Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution NormalDistribution NormalDistribution

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution NormalDistribution NormalDistribution


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution NormalDistribution NormalDistribution.


public NormalDistribution(double mean, double sd, double inverseCumAccuracy)
        throws NotStrictlyPositiveException 

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Create a normal distribution using the given mean, standard deviation and inverse cumulative distribution accuracy.


From source file:fr.inria.zenith.randomWalk.RandomWalkTsG.java

public static String[] randomWalk(int length) {
    NormalDistribution n = new NormalDistribution(new JDKRandomGenerator(), 0, 1); //mean 0 std 1 variance 1
    String[] ts = new String[length];
    double[] tstemp = new double[length];
    double[] e = new double[length - 1];

    for (int i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
        e[i] = n.sample();/*  w w  w . j  av a2s .  co m*/
    ts[0] = "0.0";
    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
        ts[i] = (tstemp[i] = tstemp[i - 1] + e[i - 1]) + "";
    return ts;

From source file:com.insightml.models.clusters.GaussianMixtureModelsTest.java

public void test() {
    final Well19937c rnd = new Well19937c(0);
    final double[] data = Vectors.append(new NormalDistribution(rnd, 10, 5).sample(50),
            new NormalDistribution(rnd, 4000, 100).sample(75));
    final Point[] points = new Point[data.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
        points[i] = new Point(data[i]);
    }//  www .j  ava2  s  . c o m
    final Triple<IContDistribution[], double[], double[][]> out = new GaussianMixtureModels().run(points, 2,
    final Components result = new Components(out.getFirst(), out.getSecond());
    Assert.assertEquals(-685.3993, result.incompleteLogLikelihood(data), 0.0001);
    Assert.assertEquals(-690.2276, result.bic(data), 0.0001);

From source file:com.vsthost.rnd.jdeoptim.evolution.strategies.SandboxStrategy.java

public void regenerate(Population population, Problem problem, Objective objective) {
    // Get the best member of the population:
    final double[] bestMember = population.getBestMember();

    // Define the new population data and scores as we don't want to override old one within the loop:
    final double[][] newPopData = new double[population.getSize()][];
    final double[] newPopScores = new double[population.getSize()];
    final boolean[] newPopFlags = new boolean[population.getSize()];

    // Iterate over the current population:
    for (int c = 0; c < population.getSize(); c++) {
        // Are we going to adjust CR and F?
        if (this.c > 0) {
            // Yes. We will not adjust the CR first:
            this.cr = new NormalDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanCR, 0.1).sample();

            // Check and reset CR:
            this.cr = this.cr > 1 ? 1 : (this.cr < 0 ? 0 : this.cr);

            // OK, now we will adjust F:
            do {/*from w w  w  .  j  a v a  2 s.  co m*/
                // Get the new F:
                this.f = new CauchyDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanF, 0.1).sample();

                // Check and reset F if required:
                this.f = this.f > 1 ? 1 : this.f;
            } while (this.f <= 0);

        // Get the candidate as the base of the next candidate (a.k.a. trial):
        final double[] trial = population.getMemberCopy(c);

        // Get the score of the candidate:
        final double oldScore = population.getScore(c);

        // Get 2 random member indices from the population which are distinct:
        int[] randomMembers = Utils.pickRandom(Utils.sequence(population.getSize()), 2, new int[] { c },

        // Get the random members:
        final double[] randomMember1 = population.getMember(randomMembers[0]);
        final double[] randomMember2 = population.getMember(randomMembers[1]);

        // Iterate over all member elements and do the trick:
        for (int i = 0; i < population.getDimension(); i++) {
            // Any manipulation?
            if (probability.sample() < this.cr) {
                // Yes, we will proceed with a change:
                trial[i] = bestMember[i]
                        + this.f * (probability.sample() + 0.0001) * (randomMember1[i] - randomMember2[i]);

        // Apply limits in case that we have violated:
        for (int i = 0; i < trial.length; i++) {
            // Check lower limit:
            if (trial[i] < problem.getLower()[i]) {
                trial[i] = problem.getLower()[i];
            // Check upper limit:
            else if (trial[i] > problem.getUpper()[i]) {
                trial[i] = problem.getUpper()[i];

        // OK, we are done with the trial. We will now check if we have a
        // better candidate. If yes, we will replace the old member with the trial,
        // if not we will just skip. Compute the score:
        final double newScore = objective.apply(trial);

        // Check the new score against the old one and act accordingly:
        if (newScore < oldScore) {
            // Yes, our trial is a better candidate. Replace:
            newPopData[c] = trial;
            newPopScores[c] = newScore;
            newPopFlags[c] = true;

