSEcorrelateTask.java

 * correlates one row to another/*www . j av  a 2s  .  c o  m*/
 * peak shape correlation (Pearson) (if negative or zero direct escape)
 *       otherwise avg(corr)>= minCorrPeakShape
 * intensity profile correlation (Pearson) >= minCorrIProfile
 *       TODO: maybe impute low values instead of 0 for not detected!
 * @param row
 * @param g
 * @return average correlation over both factors ranging from minR to 1 (or 0 if minimum correlation was not met)
 * @throws Exception 
private double corrRowToRow(final PeakList peakList, final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row, PeakListRow row2)
        throws Exception {
    double corr = 0;
    SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();
    // count
    int c = 0;
    // go through all raw files 
    for (int r = 0; r < raw.length; r++) {
        Feature f1 = row.getPeak(raw[r]);
        Feature f2 = row2.getPeak(raw[r]);
        if (f1 != null && f2 != null) {
            // peak shape correlation
            FeatureShapeCorrelationData cFS = corrFeatureShape(f1, f2, true);
            if (cFS != null) {
                double tmpcorr = cFS.getR();
                // escape if peak shapes are showing a negative correlation
                if (tmpcorr <= 0)
                    return tmpcorr;
                corr += tmpcorr;
            } else {
                // correlation was not possible
                // maybe due to a small peak in this raw file
                // escape if features would be high enough for a correlation
                // this means the features are not intercepting
                if (countDPHigherThanNoise(f1) >= minCorrelatedDataPoints
                        && countDPHigherThanNoise(f2) >= minCorrelatedDataPoints)
                    return 0;
        // I profile correlation
        // TODO: low value imputation?
        double I1 = f1 != null ? f1.getHeight() : 0;
        double I2 = f2 != null ? f2.getHeight() : 0;
        reg.addData(I1, I2);
    // First search for isotopes TODO later fill in isotopes from raw
    int absCharge = AlignedIsotopeGrouperTask.find13CIsotope(peakList, row, row2, maxCharge, mzTolerance);
    boolean isIsotope = absCharge != -1;
    // TODO search for adducts and add correlation: IProfile doesnt have to be the same for adducts
    boolean isAdduct = false;
    if (!isIsotope)
        findAdducts(peakList, row, row2, row.getRowCharge(), row2.getRowCharge());
    double adductBonus = (isIsotope || isAdduct) && useAdductBonusR ? adductBonusR : 0;
    // TODO weighting of intensity corr and feature shape corr
    // there was no correlation possible due to small peaks
    if (c == 0) {
        return isAdduct || isIsotope ? 1 : 0;
    } else {
        corr = (corr / c);
        double corrIprofile = reg.getR();
        if (corr + adductBonus < minShapeCorrR)
            return 0;
        else if (corrIprofile < minIntensityProfileR)
            return 0;
            return (corr + corrIprofile) / 2;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.graphics.SegmenterImpl.java

 * Split rows if they're particularly high, and contain considerable white space in the middle.
 * Shapes causing the join will be removed if too high, or attached to the closest row otherwise.
 * @param sourceImage/*from ww w .  j  a  v  a  2  s.  co  m*/
 * @param regressions
 * @return
void splitRows(SourceImage sourceImage) {
    LOG.debug("########## splitRows #########");

    // Calculate the min row height to be considered for splitting
    double minHeightForSplit = sourceImage.getAverageShapeHeight();
    LOG.debug("minHeightForSplit: " + minHeightForSplit);

    double slopeMean = sourceImage.getMeanHorizontalSlope();

    List<RowOfShapes> candidateRows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>();
    for (RowOfShapes row : sourceImage.getRows()) {
        if (row.getRight() == row.getLeft())
        int height = row.getBottom() - row.getTop();
        if (height >= minHeightForSplit) {
            LOG.debug("Adding candidate " + row.toString());

