Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage.


From source file org.seqdoop.hadoop_bam.cli.CLIMergingAnySAMOutputFormat.java

public class CLIMergingAnySAMOutputFormat<K> extends FileOutputFormat<K, SAMRecordWritable> {
    private KeyIgnoringAnySAMOutputFormat<K> baseOF;

    private void initBaseOF(Configuration conf) {
        if (baseOF == null)
            baseOF = new KeyIgnoringAnySAMOutputFormat<K>(conf);

From source file org.seqdoop.hadoop_bam.cli.plugins.VCFSort.java

final class SortOutputFormat<K> extends FileOutputFormat<K, VariantContextWritable> {
    public static final String INPUT_PATH_PROP = "hadoopbam.vcfsort.inpath";

    private KeyIgnoringVCFOutputFormat<K> baseOF;

    private void initBaseOF(Configuration conf) {

From source file org.seqdoop.hadoop_bam.VCFOutputFormat.java

/** An abstract {@link org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat} for VCF and
 * BCF files. Only locks down the value type and stores the output format
 * requested.
public abstract class VCFOutputFormat<K> extends FileOutputFormat<K, VariantContextWritable> {
    /** A string property defining the output format to use. The value is read

From source file org.tensorflow.hadoop.io.TFRecordFileOutputFormat.java

public class TFRecordFileOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<BytesWritable, NullWritable> {
    public RecordWriter<BytesWritable, NullWritable> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
        Path file = getDefaultWorkFile(context, "");

From source file org.tensorflow.hadoop.io.WholeFileOutputFormat.java

public class WholeFileOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<BytesWritable, NullWritable> {
    public RecordWriter<BytesWritable, NullWritable> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
        Path file = getDefaultWorkFile(context, "");

From source file org.v1.ioformat.NoSeperatorTextOutputFormate.java

/** An {@link OutputFormat} that writes plain text files. */
public class NoSeperatorTextOutputFormate<K, V> extends FileOutputFormat<K, V> {
    protected static class LineRecordWriter<K, V> extends RecordWriter<K, V> {
        private static final String utf8 = "UTF-8";
        private static final byte[] newline;
        static {

From source file org.v2.ioformat.NoSeperatorTextOutputFormate.java

/** An {@link OutputFormat} that writes plain text files. */
public class NoSeperatorTextOutputFormate<K, V> extends FileOutputFormat<K, V> {
    protected static class LineRecordWriter<K, V> extends RecordWriter<K, V> {
        private static final String utf8 = "UTF-8";
        private static final byte[] newline;
        static {

From source file org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.AbstractSpreadSheetDocumentFileOutputFormat.java

public abstract class AbstractSpreadSheetDocumentFileOutputFormat<K> extends FileOutputFormat<NullWritable, K> {

    public abstract RecordWriter<NullWritable, K> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext ctx) throws IOException;


From source file outputformat.TextValueOutputFormat.java

/** An {@link OutputFormat} that writes plain text files. */
public class TextValueOutputFormat<K, V> extends FileOutputFormat<K, V> {
    public static String SEPERATOR = "mapreduce.output.textoutputformat.separator";

From source file parquet.hadoop.ParquetMultiOutputFormat.java

 * OutputFormat to write to a Parquet file
 * <p/>
 * It requires a {@link WriteSupport} to convert the actual records to the underlying format.
 * It requires the schema of the incoming records. (provided by the write support)
 * It allows storing extra metadata in the footer (for example: for schema compatibility purpose when converting from a different schema language).