            // We will now re-adjust for CR and F.
            this.goodCR += this.cr / ++this.goodNPCount;
            this.goodF += this.f;
            this.goodF2 += Math.pow(this.f, 2);
        } else {
            newPopFlags[c] = false;

        // Re-compute mean CR and F if required:
        if (this.c > 0 && this.goodF != 0) {
            this.meanCR = (1 - this.c) * this.meanCR + this.c * this.goodCR;
            this.meanF = (1 - this.c) * this.meanF + this.c * this.goodF2 / this.goodF;

    // Now, override the population:
    for (int i = 0; i < population.getSize(); i++) {
        if (newPopFlags[i]) {
            population.setMember(i, newPopData[i], newPopScores[i]);

From source file:com.vsthost.rnd.jdeoptim.evolution.strategies.Strategy3.java

public void regenerate(Population population, Problem problem, Objective objective) {
    // Setup a uniform integer distribution for candidate element selection:
    UniformIntegerDistribution elementSampling = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            population.getDimension() - 1);

    // Get the best member of the population:
    final double[] bestMember = population.getBestMember();

    // Define the new population data and scores as we don't want to override old one within the loop:
    final double[][] newPopData = new double[population.getSize()][];
    final double[] newPopScores = new double[population.getSize()];
    final boolean[] newPopFlags = new boolean[population.getSize()];

    // Iterate over the current population:
    for (int c = 0; c < population.getSize(); c++) {
        // Are we going to adjust CR and F?
        if (this.c > 0) {
            // Yes. We will not adjust the CR first:
            this.cr = new NormalDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanCR, 0.1).sample();

            // Check and reset CR:
            this.cr = this.cr > 1 ? 1 : (this.cr < 0 ? 0 : this.cr);

            // OK, now we will adjust F:
            do {/*from  www  .  ja va2s  .co m*/
                // Get the new F:
                this.f = new CauchyDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanF, 0.1).sample();

                // Check and reset F if required:
                this.f = this.f > 1 ? 1 : this.f;
            } while (this.f <= 0.0);

        // Get the candidate as the base of the next candidate (a.k.a. trial):
        final double[] trial = population.getMemberCopy(c);

        // Get the score of the candidate:
        final double oldScore = population.getScore(c);

        // Get two random candidate indices:
        final int[] randomCandidates = Utils.pickRandom(Utils.sequence(population.getSize()), 2,
                new int[] { c }, this.randomGenerator);

        // Get the index of element of candidate to start with:
        int j = elementSampling.sample();

        // Set the counter for preventing overflowing dimension:
        int k = 0;

        // Iterate and set elements:
        do {
            // Get the jitter:
            final double jitter = (probability.sample() * this.jitterFactor) + this.f;

            // Get the respective element of the best candidate:
            final double bestest = bestMember[j];

            // Get the random candidate elements:
            final double random1 = population.getMember(randomCandidates[0])[j];
            final double random2 = population.getMember(randomCandidates[1])[j];

            // Override trial:
            trial[j] = bestest + jitter * (random1 - random2);

            // Move to the next element:
            j = (j + 1) % population.getDimension();

            // Increment k:
        } while (probability.sample() < this.cr && k < population.getDimension());

        // We have an interim trial. We will now truncate:
        for (int i = 0; i < trial.length; i++) {
            // Are we truncating?
            if (precision == 0) {

            // OK, truncate:
            trial[i] = DMatrixUtils.roundDoubleToClosest(trial[i], this.precision);

        // Apply limits in case that we have violated:
        for (int i = 0; i < trial.length; i++) {
            // Check lower limit:
            if (trial[i] < problem.getLower()[i]) {
                if (this.bounceBack) {
                    trial[i] = problem.getLower()[i]
                            + probability.sample() * (problem.getUpper()[i] - problem.getLower()[i]);
                } else {
                    trial[i] = problem.getLower()[i];

            // Check upper limit:
            if (trial[i] > problem.getUpper()[i]) {
                if (this.bounceBack) {
                    trial[i] = problem.getUpper()[i]
                            - probability.sample() * (problem.getUpper()[i] - problem.getLower()[i]);
                } else {
                    trial[i] = problem.getUpper()[i];

        // We will now check if we have a
        // better candidate. If yes, we will replace the old member with the trial,
        // if not we will just skip. Compute the score:
        final double newScore = objective.apply(trial);

        // Check the new score against the old one and act accordingly:
        if (newScore < oldScore) {
            // Yes, our trial is a better candidate. Replace:
            newPopData[c] = trial;
            newPopScores[c] = newScore;
            newPopFlags[c] = true;