    // For each row to be considered for splitting, see if there are lines of white space inside it.
    Hashtable<RowOfShapes, List<RowOfShapes>> splitRows = new Hashtable<RowOfShapes, List<RowOfShapes>>();
    for (RowOfShapes row : candidateRows) {
        SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
        // y = intercept + slope * x 
        LOG.debug("Left point: (" + row.getLeft() + " , " + row.getTop() + ")");
        regression.addData(row.getLeft(), row.getTop());
        double rightHandY = row.getTop() + ((double) (row.getRight() - row.getLeft()) * slopeMean);
        LOG.debug("Right point: (" + row.getRight() + " , " + rightHandY + ")");
        regression.addData(row.getRight(), rightHandY);

        int yDelta = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(rightHandY - (double) row.getTop()));
        int yInterval = yDelta + (row.getBottom() - row.getTop() + 1) + yDelta;

        LOG.debug("yDelta: " + yDelta);
        LOG.debug("yInterval: " + yInterval);
        // let's get pixel counts shape by shape, and leave out the rest (in case rows overlap vertically)
        int[] pixelCounts = new int[yInterval];
        for (Shape shape : row.getShapes()) {
            LOG.trace("Shape " + shape);
            int yDeltaAtLeft = (int) Math.round(regression.predict(shape.getLeft()));
            LOG.trace("yDeltaAtLeft: " + yDeltaAtLeft);
            // the shape offset + the offset between the regression line and the row top
            // + the delta we left at the start in case the line slopes upwards to the right
            int topIndex = (shape.getTop() - row.getTop()) + (row.getTop() - yDeltaAtLeft) + yDelta;
            LOG.trace("topIndex: (" + shape.getTop() + " - " + row.getTop() + ") + (" + row.getTop() + " - "
                    + yDeltaAtLeft + ") + " + yDelta + " = " + topIndex);
            for (int x = 0; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) {
                    if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, y, sourceImage.getBlackThreshold())) {
                        pixelCounts[topIndex + y]++;

        Mean pixelCountMean = new Mean();
        StandardDeviation pixelCountStdDev = new StandardDeviation();
        for (int i = 0; i < yInterval; i++) {
            LOG.debug("Pixel count " + i + ": " + pixelCounts[i]);
        LOG.debug("pixel count mean: " + pixelCountMean.getResult() + ", std dev: "
                + pixelCountStdDev.getResult());

        // If there's a split required, we're going to go considerably above and below the mean several times
        double lowThreshold = pixelCountMean.getResult() / 2.0;
        double highThreshold = pixelCountMean.getResult() * 2.0;
        boolean inRow = false;
        List<Integer> switches = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < yInterval; i++) {
            if (!inRow && pixelCounts[i] > highThreshold) {
                LOG.debug("In row at " + i + ", pixel count " + pixelCounts[i]);
                inRow = true;
            } else if (inRow && pixelCounts[i] < lowThreshold) {
                LOG.debug("Out of row at " + i + ", pixel count " + pixelCounts[i]);
                inRow = false;
        if (switches.size() > 2) {
            // we have more than one row
            List<Integer> rowSeparations = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            // find the row separators
            for (int switchIndex = 1; switchIndex < switches.size() - 2; switchIndex = switchIndex + 2) {
                int outOfRow = switches.get(switchIndex);
                int intoRow = switches.get(switchIndex + 1);
                int minPixelCount = (int) Math.ceil(highThreshold);
                int minIndex = -1;
                // find the row with the lowest pixel count
                for (int i = outOfRow; i <= intoRow; i++) {
                    if (pixelCounts[i] < minPixelCount) {
                        minPixelCount = pixelCounts[i];
                        minIndex = i;

            // separate the shapes among the rows
            List<RowOfShapes> newRows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>(rowSeparations.size() + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i <= rowSeparations.size(); i++) {

            // add a separator at the beginning and end
            rowSeparations.add(0, 0);
            rowSeparations.add(yInterval + 1);
            for (Shape shape : row.getShapes()) {
                int yDeltaAtLeft = (int) Math.round(regression.predict(shape.getLeft()));
                int topIndex = (shape.getTop() - row.getTop()) + (row.getTop() - yDeltaAtLeft) + yDelta;
                int firstSepAfterShapeBottom = rowSeparations.size();
                int lastSepBeforeShapeTop = -1;

                for (int i = rowSeparations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    int rowSeparation = rowSeparations.get(i);
                    if (rowSeparation <= topIndex) {
                        lastSepBeforeShapeTop = i;

                for (int i = 0; i < rowSeparations.size(); i++) {
                    int rowSeparation = rowSeparations.get(i);
                    if (rowSeparation >= topIndex + shape.getHeight()) {
                        firstSepAfterShapeBottom = i;

                if (lastSepBeforeShapeTop == firstSepAfterShapeBottom - 1) {
                    // shape clearly belongs to one row
                    RowOfShapes newRow = newRows.get(lastSepBeforeShapeTop);
                } else {
                    // is the shape much closer to one row than another?
                    // if yes, add it to then add it to this row
                    int[] yPixelsPerRow = new int[newRows.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < newRows.size(); i++) {
                        int separatorTop = rowSeparations.get(i);
                        int separatorBottom = rowSeparations.get(i + 1);
                        int top = topIndex < separatorTop ? separatorTop : topIndex;
                        int bottom = topIndex + shape.getHeight() < separatorBottom
                                ? topIndex + shape.getHeight()
                                : separatorBottom;
                        yPixelsPerRow[i] = bottom - top;

                    int pixelsInMaxRow = 0;
                    int maxPixelRowIndex = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newRows.size(); i++) {
                        if (yPixelsPerRow[i] > pixelsInMaxRow) {
                            pixelsInMaxRow = yPixelsPerRow[i];
                            maxPixelRowIndex = i;
                    double minPercentage = 0.8;
                    if (((double) pixelsInMaxRow / (double) shape.getHeight()) >= minPercentage) {
                        RowOfShapes newRow = newRows.get(maxPixelRowIndex);
                    } else {
                        // otherwise, the shape needs to be got rid of
                        // as it's causing massive confusion
                        // do this by simply not adding it anywhere
                } // is the shape in one row exactly?
            } // next shape
            splitRows.put(row, newRows);
        } // do we have more than one row?
    } // next row

    for (RowOfShapes row : splitRows.keySet()) {
        List<RowOfShapes> newRows = splitRows.get(row);
        sourceImage.replaceRow(row, newRows);

From source file:org.rascalmpl.library.analysis.statistics.SimpleRegressions.java

SimpleRegression make(IList dataValues) {
    if (dataValues.length() <= 2)
        throw RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(dataValues, null, null,
                "SimpleRegression data should have more than 2 elements");
    SimpleRegression simple = new SimpleRegression();
    for (IValue v : dataValues) {
        ITuple t = (ITuple) v;/*w w w.  j a va 2 s. co m*/
        INumber x = (INumber) t.get(0);
        INumber y = (INumber) t.get(1);
        simple.addData(x.toReal().doubleValue(), y.toReal().doubleValue());
    return simple;

From source file:playground.boescpa.converters.vissim.tools.TripMatcher.java

public HashMap<Id<Trip>, Integer> matchTrips(HashMap<Id<Trip>, Long[]> msTrips,
        HashMap<Id<Trip>, Long[]> amTrips) {

    int matchesWithHighScores = 0;
    int matchesWithVeryHighScores = 0;
    int progressCounter = 0;
    int progressChecker = 2;

    HashMap<Id<Trip>, Integer> countsPerAnmTrip = new HashMap<>();
    for (Id<Trip> amTrip : amTrips.keySet()) {
        countsPerAnmTrip.put(amTrip, 0);
    }//w w  w.j  ava 2 s  . c o m
    List<Id<Trip>> amTripsKeySet = new ArrayList<>(amTrips.keySet());

    for (Id<Trip> msTrip : msTrips.keySet()) {
        Long[] msTripZones = msTrips.get(msTrip);