            // We will now re-adjust for CR and F.
            this.goodCR += this.cr / ++this.goodNPCount;
            this.goodF += this.f;
            this.goodF2 += Math.pow(this.f, 2);
        } else {
            newPopFlags[c] = false;

    // Re-compute mean CR and F if required:
    if (this.c > 0 && this.goodF != 0) {
        this.meanCR = (1 - this.c) * this.meanCR + this.c * this.goodCR;
        this.meanF = (1 - this.c) * this.meanF + this.c * this.goodF2 / this.goodF;

    // Now, override the population:
    for (int i = 0; i < population.getSize(); i++) {
        if (newPopFlags[i]) {
            population.setMember(i, newPopData[i], newPopScores[i]);

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.util.RandomUtil.java

 * Sets the seed to the given value.//from  w  w  w . ja v a  2  s  . com
 * @param seed A long value. Once this seed is set, the behavior of the random number generator is deterministic, so
 *             setting the seed can be used to repeat previous behavior.
public void setSeed(long seed) {

    // Apache offers several random number generators; picking one that works pretty well.
    randomGenerator = new Well44497b(seed);
    normal = new NormalDistribution(randomGenerator, 0, 1);
    this.seed = seed;

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.LargeScaleSimulation.java

 * This simulates data by picking random values for the exogenous terms and
 * percolating this information down through the SEM, assuming it is
 * acyclic. Works, but will hang for cyclic models, and is very slow for
 * large numbers of variables (probably due to the heavyweight lookups of
 * various values--could be improved). The model must be acyclic, or else
 * this will spin.//from  w ww.  j a v a  2 s . co m
public DataSet simulateDataRecursive(int sampleSize) {
    if (tierIndices == null) {
        List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();
        tierIndices = new int[nodes.size()];
        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
            tierIndices[j] = j;

    int size = variableNodes.size();

    class SimulateTask extends RecursiveTask<Boolean> {
        private final int from;
        private final int to;
        private double[][] all;
        private int chunk;

        public SimulateTask(int from, int to, double[][] all, int chunk) {
            this.from = from;
            this.to = to;
            this.all = all;
            this.chunk = chunk;

        protected Boolean compute() {
            if (from - to > chunk) {
                int mid = from + to / 2;
                SimulateTask left = new SimulateTask(from, mid, all, chunk);
                SimulateTask right = new SimulateTask(mid, to, all, chunk);
                return true;
            } else {
                for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
                    NormalDistribution normal = new NormalDistribution(new Well1024a(++seed), 0, 1);//sqrt(errorVars[col]));

                    if (verbose && (i + 1) % 50 == 0)
                        System.out.println("Simulating " + (i + 1));

                    for (int col : tierIndices) {
                        double value = normal.sample() * sqrt(errorVars[col]);

                        for (int j = 0; j < parents[col].length; j++) {
                            value += all[parents[col][j]][i] * coefs[col][j];

                        value += means[col];

                        all[col][i] = value;

                return true;

    if (graph instanceof TimeLagGraph) {
        sampleSize += 200;

    double[][] all = new double[variableNodes.size()][sampleSize];

    int chunk = sampleSize / ForkJoinPoolInstance.getInstance().getPool().getParallelism() + 1;

    ForkJoinPoolInstance.getInstance().getPool().invoke(new SimulateTask(0, sampleSize, all, chunk));

    if (graph instanceof TimeLagGraph) {
        int[] rem = new int[200];
        for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
            rem[i] = i;
        BoxDataSet dat = new BoxDataSet(new VerticalDoubleDataBox(all), variableNodes);
        return dat;

    return new BoxDataSet(new VerticalDoubleDataBox(all), variableNodes);

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.util.RandomUtil.java

 * Returns Normal PDF value for a normal with the given mean and standard deviation.
 * @param mean  The mean of the normal to be used.
 * @param sd    The standard deviation of the normal to be used.
 * @param value The domain value for the PDF.
 * @return Ibid./*from   www . j a v a2s .  co  m*/
public double normalPdf(double mean, double sd, double value) {
    return new NormalDistribution(randomGenerator, mean, sd).density(value);

From source file:MannWhitneyUTest.java

 * @param Umin/*from   ww w .  jav  a2 s .  com*/
 *            smallest Mann-Whitney U value
 * @param n1
 *            number of subjects in first sample
 * @param n2
 *            number of subjects in second sample
 * @return two-sided asymptotic p-value
 * @throws ConvergenceException
 *             if the p-value can not be computed due to a convergence error
 * @throws MaxCountExceededException
 *             if the maximum number of iterations is exceeded
private double calculateAsymptoticPValue(final double Umin, final int n1, final int n2)
        throws ConvergenceException, MaxCountExceededException {
     * long multiplication to avoid overflow (double not used due to
     * efficiency and to avoid precision loss)
    final long n1n2prod = (long) n1 * n2;