        Id<Trip> bestMatchingAmTrip = null;
        int bestMatchScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        // Shuffle key set:
        for (Id<Trip> amTrip : amTripsKeySet) {
            Long[] amTripZones = amTrips.get(amTrip);

            // Linear regression between the to trips:
            SimpleRegression simpleRegression = new SimpleRegression();
            for (int i = 0; i < msTripZones.length; i++) {
                boolean foundNone = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < amTripZones.length; j++) {
                    if (msTripZones[i].equals(amTripZones[j])) {
                        simpleRegression.addData(i, j);
                        foundNone = false;
                if (foundNone) {
                    int yPos = -(msTripZones.length - i) - NEG_OFFSET_IF_NOT_FOUNG;
                    simpleRegression.addData(i, yPos);

            // Scoring:
            int matchScore = 0;

            // Criterion 1.1: Difference in length of trips not greater than 10%.
            if (((double) Math.abs(msTripZones.length - amTripZones.length))
                    / ((double) msTripZones.length) <= 0.1) {
                matchScore += TEN_PRCT_SCORE;
            // Criterion 1.2: The smaller the difference in length, the better.
            matchScore -= (Math.abs(msTripZones.length - amTripZones.length) * LENGTH_SCORE);

            // Criterion 2: The closer the intercept to zero, the better.
            matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(simpleRegression.getIntercept()) * INTERCEPT_SCORE);

            // Criterion 3: The closer the slope to one, the better.
            matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(1 - simpleRegression.getSlope()) * SLOPE_SCORE);

            // Criterion 4: The smaller the mean square error of the regression, the better.
            matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(simpleRegression.getMeanSquareError()) * MSE_SCORE);

            if (matchScore > bestMatchScore) {
                bestMatchScore = matchScore;
                bestMatchingAmTrip = amTrip;

        countsPerAnmTrip.put(bestMatchingAmTrip, (countsPerAnmTrip.get(bestMatchingAmTrip) + 1));

        if (bestMatchScore >= 0.9 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE) {
            if (bestMatchScore >= 0.99 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE) {

        // log progress:
        if (progressCounter >= progressChecker) {
            log.info(progressChecker + " trips matched.");
            progressChecker *= 2;

    log.info("Of total " + msTrips.size() + " trips, " + matchesWithHighScores
            + " were matched with a high score above " + 0.9 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE + " points.");
    log.info("Of total " + msTrips.size() + " trips, " + matchesWithVeryHighScores
            + " were matched with a very high score above " + 0.99 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE + " points.");

    return countsPerAnmTrip;

From source file:playground.johannes.coopsim.analysis.ScoreTask.java

public void analyze(Set<Trajectory> trajectories, Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> results) {
    DescriptiveStatistics allScores = new DescriptiveStatistics();
    for (Trajectory t : trajectories)
    results.put("score", allScores);

    DescriptiveStatistics actScores = ActivityEvaluator.stopLogging();
    results.put("score_act", actScores);

    DescriptiveStatistics legScores = LegEvaluator.stopLogging();
    results.put("score_leg", legScores);

    Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> jointScore = JointActivityEvaluator2.stopLogging();
    //      Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> jointScore = JointActivityEvaluator.stopLogging();
    for (Entry<String, DescriptiveStatistics> entry : jointScore.entrySet()) {
        results.put("score_join_" + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    }//ww w  .  j  a  v  a  2  s .co m

    DescriptiveStatistics typeScore = ActivityTypeEvaluator.stopLogging();
    results.put("score_type", typeScore);

    try {
        writeHistograms(allScores, "score", 50, 50);
        writeHistograms(actScores, "score_act", 50, 50);
        writeHistograms(legScores, "score_leg", 50, 50);
        for (Entry<String, DescriptiveStatistics> entry : jointScore.entrySet()) {
            writeHistograms(entry.getValue(), new LinearDiscretizer(0.5), "score_join_" + entry.getKey(),
            writeHistograms(entry.getValue(), "score_join_" + entry.getKey(), 50, 50);

        writeHistograms(typeScore, new DummyDiscretizer(), "score_type", false);
    } catch (IOException e) {


    if (scores.size() >= MIN_SAMPLES) {
        SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();

        for (int i = scores.size() - MIN_SAMPLES; i < scores.size(); i++) {
            reg.addData(i, scores.get(i));

        if (reg.getSlope() < THRESHOLD)
            converged = true;


From source file:playground.johannes.studies.coopsim.Convergence.java

 * @param args/*from ww w. j av a2s.c  om*/
 * @throws IOException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String root = "/Volumes/cluster.math.tu-berlin.de/net/ils2/jillenberger/leisure/runs/run259/tasks/8/";
    File outputDir = new File(root + "/output");
    String property = "d_trip_culture";

    File analysisDir = new File(root + "/analysis");

    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(
            new FileWriter(analysisDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + property + ".txt"));

    TDoubleArrayList yVals = new TDoubleArrayList();
    TDoubleArrayList xVals = new TDoubleArrayList();

    for (File file : outputDir.listFiles()) {
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            File statsFile = new File(String.format("%1$s/statistics.txt", file.getAbsolutePath()));

            if (statsFile.exists()) {
                String iter = file.getName();

                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(statsFile));
                String line = reader.readLine();

                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                    String[] tokens = line.split("\t");
                    String key = tokens[0];
                    String val = tokens[1];

                    if (key.equals(property)) {



    for (int i = 40; i < yVals.size(); i++) {
        SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();
        for (int k = i - 40; k < i; k++) {
            reg.addData(k, yVals.get(k));

        System.out.println(String.format("Slope after iteration %1$s: %2$s.", i, reg.getSlope()));

From source file:uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.generic.visualisation.charts.Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression.java

 * @param data double[2][] where: data[0][] are the y values data[1][] are
 * the x values/*from w  w w  . ja  va2s . c  om*/
 * @return double[] result where: <ul> <li>result[0] is the y axis
 * intercept;</li> <li>result[1] is the change in y relative to x (gradient
 * or slope);</li> <li>result[2] is the rank correlation coefficient
 * (RSquare);</li> <li>result[3] is data[0].length.</li> </ul>
public static double[] getSimpleRegressionParameters(double[][] data) {
    double[] result = new double[4];
    // org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
    SimpleRegression a_SimpleRegression = new SimpleRegression();
    //System.out.println("data.length " + data[0].length);
    for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
        a_SimpleRegression.addData(data[1][i], data[0][i]);
        //aSimpleRegression.addData(data[0][i], data[1][i]);
    result[0] = a_SimpleRegression.getIntercept();
    result[1] = a_SimpleRegression.getSlope();
    result[2] = a_SimpleRegression.getRSquare();
    result[3] = data[0].length;
    return result;

From source file:uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.process.RegressionReport.java

 * data[0][] = observed  SAR//from  w  w w.  ja  v a 2s . c om
 * data[1][] = expected  CAS
 * @param data
 * @return 
public static double[] printSimpleRegression(double[][] data) {
    double[] result = new double[3];
    // org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
    SimpleRegression aSimpleRegression = new SimpleRegression();
    System.out.println("data.length " + data[0].length);
    for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
        // aSimpleRegression.addData( data[1][i], data[0][i] );
        aSimpleRegression.addData(data[0][i], data[1][i]);
    double _Intercept = aSimpleRegression.getIntercept();
    double _Slope = aSimpleRegression.getSlope();
    double _RSquare = aSimpleRegression.getRSquare();
    System.out.println(" y = " + _Slope + " * x + " + _Intercept);
    System.out.println(" RSquare " + _RSquare);
    result[0] = _Intercept;
    result[1] = _Slope;
    result[2] = _RSquare;
    return result;