    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mann%E2%80%93Whitney_U#Normal_approximation
    final double EU = n1n2prod / 2.0;
    final double VarU = n1n2prod * (n1 + n2 + 1) / 12.0;

    final double z = (Umin - EU) / FastMath.sqrt(VarU);

    // No try-catch or advertised exception because args are valid
    // pass a null rng to avoid unneeded overhead as we will not sample from
    // this distribution
    final NormalDistribution standardNormal = new NormalDistribution(null, 0, 1);

    return 2 * standardNormal.cumulativeProbability(z);

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.LargeScaleSimulation.java

 * Simulates data using the model X = (I - B)Y^-1 * e. Errors are uncorrelated.
 * @param sampleSize The nubmer of samples to draw.
 *///  ww  w . j a  va 2s .c o m
public DataSet simulateDataReducedForm(int sampleSize) {
    if (sampleSize < 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sample size must be >= 1: " + sampleSize);

    int size = variableNodes.size();

    NormalDistribution normal = new NormalDistribution(new Well1024a(++seed), 0, 1);

    TetradMatrix B = new TetradMatrix(getCoefficientMatrix());
    TetradMatrix iMinusBInv = TetradAlgebra.identity(B.rows()).minus(B).inverse();

    double[][] all = new double[variableNodes.size()][sampleSize];

    for (int row = 0; row < sampleSize; row++) {
        TetradVector e = new TetradVector(B.rows());

        for (int j = 0; j < e.size(); j++) {
            e.set(j, normal.sample() * sqrt(errorVars[j]));

        TetradVector x = iMinusBInv.times(e);

        for (int j = 0; j < x.size(); j++) {
            all[j][row] = x.get(j);

    List<Node> continuousVars = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Node node : getVariableNodes()) {
        final ContinuousVariable var = new ContinuousVariable(node.getName());

    BoxDataSet boxDataSet = new BoxDataSet(new VerticalDoubleDataBox(all), continuousVars);
    return DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(boxDataSet);

From source file:hivemall.anomaly.ChangeFinder2DTest.java

public void testSota5D() throws HiveException {
    final int DIM = 5;
    final int EXAMPLES = 20001;

    final Double[] x = new Double[DIM];
    final List<Double> xList = Arrays.asList(x);

    Parameters params = new Parameters();
    params.set(LossFunction.logloss);/*from   ww w  .j  av  a2 s.c  om*/
    params.r1 = 0.01d;
    params.k = 10;
    params.T1 = 10;
    params.T2 = 10;
    PrimitiveObjectInspector oi = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.javaDoubleObjectInspector;
    ListObjectInspector listOI = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector(oi);
    final ChangeFinder2D cf = new ChangeFinder2D(params, listOI);
    final double[] outScores = new double[2];

    RandomGenerator rng1 = new Well19937c(31L);
    final UniformIntegerDistribution uniform = new UniformIntegerDistribution(rng1, 0, 10);
    RandomGenerator rng2 = new Well19937c(41L);
    final PoissonDistribution poissonEvent = new PoissonDistribution(rng2, 1000.d,
            PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);

    println("# time x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 mean0 mean1 mean2 mean3 mean4 outlier change");
    FIN: for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLES;) {
        int len = poissonEvent.sample();
        double data[][] = new double[DIM][len];
        double mean[] = new double[DIM];
        double sd[] = new double[DIM];
        for (int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
            mean[j] = uniform.sample() * 5.d;
            sd[j] = uniform.sample() / 10.d * 5.d + 1.d;
            if (i % 5 == 0) {
                mean[j] += 50.d;
            NormalDistribution normDist = new NormalDistribution(new Well19937c(i + j), mean[j], sd[j]);
            data[j] = normDist.sample(len);
            data[j][len / (j + 2) + DIM % (j + 1)] = mean[j] + (j + 4) * sd[j];
        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            if (i >= EXAMPLES) {
                break FIN;
            x[0] = data[0][j];
            x[1] = data[1][j];
            x[2] = data[2][j];
            x[3] = data[3][j];
            x[4] = data[4][j];
            cf.update(xList, outScores);
            buf.append(i).append(' ').append(x[0].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[1].doubleValue())
                    .append(' ').append(x[2].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[3].doubleValue()).append(' ')
                    .append(x[4].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(mean[0]).append(' ').append(mean[1])
                    .append(' ').append(mean[2]).append(' ').append(mean[3]).append(' ').append(mean[4])
                    .append(' ').append(outScores[0]).append(' ').append(outScores[1]);